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Is India the home of World's 2nd largest Muslim population?

Perhaps not , but 11% can easily be exterminated much like the Jews under Nazi Germany..
Opinions on this thread reflect such mentality growing.
That's selection bias right there. If opinions on this thread or PDF in general was reflective of the larger Indian mindset, we would not have lived together as a pluralistic society for so long. In addition to hindus and muslims, we also have the largest population of Sikhs, and very large populations of buddhists and parsis and atheists and agnostics. The fact that we are living together in peace (by and large, despite occasional clashes in some localities) should tell you that the sample size of opinions you see here is not indicative.
You should know that, since you have been to India.
That's selection bias right there. If opinions on this thread or PDF in general was reflective of the larger Indian mindset, we would not have lived together as a pluralistic society for so long. In addition to hindus and muslims, we also have the largest population of Sikhs, and very large populations of buddhists and parsis and atheists and agnostics. The fact that we are living together in peace (by and large, despite occasional clashes in some localities) should tell you that the sample size of opinions you see here is not indicative.
You should know that, since you have been to India.
Oh I have. And the issue is NOT with how the society is now.. but what the society can be turned into.
Its not the opinions on PDF that matter as much as their infectious nature. Religious bigotry takes little time to ferment and spread.. TRUST ME.. I live in a country full of it. It turns people who are sane insane.. regardless of their religion(leave sects aside). Hearsay, preaching.. combined with the frustrations of daily lives can turn a benign tolerant person into a blood thirsty mongrel.
It only takes one Hitler with his cabal.
That's a misunderstanding of history. It may look like Hitler took power in Germany and since then Jews were genocided, but the fact is that the Nazi movement was preceded by 2000 years of organized hatred and enmity toward Jews by Christians. It did not begin with Hitler, he simply did it much more efficiently than anybody before him. Jews were always forced to lie in ghettoes outside regular cities and towns, and whenever there was a plague or bad weather, Jews would be blamed for it and massacred, dring the dark ages. Hitler was able to persuade everybody that Jews were responsible for Germany's ignominous state of affairs, only because 2000 years of hatred existed against them already, which he was able to channel into organised rage and make a scapegoat of them.
But in India, no such large scale enmity exists towards muslims. One charismatic orator is not going to be able to sway everybody into hating and genociding muslims. It is possible that muslim hating hindu groups could arise, just as extremist muslims groups can. But I douubt if either will have mass appeal wide enough to threaten the fabric of the nation. Nothing that the police forces cannot handle.
That's a misunderstanding of history. It may look like Hitler took power in Germany and since then Jews were genocided, but the fact is that the Nazi movement was preceded by 2000 years of organized hatred and enmity toward Jews by Christians. It did not begin with Hitler, he simply did it much more efficiently than anybody before him. Jews were always forced to lie in ghettoes outside regular cities and towns, and whenever there was a plague or bad weather, Jews would be blamed for it and massacred, dring the dark ages. Hitler was able to persuade everybody that Jews were responsible for Germany's ignominous state of affairs, only because 2000 years of hatred existed against them already, which he was able to channel into organised rage and make a scapegoat of them.
But in India, no such large scale enmity exists towards muslims. One charismatic orator is not going to be able to sway everybody into hating and genociding muslims. It is possible that muslim hating hindu groups could arise, just as extremist muslims groups can. But I douubt if either will have mass appeal wide enough to threaten the fabric of the nation. Nothing that the police forces cannot handle.

Is it? look at the current state of affairs.. the popularization of the "Muslim Invader" villains.. the eyewash over Babri Mosque.. The Ghettoization of Muslims.. Any terror attack and Innocent Muslims are victimized.. I see a lot of analogies here.
Is it? look at the current state of affairs.. the popularization of the "Muslim Invader" villains.. the eyewash over Babri Mosque.. The Ghettoization of Muslims.. Any terror attack and Innocent Muslims are victimized.. I see a lot of analogies here.
Let me speak for educated,professional Indian middle class.We are about 400 million in strength and only thing we want is good governance and economic progress.Not interested in killing anyone for any ideology.
Dunno about rest of 800 million Indians.
Nepal also has a growing Muslim population who are mostly from Bihar and are involved in criminal activities.
They are stereotyped as sexually devious and most rapes in the country are done by Muslims.
One of them made a comment on my cousin and my uncle beat the shit out of him.:P

Probably Muslims just can't come out of their old habit of raping hindus?

