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Is India taking over China through soft power?

Buddhism is the worst product of India. Where Buddhism spreads, it becomes weak。
first, china, and then tibet ,mongol
Buddhism is the worst product of India. Where Buddhism spreads, it becomes weak。
first, china, and then tibet ,mongol
Buddhism is NOT from India.
The Buddha is East Asian and is from Nepal.
The Buddha and its people were massacred by the ancestors of Hindoos in present day India.
Survivors of the massacre are claimed to have escaped to ancient Myanmar.
Gautam was from lumbini which is madhesi area of nepal (means plain region of nepal where indian decesnt people live and the language, religion,culture everything is same even today) after he left his home he moved to bodhgya which is in bihar he found Buddhism there spend all of his life there. Ashoka butchered hindus(specifically brahmins) in his reign and after that shung dynasty came who had a brahmin king and then he gone on a buddhist killing spree.
2500 years ago, there were no Madhesi and no Hindu or Brahmins.
Ashoka came more than 250 years after the Buddha.
The Buddha and its people had their land annexed and its people massacred, that is,

All you are reading are what as being told by the Indians, no written facts or artifacts, believe whatever you will.
No written records about Gautama were found from his lifetime or some centuries thereafter. One Edict of Asoka, who reigned from circa 269 BCE to 232 BCE, commemorates the Emperor's pilgrimage to the Buddha's birthplace in Lumbini.

The Shakya (Sakya and Sakiya[1][2][3]) were a clan of the late Vedic period (1000-500 BCE).
The best-known Shakya was Siddhartha Gautama Shakya, who was the founder of Buddhism (c. 6th to 4th centuries BCE) and came to be known as Gautama Buddha

Annexation by Kosala
Virudhaka, as an act of vengeance, he invaded the Shakya territory, massacred them and annexed it.

It is uncertain whether, by the time of Siddhartha's birth, Vedic Brahmanism had been adopted to any significant extent by the Shakyans.
However, the bearers of this tradition, the Brahmins, did not occupy a dominant position in the area in which the Buddha preached his message.

Claimed Descents
According to Hmannan Yazawin, first published in 1823, the legendary king Abhiyaza, who founded the Tagaung Kingdom and the Burmese monarchy belonged to the same Shakya clan of the Buddha.[38] He migrated to the present-day Burma after the annexation of the Shakya kingdom by Kosala.
Hindus and brahmin were there more than 4000 years ago, gautam was upper caste Kshatriya himself.
You have comprehension problem.?
" the Brahmins, did not occupy a dominant position in the area in which the Buddha preached his message "
Simple language, Brahmins were not known to be present in the area that the Buddha moved around.
Show me proof "Gautam" was upper caste Kashtriya.
One FACT you should know is Lord Shiva is a Tibetan.
Mount Kailash is in Tibet.

Sketch of the Buddha
Sakyamuni Buddha.jpg

@Syama Ayas lol... Look at this desperate troll.
Well not as desperate as Gangadesh members trying to appropriate credit for the Buddha and Buddhism.
Or for that matter not as desperate as Gangadeshis "Out of India" theory.
Chinese bastardize history to compensate for historic humiliations, whether inside or outside China.

They even claim Genghis Khan was Chinese :lol:

Outrage as China lays claim to Genghis Khan

By Graeme Baker

12:01AM GMT 30 Dec 2006

He swept all before him and subjugated much of the known world. But now, almost 800 years after his death, Genghis Kahn is embroiled in another war as China attempts to adopt the Mongol king as its own national hero.

In stark contrast to Mao Zedong, who insisted Genghis was only fit to fire arrows at birds, communist officials and historians now say he represents the essence of new China – a unifying force for a strident land of many ethnic minorities.

"We define him as a great man of the Chinese people, a hero of the Mongolian nationality, and a giant in world history," said Guo Wurong, the manager of the new Genghis Khan "mausoleum" in China's Inner Mongolia province.

"Genghis Khan was certainly Chinese," he added.


I know Indian literacy hasn't crossed 80%, you and @SOUTHie need not humiliate other Indian with such low IQ antics. Anyone with normal IQ can read

"We define him as a great man of the Chinese people, a hero of the Mongolian nationality, and a giant in world history," said Guo Wurong, the manager of the new Genghis Khan "mausoleum" in China's Inner Mongolia province. He's probably a Mongol Chinese. He has every right to make that statement.

Tthere are 2times more Mongol living in China than Mongolia. 5.8 million vs 2.8 million. The descendant of Genghis Khan 's Golden family are all Chinese nationals.
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Chinese bastardize history to compensate for historic humiliations, whether inside or outside China.

They even claim Genghis Khan was Chinese :lol:

Outrage as China lays claim to Genghis Khan

By Graeme Baker

12:01AM GMT 30 Dec 2006

He swept all before him and subjugated much of the known world. But now, almost 800 years after his death, Genghis Kahn is embroiled in another war as China attempts to adopt the Mongol king as its own national hero.

In stark contrast to Mao Zedong, who insisted Genghis was only fit to fire arrows at birds, communist officials and historians now say he represents the essence of new China – a unifying force for a strident land of many ethnic minorities.

