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Is India taking over China through soft power?

That is the question, is India starting to take over China with soft power? Indian cinema is making huge inroads into China.

We all know that soft power is better than military power and China and India seem to have a lot of historical and cultural links.


If you are not here to bash China, as desperate Westerners like to do here, I do not think you are serious. It is just like saying Africa soft power is stronger than Europe and the US, as the latter are invaded by every kind of black music.
I was hoping to see a few good troll posts in this thread but even the trolling standards have gone down in PDF
If you are not here to bash China, as desperate Westerners like to do here, I do not think you are serious. It is just like saying Africa soft power is stronger than Europe and the US, as the latter are invaded by every kind of black music.
Agreed with you here. China usually bashed by Indians and westerners because they know China is a rising power.
the perception only got harder and harder

look man you got problems... take an example.. you boast about bollywood yet your countrymen post threads here saying your leading actor Amir Khan is a Pakistani trapped in India

yaani kuch to aqal paayi hogi ya wo bhi bech di
Yes - there are psychos everywhere. Enough Americans believe Obama is a Muslim from Kenya. There is no cure for stupidity and ignorance.
If China dos not care about India then why may I ask have so many movies from India made more money in China than in India?
Only Aamir Khan's films are a box office hit in China does not mean Chinese audience love Bollywood films. Local and Hollywood films make way way more revenue.
Main land China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan are culturally very close to each other and they all have certain cultural influence on each other's entertainment industries, once in a while one or two foreign movies may fair pretty well but it doesn't mean any major impact on their cultures, soft powers are very often culturally based. Most of last years top hit movies are Chinese home made.

Chinese box office rankings
Indians want to talk about Soft Power and how to surpass China. Couldn't find a better oxymoron than this.

Some slumdogs here really believe Indian culture can take over the Asian continent or perhaps even capturing the hearts of the global audience on Hollywood scale. Sorry to bust their dreams, it's not gonna happen. WHY?
First of all Soft Power isn't just spreading movies alone, other cultural aspects comes into play as well. Has Bollywood thus far captured a huge chunk of market share in different continents? I'm sure we all know the answer to that. Why can't Bollywood match Hollywood? Why can't Bollywood match Chinese film making? Indians should think about it and make your own conclusion.

East Asian culture, mainly China who influenced heavily both Korea and Japan are culturally connected with each other. China is the progenitor of Korean and Japanese culture, so it comes as no surprise they too would rather watch Chinese & Hollywood movies rather than Bollywood (which is mostly garbage anyway and you guys need to figure it out what the reasons are). South Koreans and Japs love watching Chinese drama/movies, same can be said about Korean and Japanese drama/movies enjoy a chunk of Chinese fans. Japanese anime borrow a lot of Chinese elements and historical influences. The interconnection link is strong in the entertainment industry, there's no denying it. Japanese anime enjoy global audience, most famous are Dragon Ball, Naruto etc. which happen to have clearly undeniably Chinese elements and influences so Chinese culture plays a big part in it and piggyback on the popularity of these anime which the Japanese should be grateful for using Chinese cultural heritage.

People love Chinese, Japanese or Korean cuisine. Again the latter two also have Chinese influences. Chinese food is the BEST and lots of diversity, what's there not to like about it? :lol:

Tourism: Huge country, much bigger than India. More biodiversity, lots of diversity in different local ethnic groups. Chinese culture much more interesting than India. A whole lot safer to travel than to visit India where many dirty men can't keep their hands and sausages away from female tourists.

Just forget surpassing or even reaching China's level in Soft Power. Indians so obsessed with China is not healthy.
You don't see other nationals obsessed with that, never seen how Spanish, Italian, French, Australian, Canadian, German, Belgium, Romanian, Egyptian, Brazilian saying how to surpass Chinese Soft Power. ONLY SLUMDOGS DO
Just accept the fact Indian cultural power can't reach the same height as Chinese counterpart.
China make movies ?
India have toilet?

That is the question, is India starting to take over China with soft power? Indian cinema is making huge inroads into China.

We all know that soft power is better than military power and China and India seem to have a lot of historical and cultural links.


The fact that Chinese are open to watch Indian movies proves Chinese are much more open minded about India and don't see Indian as an enemy. On the other hand, Indian seem to harbor much hatred and insecurity towards the Chinese and sees every Chinese and Chinese outreach as some sort of propaganda therefore not to be trusted.
The Indians in PDF are accessing the forum through US, Europe and Aussie servers.

Indians have issues with her skin color. Talk about soft power? :omghaha:
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