Anyways, Nepal is a irrelevant spec on the map. Nobody cares.

Perhaps not , but 11% can easily be exterminated much like the Jews under Nazi Germany..
Opinions on this thread reflect such mentality growing.

When Hitler decided to exterminate Jews, the Jews were less than 1% of total German population, 0.75% to be precise. (Ask for the source if you want). In ENTIRE Europe, there were only 9.5 million Jews or 1.7 percent of the population.

Moreover, Jews did not fight back. Muslims/Islam has the doctrine of Jihad. Even if Muslims are at impossible odds, they WILL fight back (That is why you saw Iraqis firing RPGs against Super-computer military machine of the U.S, that is why you see Talibans still fighting against NATO by using "Cooker bombs", and heck, you still see Palestinians throwing rocks at Merkava..and have been doing so for decades now. "Resistance" to oppression is inbuilt in Islam)..

Exterminating 10% of your population, and that too a population which WILL resist by any and every means available, is nothing short of national suicide. If today, some phenomenon exterminates 10% of Pakistani population, the state will most likely collapse.

Moreover, Muslims have states and armies. indians can't even dream of oppressing Muslims beyond a certain limit..because then, Pakistan will get involved and we will have access to millions of people willing to fight india if provided support..and guess what ISI does the best? ;) Look what happened in our tiny tribal area...You think india can even imagine to piss its Muslim population off beyond a certain thresh-hold?

If there was an israel in 1945, Hitler would not have killed 6 million Jews the way he did.

But over-all, Indian Muslims are hated in India--specially amongst the youth of the country...they are persecuted, oppressed, vilified and so on...
Oh I have. And the issue is NOT with how the society is now.. but what the society can be turned into.
Its not the opinions on PDF that matter as much as their infectious nature. Religious bigotry takes little time to ferment and spread.. TRUST ME.. I live in a country full of it. It turns people who are sane insane.. regardless of their religion(leave sects aside). Hearsay, preaching.. combined with the frustrations of daily lives can turn a benign tolerant person into a blood thirsty mongrel.
Yes, I am fully aware of that, how religious bigotry can poison people and destroy society. It is my gut feeling that it cannot happen on a mass scale in India. I know it has happened in Pakistan, that one of the most tolerant and liberal muslim society has now become the hotbed of extremism and hatred and bigotry. It is scary to think that such a trasnformation is possible, but I still think it is not possible in India. For one thing, Pakistan was religiously much more homogenous than India, and most people were muslims, and the country was formed on the basis of religion, so Zia and his ilk could persuade everybody that returning to pure islam would hold the country together. Then the intolerant streak of islam was welcomed and taught to an entire generation. In India, our society is already very very diverse, even hindus have very different beliefs and practices, and there is no one 'real hinduism' or 'pure hinduism' - Hindusims itself has so many different religions clubbed together, and over millenia, have had so many different beliefs and philosophies and practices. So it is not going to be easy for anybody to ask everybody to return to a 'pure hinduism' as the solution to the country's problems, because for one thing there are already hunrdreds of millions of non hindus, and even hindus have very different beliefs. Another point of course being that the possibility of a dictator like Zia (from the military or otherwise) assuming power and controlling everybody's destinies is very remote in India.

So I believe (though I cannot be certain) that such things as mass genocide of a religion will not happen in India. I hope I'm right, the future will tell.
Probably Muslims just can't come out of their old habit of raping hindus?

Anyways, Nepal is a irrelevant spec on the map. Nobody cares.
Yes, because Muslim converts like you where living like kings under Turkic and Persian rule lol.
No one asked for your opinion on Nepal so go burn down a Hindu temple or blow up a church like the rest of your kind you lonely nerd.:flame::flame::haha:
Yes, because Muslim converts like you where living like kings under Turkic and Persian rule lol.