"We define him as a great man of the Chinese people, a hero of the Mongolian nationality, and a giant in world history," said Guo Wurong, the manager of the new Genghis Khan "mausoleum" in China's Inner Mongolia province.

"Genghis Khan was certainly Chinese," he added.

Funny, if you take the trouble, you will find that all I quoted from the Wiki on the Buddha are from Indians.
Are you that ignorant.?
You can be Chinese too, that is if China were to give you citizenship.
Chinese looking South Tibetans are certainly not Indian.
Better return South Tibet to China before they kick the greedy imperialistic Indians out.

Lori Jaimacan Chinese
Lori Jaimacan Chinese2  162471-167855.jpg

Chinese bastardize history to compensate for historic humiliations, whether inside or outside China.
It never gets old.

Well not as desperate as Gangadesh members trying to appropriate credit for the Buddha and Buddhism.
Or for that matter not as desperate as Gangadeshis "Out of India" theory.
Ok, I hereby renounce my claim on Buddha. Happy?:enjoy:

And for Buddha, you can go and read some books about him internet is available in your country right? Trying to distort history with outrageous claims do not work.

Since when the language used in South East Asia is Magadhi Prakrit, which Buddha was speaking. I never heard about any Tibetans speaking Prakrit. But most of their texts are written including chants are in Sanskrit or Prakrit (a non - standard Sanskrit)
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Chinese bastardize history to compensate for historic humiliations, whether inside or outside China.

They even claim Genghis Khan was Chinese :lol:

Outrage as China lays claim to Genghis Khan

By Graeme Baker

12:01AM GMT 30 Dec 2006

He swept all before him and subjugated much of the known world. But now, almost 800 years after his death, Genghis Kahn is embroiled in another war as China attempts to adopt the Mongol king as its own national hero.

In stark contrast to Mao Zedong, who insisted Genghis was only fit to fire arrows at birds, communist officials and historians now say he represents the essence of new China – a unifying force for a strident land of many ethnic minorities.

"We define him as a great man of the Chinese people, a hero of the Mongolian nationality, and a giant in world history," said Guo Wurong, the manager of the new Genghis Khan "mausoleum" in China's Inner Mongolia province.

"Genghis Khan was certainly Chinese," he added.


This is real bastardization of history, to make up 1000 years humiliation by Muslims.

Taj Mahal is originally a Hindu temple called 'Tejo Mahal'

An ancient Indian Sage developed the Atomic theory 2,600 years ago

@SOUTHie never gets old
I know Indian literacy hasn't crossed 80%, you and @SOUTHie need not humiliate other Indian with such low IQ antics. Anyone with normal IQ can read
Did I hit a raw nerve? I never said anything about Ghengis Khan. That barbarian was defeated and tossed out of Indian subcontinent and he never laid hands over this part in his life.

@SOUTHie never gets old
I'm getting older.
It never gets old.

Ok, I hereby renounce my claim on Buddha. Happy?:enjoy:

And for Buddha, you can go and read some books about him internet is available in your country right? Trying to distort history with outrageous claims do not work.

Since when the language used in South Asia is Magadhi Prakrit, which Buddha was speaking. I never heard about any Tibetans speaking Prakrit. But most of their texts are written including chants are in Sanskrit or Prakrit (a non - standard Sanskrit)
Me too, I never heard the Buddha speak.
I would be rich if I get to record the Buddha speaking, no matter what language.
Never been to a temple, but I ever attended a funeral where they have Buddhist chants in Chinese.
So the Buddha could be using Chinese 2500 years ago but the records were lost(see below).

I would be happy to get my hands on text written by the Buddha.
No written records about Gautama were found from his lifetime or some centuries thereafter.

Not sure if the Buddha knows what is Prakrit.
Just like the Chinese who don't know English don't know what is "CHINA".
They only know "中国" or Middle Kingdom.
Lets all wait for the Time Machine to verify things.
Did I hit a raw nerve? I never said anything about Ghengis Khan. That barbarian was defeated and tossed out of Indian subcontinent and he never laid hands over this part in his life.

No, you didn't. But I have every right to reply. I tagged you since you're a part of it all.
Me too, I never heard the Buddha speak.
I would be rich if I get to record the Buddha speaking, no matter what language.
Never been to a temple, but I ever attended a funeral where they have Buddhist chants in Chinese.
So the Buddha could be using Chinese 2500 years ago but the records were lost(see below).

I would be happy to get my hands on text written by the Buddha.
No written records about Gautama were found from his lifetime or some centuries thereafter.

Not sure if the Buddha knows what is Prakrit.
Just like the Chinese who don't know English don't know what is "CHINA".
They only know "中国" or Middle Kingdom.
Lets all wait for the Time Machine to verify things.
Lol! What's next? Buddha never existed? Since no records found, glad you didn't ask birth certificate of Buddha. He may be from China, right? You should write a book about it.

No, you didn't. But I have every right to reply. I tagged you since you're a part of it all.
I'm not a part of anything that concerns you. You replied to the user, then tag me for... I don't know.
Lol! What's next? Buddha never existed? Since no records found, glad you didn't ask birth certificate of Buddha. He may be from China, right? You should write a book about it.

I'm not a part of anything that concerns you. You replied to the user, then tag me for... I don't know.

You tagged the user, knowing very well what he will be up to. Of course you're part of it.

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