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Is India Planning another Air Attack on Pakistan?

Nope. India is not. They have gained what they needed from this escalation. Pakistan is acting up on "National Action Plan" which is translated in India as moral victory that they have pressured Pakistan in to taking actions against terror outfits... and that would be a huge factor in their elections. Modi is coming back... that's is all this was about.
Do you have a source for this? If there is transfer for power, it should be for domestic and administrative matters relevant for elections only. I doubt foreign policy and strategic matters are handed over to an unelected person in India.
This might help u
What happens is that on the announcement of the election date, the ruling party is restricted from any 'welfare' measure that might seem to be a covert bribe to the electorate: no dam openings, road inaugurations, factory start-ups, things like that. Administrative transfers are restricted; in fact, sometimes reversed, or unilaterally imposed, if the Commission is suspicious about the propensity of a specific individual to work with the ruling party in a collusive way. The police are put on high alert to check if large sums of money are sought to be shuffled around, with an intention to benefit any local candidate.

That sort of thing.
Understood thanks
What happens is that on the announcement of the election date, the ruling party is restricted from any 'welfare' measure that might seem to be a covert bribe to the electorate: no dam openings, road inaugurations, factory start-ups, things like that. Administrative transfers are restricted; in fact, sometimes reversed, or unilaterally imposed, if the Commission is suspicious about the propensity of a specific individual to work with the ruling party in a collusive way. The police are put on high alert to check if large sums of money are sought to be shuffled around, with an intention to benefit any local candidate.

That sort of thing.
In the present scenario should the matters of defence and national security be also transferred to election commission, if pm is guilty of blatantly using armed forces for political gains?
PS: just kidding :-)
1)Alone IAf not possible esp after reports of emergency PL 15 shipment plus their EW ability got jammed during raid no sane pilot try that.Counter their tip of the spear technique sending 4 BVR to lead fighter good trick.

2)Not their Army in position to do alone giving their condition and not having decisive numbers on their side(both by weapons plus manpower on the other hand battle hardened PAk Army) also minus the air cover possibility/support after 27th FEB they cant trust IAF.On the other hand Imran khan open line to Iranian president no possible help and in AFG Taliban sweeping AFG forces like leafs on ground(destroy whole company in 2 hours ) they are fearing for their own skin now.

4)Long range Missiles attacks ruled out after 28 when PAk announced hitting 3 times more target in case of any attack
Only possible game plan a)IAF draw,Ground forces engage ,attack by coastal side Navy

I am leaving a sea incursion on a side, because I think that is still possible. Pakistan has to keep their guard up 24/7 to be 100% sure of subs threat, which is very difficult. I think Pakistan should have destroyed the two subs they spotted, to give a very clear message to Indian Navy. Then the situation would have been exactly like what happened to the IAF. Unfortunately, those opportunities were missed.

About Ground Attacks I am certain they would result in the same fate, what happened to the IAF.
For two simple reasons.

1- Our Nasr missiles. They are potent force and deterrent. Indians troops on Pakistani soil, inside our borders, perfect opportunity to nuke them by using battle field tactical missiles and toast the Indians.

2- The new air to ground missile tested by Pakistan yesterday. This motha would cause some serious damage to their command and control installations, if ground war breaks out.

Indians are in a pickle.

what is this?

This particular video is a latest video posted on 13th March 2019.
You guys sure it is not re-posting of an older video!!
If this is a newer video, shoot recently. it is pointing to downing of another aircraft. It cannot be the site of the latest Mig21 crash after the skirmishes with PAF. The landscape looks different from Rajhistan.
Any one recognise the terrain/area!!! I can not see any hills/mountains, unless it was in a big valley area.
Pakistan Deploys Entire F-16 Squadron on Indian Border - Report
In-Depth Coverage
Sputnik News

11:59 12.03.2019

Pakistan on Monday issued a warning to India not to undertake any misadventure in view of the upcoming national elections in the country. India had earlier asserted that it is maintaining an optimal level of military preparedness to tackle any eventuality.

New Delhi (Sputnik): Even as the international community makes diplomatic efforts to facilitate a de-escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan that began in mid-February, Pakistan has deployed an entire F-16 fighter jet squadron along the Indian border, says a report in the newspaper the Hindustan Times quoting an unnamed Indian defence official.

Pakistani authorities have yet to comment on the Indian media report.

The fact that the Pakistani government has not opened up the air space along Indian border that was shut down after India's air strike in February, is seen to be an indication that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is on full operational alert. Besides, the Rawalpindi-headquartered 10 Corps along with a Special Forces brigade from Sialkot of the Pakistan Army have been deployed along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir.

Defence sources have told Sputnik that the Pakistan Army also began moving part of its troops posted in Balochistan towards the Indian border beginning on 28 February.

"We have confirmed reports that PAF's F-16 acquired from both US and Jordan are on high alert all along India-Pak border-from Hyderabad in Sindh to Skardu in Northern Areas. The Pak Army deployment including radars and air defence system along the LoC was strengthened immediately after the February 14 Pulwama attack as they expected Indian retaliation similar to that of the surgical strike", said one official to the Hindustan Times.