You know, I took a class here in one of the top ten public university of the United States (Top 1% of the world!!!). The class was "Medieval Indian History" where we analyzed history in detailed manner by reading primary accounts of happenings during Islamic Invasions.

Guess what? Muslim converts were not living like Kings. But they definitely were living a way "better" life than non-converts :) Also, leaving a degenerate women burning caste-divinding religion for Islam was the choice that an intelligent human being would have made.

No one asked for your opinion on Nepal so go burn down a Hindu temple or blow up a church like the rest of your kind you

Nah. I am one of tens of thousands of those Muslims studying Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Bio-medical Engineering, Law, Environmental Engineering, Political Science, International Relations, Managerial Economics, Business, Economics, Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Media studies, International Law..and so on and on and on and on in top notch universities all across the United States. (Don't even ask about Europe! lol) ...

And this is like the truly first-college generation of Islam in America :) We "haven't even started yet..", as they say...

"Muslim Student Association (MSA)" of our university is the third largest on-campus organization here in my university. Just a month ago, a Hijabi--Muslim girl....become a senator in our university and scored THE HIGHEST amount of votes amongst ALL candidates. And remember, it is one of the MOST top-notch universities we are talking about here.

You, just like other poor Muslim-hating idiots can vent out their hate all you want...just like people here on Fox News etc...but you can't neither stop Islam (which has already become the largest practiced faith of the world--second largest nominally. Moreover, poise to become 10% of entire Europe in coming decades, Inshallah!)....NOR you can realize the amount of reach and success that Muslims have found in the West already Mashallah and again, "we haven't even appeared on the radar yet" :D

Do you know.....33.6% of all small and medium businesses in London are owned by Muslims? (And that is not counting any billionaires at all. For that, google "Muslim (mainly Qatari) billionaires in London" ) ...

In Britain alone, there are about 10,000 Muslim multi-millionares Mashallah!

Alot of this wealth is used in the further spread of global Islam, Islamic Culture worldwide, and so on...

But hey, you..just like all other Muslim-hating idiots, can keep on bitching and bitching while nobody cares.. :D

lonely nerd.:flame::flame::haha:

This alone tells alot about you. For you, this is the WORST insult to someone. You know why? Because you yourself are deeply concerned about your looks, and lack of your life in terms of opposite gender. This is basic psychology which everyone can see. In reality, you are a lonely, sad life.

Funny thing is, I went to a party yesterday. I went to a party-dinner tonight and an "after party" later ;). And I was invited for another party too but got late and couldn't go (because of the after party). And I have one more birthday-dinner scheduled for tomorrow. And this is when it is a FINALS WEEK and things are "down" in terms of party-scene here at my university. And unlike your rants, all of this is 100% true and I can swear on my mom's head about that.

Yes, "very lonely" I presume. :-)
You know, I took a class here in one of the top ten public university of the United States (Top 1% of the world!!!). The class was "Medieval Indian History" where we analyzed history in detailed manner by reading primary accounts of happenings during Islamic Invasions.

Guess what? Muslim converts were not living like Kings. But they definitely were living a way "better" life than non-converts :) Also, leaving a degenerate women burning caste-divinding religion for Islam was the choice that an intelligent human being would have made.

Nah. I am one of tens of thousands of those Muslims studying Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Bio-medical Engineering, Law, Environmental Engineering, Political Science, International Relations, Managerial Economics, Business, Economics, Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Media studies, International Law..and so on and on and on and on in top notch universities all across the United States. (Don't even ask about Europe! lol) ...

And this is like the truly first-college generation of Islam in America :) We "haven't even started yet..", as they say...

"Muslim Student Association (MSA)" of our university is the third largest on-campus organization here in my university. Just a month ago, a Hijabi--Muslim girl....become a senator in our university and scored THE HIGHEST amount of votes amongst ALL candidates. And remember, it is one of the MOST top-notch universities we are talking about here.

