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Is India the home of World's 2nd largest Muslim population?

You can now sooth yourself with such shaky writing and offcourse, with alot of smilies. But hundreds of people who will read our conversation can easily tell the insecurity of a teenager hiding behind smilies and "winkies." Those of us who are old enough to understand basic psychology of human behavior understands quite well what your state of mind is.

Lastly, no one tried to "prove" anything. I just showed you how your hopeless ranter on internet only makes the readers to pity on your empty life...while others are doing quite well in their real life without caring much regarding your tear-ful ranting.

Again, it is very basic psychology at display here.

You took time and found the "best" picture for me and you thought that putting smilies and relating me to this picture is the best thing to do in order to put me down. You know why? Because that is what you see in yourself :) This picture represents your self-image. The psychological self image.

Deep inside, you are a sad, lonely young male with no skills in terms of opposite gender.

Moreover, you keep on taking on a guy who goes to one of the top 1% of the universities and lives in a city where average income is $65,000.

Both of these things are something you will just LOVE to have. But you don't have 'em. You live in a country which is nothing more than a spec on a map. Nobody cares about your country or you. But again, you put tons of smilies in order to hide your sadness, non-achievement in life, and loneliness in the mask of sarcasm.

You and your buddy's at one of your epic parties.:rofl::rofl::omghaha::omghaha::haha::haha:
Perhaps not , but 11% can easily be exterminated much like the Jews under Nazi Germany..
Opinions on this thread reflect such mentality growing.
The peak of hatred towards muslims was in 90s leading to babri mosque demolition. Its relatively muted after that.
If it is any consolation to you, muslims hate hindus will equal vigour if not more. But both sides are under control by and large.
The peak of hatred towards muslims was in 90s leading to babri mosque demolition. Its relatively muted after that.
If it is any consolation to you, muslims hate hindus will equal vigour if not more. But both sides are under control by and large.

One has to look in retrospect and see if the reason they all survived together for such a long time had more to do with wanting to please one strong ruler rather than letting them all have their say?
Perhaps not , but 11% can easily be exterminated much like the Jews under Nazi Germany..
Opinions on this thread reflect such mentality growing.
Not if 11% amounts to close to 150 million..And do you want to point out opinions on this thread that make you think that.. (and dont show me suicide trolls )

Perhaps not , but 11% can easily be exterminated much like the Jews under Nazi Germany..
Opinions on this thread reflect such mentality growing.
Not if 11% amounts to close to 150 million..And do you want to point out opinions on this thread that make you think that.. (and dont show me suicide trolls )
Not if 11% amounts to close to 150 million..And do you want to point out opinions on this thread that make you think that.. (and dont show me suicide trolls )

Why not suicide trolls? THey have opinions dont they? After all, many idiotic hate preachers in Pakistan would essentially be suicide trolls in an educated crowd. But give them the illiterate and desperate.. and they will gather followers
Why not suicide trolls? THey have opinions dont they? After all, many idiotic hate preachers in Pakistan would essentially be suicide trolls in an educated crowd. But give them the illiterate and desperate.. and they will gather followers

Not Suicide trolls because I wont put it past Pakistani members to create an id and post as Indians to flame such sentiments.. I mean its gonna take me 5 mins to create a muslim sounding id and seem to be coming from SA or Turke, with a Pakistani flag and start posting racist comments against Pakistani minorities.. Internet is anyway anonymous and there also if you start taking suicide trolls on the face value of their declared origin, that's a new level of naivety in my view..
Not Suicide trolls because I wont put it past Pakistani members to create an id and post as Indians to flame such sentiments.. I mean its gonna take me 5 mins to create a muslim sounding id and seem to be coming from SA or Turke, with a Pakistani flag and start posting racist comments against Pakistani minorities.. Internet is anyway anonymous and there also if you start taking suicide trolls on the face value of their declared origin, that's a new level of naivety in my view..
Now you are just showing your bias. Indians cant do no wrong? Please.. peddle that bull somewhere else.
Perhaps you are ignoring the history of Nazi Germany .
It was not Hitler and his cabal alone ....

whole Germany had rallied around him and conspired with him .
EXACTLY!!.. they followed every thing he said. He ignited a spark that long existed.
Now you are just showing your bias. Indians cant do no wrong? Please.. peddle that bull somewhere else.
Oh C'mon.. Now you are just showing yours. Frankly, I never thought I would say this to you, but your logic here is just crap...

Ideally when one forms opinions, they better be based on as less variables as possible.. And members with 100-200 posts and the ones that specifically seem to have been made as disposable ids are hardly credible data points. If you want to use them as your sample for your hypotheses, be my guest, but from my frame of reference, that's either a bad sampling strategy or simply an intentional selection bias..
we are not exactly living peacefully.... its just that we are making a lot of babies... :)
That's because muslims are allowed to marry four girls and divorce them when they want...no one else...another evil and worthless work of bloody pseudo secularist congress.Hindus about 26 crore after partition in India now are 80 crore which is about 3 times more growth...muslims some 3 crore after partition in India but now 21 crore that 7 times growth the original numbers.Only bacteria can match muslim growth numbers in India.
One has to look in retrospect and see if the reason they all survived together for such a long time had more to do with wanting to please one strong ruler rather than letting them all have their say?

One can always expound theories that pleases you..

But to know truth one has to be brutally honest ....

Do you really think that such flimsy reasons will keep people together for such a long time despite such calamitous perturbations in social harmony ???

EXACTLY!!.. they followed every thing he said. He ignited a spark that long existed.

Well but you have to agree that Hitler didn't scripted it alone .

and there existed sense of disquiet revenge within Germany against jews ...

do you see similar case withy regards to India ???

Only if you have lived and traversed through length and breadth of India , you will be able to make any appropriate assumption in this regard !
That's because muslims are allowed to marry four girls and divorce them when they want...no one else...another evil and worthless work of bloody pseudo secularist congress.Hindus about 26 crore after partition in India now are 80 crore which is about 3 times more growth...muslims some 3 crore after partition in India but now 21 crore that 7 times growth the original numbers.Only bacteria can match muslim growth numbers in India.
the growth has slowed down..
the only muslim family in our village (they came from outside and settled around 40 years ago) has nearly 25 members now starting from two. There was a point in which the old man and the eldest son had babies at same time. (I think the old man has around 10 children)
However second generation is different. Most of the old man's children have 2 or 3 babies.
the growth has slowed down..
the only muslim family in our village (they came from outside and settled around 40 years ago) has nearly 25 members now starting from two. There was a point in which the old man and the eldest son had babies at same time. (I think the old man has around 10 children)
However second generation is different. Most of the old man's children have 2 or 3 babies.
Slowed down because how long can free food be provided to them either by government or muslim associations?

Ten children...25 members in one family...damn.How is he able to feed them in such times?

the growth has slowed down..
the only muslim family in our village (they came from outside and settled around 40 years ago) has nearly 25 members now starting from two. There was a point in which the old man and the eldest son had babies at same time. (I think the old man has around 10 children)
However second generation is different. Most of the old man's children have 2 or 3 babies.
Anyways...muslim growth is more than twice Hindu growth.That alone should speak of our tolerance and acceptance.Look at pakistan,Hindu population ran in double digits after partition and now its 1% which is also declining rapidly because of genocides and ethnic cleansing.

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