Pakistan has been denying that PAF had used its F-16 fighters against India during recent air clashes. On Sunday, Pakistan's foreign ministry once again reiterated that Indian authorities had made a false and baseless claim that an Indian aircraft had shot down a Pakistani F-16.

The Indian Air Force conducted an air-strike on an alleged Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist camp in Balakot located inside Pakistan and termed it as a strike against "non-civilian and non-military targets with clear intent not to cause any damage to life or infrastructure".

Over the last 15 days, shelling and firing with heavy arms have been ongoing from the two sides.

India and Pakistan have stopped regular Director General of Military Operations level (DGMO-level) talks, a mechanism where two military officers talk to each other over the phone to defuse tense situations on the border.

Statements issued by the US, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and China have indicated that the situation is still not conducive to stability between the two nuclear-armed neighbours.

"A series of incidents have transpired between Indian and Pakistan recently, which as we see is not conducive to peace and stability in South Asia. Like I said before, China has been mediating between the two sides, engaged in dialogues and working very hard to promote talks, ease tensions, and improve their relations. In our exchanges of views on the regional situation, the security issue features in our discussion with Indian and Pakistan. We have had extensive and in-depth talks with both sides", Lu Kang, China's foreign ministry spokesperson said on Monday.

Pakistan on Monday once again cautioned India against any misadventure, which it insinuates that the Indian side may want to undertake keeping in mind the forthcoming elections. The country's Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi had a telephone conversation about the cross-border situation with US National Security Advisor John Bolton along with the US ambassador to Islamabad.

"Bolton appreciated Pakistan's measures, which helped lower the tension and urged continued restraint on both sides. The need for dialogue between Pakistan and India to find a peaceful resolution to all outstanding disputes was also emphasised. The Foreign Minister cautioned against any Indian misadventure, keeping in view the forthcoming elections. Ambassador Bolton concurred", a statement issued by the Pakistani foreign ministry regarding the phone call read.

Last week, the Indian Air Force had asserted that it was maintaining optimal preparedness to thwart any kind of aggression from the Pakistani side. "A strict vigil in the skies to detect and thwart any act of aggression from Pakistan Air Force is being maintained", a statement issued by the Indian Air Force on Thursday read.

The backdrop of the current India-Pakistan cross-border hostilities is the February 14 Pulwama terror attack that was claimed by Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) and killed 40 Indian paramilitary troops. India after a week had conducted a pre-emptive air strike against purported JeM terror camps at Balakot in Pakistan which infuriated its nuclear-armed neighbour leading to retaliation via a counterstrike in Indian terrioty.

© Sputnik
Nope. India is not. They have gained what they needed from this escalation. Pakistan is acting up on "National Action Plan" which is translated in India as moral victory that they have pressured Pakistan in to taking actions against terror outfits... and that would be a huge factor in their elections. Modi is coming back... that's is all this was about.

My opposition to Pakistan politicians and their weak actions for decades is no secret.
I have written few times already, Pakistan should have shown strong and caused massive damages to the Indians, an opportunity missed.
But the crackdown in Pakistan is because of FATF rather than the Indians.
In the present scenario should the matters of defence and national security be also transferred to election commission, if pm is guilty of blatantly using armed forces for political gains?
PS: just kidding :-)

No, these will not.
PS: I wish you were right.
Yes I do watch astro videos in my native language, Rahu and Ketu are not planets but shadows and influence the things happen in one’s life.

But good thing is my birth chart shows That Jupiter is in good position and so I’ll effects are nullified this time.

The astro videos are not always accurate but some times they come true. It is also fun to know what they say. It is more about interpretation of the guy who caluculates the planetary positions.

Actually astrology is a pseudoscience officially with no proof in real world .

But the thing is a well trained astrology who only check 3 to 4 persons only daily can predict everything .And weird is thst 99% would be accurate .

Prediction part comes last rest are all their own calculation.

Look at some people that can reach pinnacle due to their own efforts ,some couldnt reach anywhere even if they tried,some peoples destroy all of their properties but some people will always luky earns everything much effort.
Fate is one part .
But these people can predict
Actually astrology is a pseudoscience officially with no proof in real world .

But the thing is a well trained astrology who only check 3 to 4 persons only daily can predict everything .And weird is thst 99% would be accurate .

Prediction part comes last rest are all their own calculation.

Look at some people that can reach pinnacle due to their own efforts ,some couldnt reach anywhere even if they tried,some peoples destroy all of their properties but some people will always luky earns everything much effort.
Fate is one part .
But these people can predict

Opinion of Indian ex-Major General:-

ain't gonna be any 2 front war. The PM has pacified iran and the mayor of kabul with his ana girl scouts are in no position to even defend themselves let alone wage a war. We have our boots on americans balls, they need us to help them save their skin from the Taliban. It'll be a one front war against india and it will be a very lopsided one where india will have the snott beaten out of her.
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