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Is India Planning another Air Attack on Pakistan?

I think we need to stop gloating/chest thumping on social media and pray for the success of our forces in the next round of clashes which are very likely to happen.

Modi's biggest trump card of securing a re-election has backfired. Playing the communal card cannot pay dividends at this time of the election campaign as it can cause another blow-back for BJP and its sidekicks. So far all the criticism is directed at the government and Indian armed forces are mostly shielded from it.

Indian defence forces are not used to questions and criticism they have always basked in glory on the back of their previous (read 'carefully built-up' ) military narratives and achievements. Now their pride is hurt, Kashmir has been internationalized after a long time and India is made to look bad diplomatically. They are also angry at the government for exposing their soft underbelly to gain some political mileage.

Modi is sulking but he's very angry, there is pressure from sanghis, their spin doctors in media have spun such a web of lies and deceit that it has now trapped the Modi government with all the right-wing war-hysteria that it has created against Pakistan. All the pre-election promises have fallen flat and the government's vulnerability is finally exposed with all the pressure also mounting from the left and alternate media.

In this backdrop, when Indians are embarrassed and exposed, they have a tendency to go below the belt whether it was the shooting of our troops returning after vacating the heights at Drass, Kargil, Batalik, Mushkoh etc. despite a ceasefire or the downing of an unarmed Antantique in August 1999 - so in your euphoria of downing a few enemy jets here and there doesn't mean that we have won a war, hell it wasn't even a battle but an aerial skirmish where we came on top. Be graceful in victory but be prepared for the worse, ups and down have an equal probability and I have a hunch, it won't just end here.
Moti wants a final ''victory'' in order to 100% secure his election so its likely he might try another adventure against Pakistan and we should never underestimate our enemies.
Identify and spoof specific EM measures or create new patterns for jamming APG-68

How Pakistan can counter it? Why you think they had problems facing AGP-68V9?
I think we need to stop gloating/chest thumping on social media and pray for the success of our forces in the next round of clashes which are very likely to happen.

Modi's biggest trump card of securing a re-election has backfired. Playing the communal card cannot pay dividends at this time of the election campaign as it can cause another blow-back for BJP and its sidekicks. So far all the criticism is directed at the government and Indian armed forces are mostly shielded from it.

Indian defence forces are not used to questions and criticism they have always basked in glory on the back of their previous (read 'carefully built-up' ) military narratives and achievements. Now their pride is hurt, Kashmir has been internationalized after a long time and India is made to look bad diplomatically. They are also angry at the government for exposing their soft underbelly to gain some political mileage.

Modi is sulking but he's very angry, there is pressure from sanghis, their spin doctors in media have spun such a web of lies and deceit that it has now trapped the Modi government with all the right-wing war-hysteria that it has created against Pakistan. All the pre-election promises have fallen flat and the government's vulnerability is finally exposed with all the pressure also mounting from the left and alternate media.

In this backdrop, when Indians are embarrassed and exposed, they have a tendency to go below the belt whether it was the shooting of our troops returning after vacating the heights at Drass, Kargil, Batalik, Mushkoh etc. despite a ceasefire or the downing of an unarmed Antantique in August 1999 - so in your euphoria of downing a few enemy jets here and there doesn't mean that we have won a war, hell it wasn't even a battle but an aerial skirmish where we came on top. Be graceful in victory but be prepared for the worse, ups and down have an equal probability and I have a hunch, it won't just end here.
Definitely. We always bow our head to Allah (SwT), the greatest and the most merciful. It's only and only His mercy that He gave the required courage and capability to His slaves to spank Mushrikeen. But at the same time, we have been ordered to keep our might ready and put fear into the hearts of enemies of the Almighty.

If the Hindu terrorist Modi hits any soft target (like Indians did in case of Atlantic plane) again, and I am sure he will, I think Pak should hit Indian azz disproportionally. Alhumdulillah, we are capable of doing that. I firmly believe we have already lost a golden opportunity. Indians committed a grave violation of our sovereignty by bombing proper Pak land. They couldn't kill 300 or so Pakistanis due to the PAF's timely response but they certainly aimed at killing scores of Pakistanis. Indians were already taken as aggressors by world community. It was a sacred duty upon Pak leadership to punish the enemy appropriately, which we unfortunately failed. Shooting down their 5 or so planes and symbolically hitting their 6 or so military targets on ground is nothing more than just peanuts compared to the grave crime Indians had committed. Since the aggression originated from the disputed territory of occupied J&K, Pakistan should have wiped out at least a few of the IAF airbases in the occupied land. Ideally PAF should have declared the occupied J&K as no-fly zone to end any chances of a repeat aggression against Pakistan from that side. We have every right to do that in our self defense. It's much less than a preemptive attack that most of the world powers take as their granted right in the ame of self defense. I hope Pak leaders will get some sense, attain some wisdom, and muster some courage to do that if the Hindu terrorist Modi resorts to another aggression against Pakistan.
Definitely. We always bow our head to Allah (SwT), the greatest and the most merciful. It's only and only His mercy that He gave the required courage and capability to His slaves to spank Mushrikeen. But at the same time, we have been ordered to keep our might ready and put fear into the hearts of enemies of the Almighty.

If the Hindu terrorist Modi hits any soft target (like Indians did in case of Atlantic plane) again, and I am sure he will, I think Pak should hit Indian azz disproportionally. Alhumdulillah, we are capable of doing that. I firmly believe we have already lost a golden opportunity. Indians committed a grave violation of our sovereignty by bombing proper Pak land. They couldn't kill 300 or so Pakistanis due to the PAF's timely response but they certainly aimed at killing scores of Pakistanis. Indians were already taken as aggressors by world community. It was a sacred duty upon Pak leadership to punish the enemy appropriately, which we unfortunately failed. Shooting down their 5 or so planes and symbolically hitting their 6 or so military targets on ground is nothing more than just peanuts compared to the grave crime Indians had committed. Since the aggression originated from the disputed territory of occupied J&K, Pakistan should have wiped out at least a few of the IAF airbases in the occupied land. Ideally PAF should have declared the occupied J&K as no-fly zone to end any chances of a repeat aggression against Pakistan from that side. We have every right to do that in our self defense. It's much less than a preemptive attack that most of the world powers take as their granted right in the ame of self defense. I hope Pak leaders will get some sense, attain some wisdom, and muster some courage to do that if the Hindu terrorist Modi resorts to another aggression against Pakistan.

As I said earlier, the dual purpose of this Indian aggression was two-pronged. Indian establishment is not happy with a nationalist leader finally at the helm of affairs who has complete backing of his armed forces. With the investments coming in, there is a chance of economic recovery which they want to sabotage hence keeping our economy crippled and bringing the entire state on its knees under the burden of loans. Second reason was their own political goals as discussed earlier.

To a degree I agree that we should have shot down a few of their jets on the night of 26th but still Pakistan's response was mature and measured enough to expose the enemy in a much more subtle way that today even Indian intellectuals are posing serious questions to their establishment. At the end, it was all about building a narrative which we successfully did, it's the same narrative that we failed to build and capitalize on after Kashmir, Hyderabad, Junagadh, Tashkent, East Pakistan and Operation Meghdoot. I am glad that our diplomatic offensive is finally complementing its military, and I pray that it keeps on doing it.
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