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Is India the home of World's 2nd largest Muslim population?

20 crore Indian Muslims ???
although all Indian civil and Military awards names are based on Hindu fairy characters Indian Government is claimant of secularism.

Atleast the characters are names, written in epics, in the lands of the subcontinent. And Pakistan? Naming after barbarious invaders and Arabs.! :P
It is, unfortunately. Both you and I know the negative consequences of overpopulation. Bangladesh is even more overpopulated.

However, Pakistan is just barely managing it, I think we're not quite into that red zone yet, so we need to start doing something about it know. Otherwise by 2050 Pakistan's population will reach 300-400 million!


Pakistani Punjab and Sindh are in the red zone. Pakistan also has less arable land with food production capacity than India as a percentage of the total land.
I always thought after Indonesia Pakistan is the home of world's largest Muslim population followed by Bangladesh but I was thinking Pakistan has 18 crore population among which 17 crore is Muslim population whereas India has 20 crore Muslims at least. So how can Pakistan be the 2nd largest Muslim populated country? Isn't India the second largest Muslim populated country?

PS: Hey guys, congrats me. This is my 1000th post. :dance3:

Either you are a " Damn LIAR " or you are calling the " Indian Government a Damn LIAR ".

Please let us know which one of the two possibilities is actually true.

According to Indian Government Muslims are 14.64% of Indian Population

1.2 billion X 14.64 % = 175,680,000 Muslims

Pakistan's Population is 192 Billion out of which 185 million are Muslims.

Personally, I think the Indian Government is a damn Liar as they under report Muslims in India because of " POLITICAL " Reasons.
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Either you are a " Damn LIAR " or you are calling the " Indian Government a Damn LIAR ".

Please let us know which one of the two possibilities is actually true.

According to Indian Government Muslims are 13.54% of Indian Population

1.2 billion X 13.54% = 166,480,000 Muslims

Pakistan's Population is 192 Billion out of which 185 million are Muslims.
Mate , the Indian Nehru-Gandhi dynasty does NOT tell the real figures of the Muslims living within the Republic. They want all the votes of the `minority` they can get without getting the Hindus suspicious of their real agenda , which is to stay in Power.
Hope that helps.
P.s. - Its not a conspiracy idea , but the truth.
Yes Indian muslim population is growing, thanks to hindus killing lillte girls. Though if hindus/sikhs stopped killing little girls then both will grow around same rate. But as they say old habits die hard, hindus need another Ghaznavi so they can see the light.

Post reported
. But as they say old habits die hard, hindus need another Ghaznavi so they can see the light.
Thanks but no thanks...We already have enough problems of our own than creating another problem in the pretext of `seeing` the light!!
Hows Ur lightworking for ye? bright enough even without no electricity?
Mate , the Indian Nehru-Gandhi dynasty does NOT tell the real figures of the Muslims living within the Republic. They want all the votes of the `minority` they can get without getting the Hindus suspicious of their real agenda , which is to stay in Power.
Hope that helps.
P.s. - Its not a conspiracy idea , but the truth.

Of Course, we all know that.

I just wanted @IAMBENGALI( Hindu ) to admit that.
Can we now officially call India a land for Muslims and Hindus? India should be an important member of OIC and act as World's 2nd Muslim populated nation. It should be

1. Indonesia

2. India

3. Pakistan

4. Bangladesh

India is for all religions of the world. However, there are more Muslims in Pakistan today than India. India is 3rd on that list.
Check post #80
Of Course, we all know that.

I just wanted @IAMBENGALI( Hindu ) to admit that.

I am not Hindu. I am Muslim but I don't care what you call me. Who am I is only known to the God almighty whom I call Allah and a Hindu call Ishwar or Bhagwan.

does that give us the right to be the takadhars of the muslim world.

You guys should be a member country of OIC. India requested OIC to be a member country which is also supported by all Arab countries but Pakistan officially said if India was given any official status in OIC they will boycott OIC. So, due to threats from Pakistani officials OIC has blocked India, the 2nd largest Muslim populated nation in the world.
and what does that tells us ?

it tells us how terribly wrong " two Nations" Theory has been ....

Pakistan was intended only for the muslims of the muslim majority provinces in the north western part of south asia who are racially different than muslims of india or srilanka etc.
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