You, just like other poor Muslim-hating idiots can vent out their hate all you want...just like people here on Fox News etc...but you can't neither stop Islam (which has already become the largest practiced faith of the world--second largest nominally. Moreover, poise to become 10% of entire Europe in coming decades, Inshallah!)....NOR you can realize the amount of reach and success that Muslims have found in the West already Mashallah and again, "we haven't even appeared on the radar yet" :D

Do you know.....33.6% of all small and medium businesses in London are owned by Muslims? (And that is not counting any billionaires at all. For that, google "Muslim (mainly Qatari) billionaires in London" ) ...

In Britain alone, there are about 10,000 Muslim multi-millionares Mashallah!

Alot of this wealth is used in the further spread of global Islam, Islamic Culture worldwide, and so on...

But hey, you..just like all other Muslim-hating idiots, can keep on bitching and bitching while nobody cares.. :D

This alone tells alot about you. For you, this is the WORST insult to someone. You know why? Because you yourself are deeply concerned about your looks, and lack of your life in terms of opposite gender. This is basic psychology which everyone can see. In reality, you are a lonely, sad life.

Funny thing is, I went to a party yesterday. I went to a party-dinner tonight and an "after party" later ;). And I was invited for another party too but got late and couldn't go (because of the after party). And I have one more birthday-dinner scheduled for tomorrow. And this is when it is a FINALS WEEK and things are "down" in terms of party-scene here at my university. And unlike your rants, all of this is 100% true and I can swear on my mom's head about that.

Yes, "very lonely" I presume. :-)
Oh yes, you went to a party. I heard all about it, heres a pictures of you and your friends at this "party".:rofl::rofl::haha::haha::flame::flame:
Oh yes, you went to a party. I heard all about it, heres a pictures of you and your friends at this "party".:rofl::rofl::haha::haha::flame::flame:

I don't support PML(N)...

Secondly, I am in the U.S.

Thirdly, I honestly feel sad for you now. Shouldn't have touched your insecurities :coffee:

Fourthly, Read my post. Re-read it again. Re-re read it again.
I don't support PML(N)...

Secondly, I am in the U.S.

Thirdly, I honestly feel sad for you now. Shouldn't have touched your insecurities :coffee:

Fourthly, Read my post. Re-read it again. Re-re read it again.
GettIng called insecure from the guy who had to prove he has been to a party in his life.:rofl::rofl:
I found a selfie of you taken at one of the many parties you have been to "party animal". ;):haha:
Perhaps not , but 11% can easily be exterminated much like the Jews under Nazi Germany..
Opinions on this thread reflect such mentality growing.

The reply given was to a point made by a poster suggesting that India might become an Islamic republic.

Since you have brought extermination along, if Pak cannot exterminate Hindus , Christians & Sikhs who are a minuscule % how can Muslims in India be ' exterminated' and why should they ? They have shared this land for centuries and shall do so forever.
GettIng called insecure from the guy who had to prove he has been to a party in his life.:rofl::rofl:

You can now sooth yourself with such shaky writing and offcourse, with alot of smilies. But hundreds of people who will read our conversation can easily tell the insecurity of a teenager hiding behind smilies and "winkies." Those of us who are old enough to understand basic psychology of human behavior understands quite well what your state of mind is.

Lastly, no one tried to "prove" anything. I just showed you how your hopeless ranter on internet only makes the readers to pity on your empty life...while others are doing quite well in their real life without caring much regarding your tear-ful ranting.

I found a selfie of you taken at one of the many parties you have been to "party animal". ;):haha:

Again, it is very basic psychology at display here.

You took time and found the "best" picture for me and you thought that putting smilies and relating me to this picture is the best thing to do in order to put me down. You know why? Because that is what you see in yourself :) This picture represents your self-image. The psychological self image.

Deep inside, you are a sad, lonely young male with no skills in terms of opposite gender.

Moreover, you keep on taking on a guy who goes to one of the top 1% of the universities and lives in a city where average income is $65,000.

Both of these things are something you will just LOVE to have. But you don't have 'em. You live in a country which is nothing more than a spec on a map. Nobody cares about your country or you. But again, you put tons of smilies in order to hide your sadness, non-achievement in life, and loneliness in the mask of sarcasm.


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