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Is India Planning another Air Attack on Pakistan?

Enemy is planing for a sudden attack
I would not be surprised if Pakistan establishment secretly succumbed under international pressure and decided to give India the symbolic victory it is craving for...
Some shoot out... a plane down... a bombing run...

Pakistan may not have any other option on the table at this point... sadly
I would not be surprised if Pakistan establishment secretly succumbed under international pressure and decided to give India the symbolic victory it is craving for...
Some shoot out... a plane down... a bombing run...

Pakistan may not have any other option on the table at this point... sadly
first they would have allowed the first victory if that was the intention...second india is already calling a victory, a victory like never before

the indians still think they bombed 3000 peoples and shot down 1 f16 while mig21 went down on technical grounds with wind drifting the abhi into pakistan
I would not be surprised if Pakistan establishment secretly succumbed under international pressure and decided to give India the symbolic victory it is craving for...
Some shoot out... a plane down... a bombing run...

Pakistan may not have any other option on the table at this point... sadly

simply NO. just except air violation and run away...but Indian will claim it to be S/strike 3. If you talk to the BOYS ....they will not let them go without a cup of tea.

Very aggressive mood here....
indian are satisfied with this outcome..only thing that is left for them to achieve is putting one person on list through UN reoslution that was just veoted yesterday by china..once they do this they can call a militray and diplomatic victory to their audience until there is another attack
I think India will try something before elections. Even after election whenever they face an attack from Kashmiri freedom fighters or someone else there will be voices to avenge it from Pakistan. So we have to be prepared not only for tbese election time but also for future. Pakistan and India both have a majority of voters who wont tolerate any inaction or response. So any Govt in Pakistan will be commiting political suicide by not responding to indian aggression. They will have to respond. So we should better be prepared.
I would not be surprised if Pakistan establishment secretly succumbed under international pressure and decided to give India the symbolic victory it is craving for...
Some shoot out... a plane down... a bombing run...

Pakistan may not have any other option on the table at this point... sadly
Instead , that if pakistan let more of indian air force pilots drinking , teas in pak army messs then india will lose every inch of its big military credibility remember power flows from the barrel of a gun.
Pak establishment wants action this time , with china is already ready and waiting for next indian move , anything adventurous from india will give pakistan every right to break down indian fist into pices in indian occupied kashmir with blowing up all of its strategical military establishment giving a free hand to freedom fighters
I would not be surprised if Pakistan establishment secretly succumbed under international pressure and decided to give India the symbolic victory it is craving for...
Some shoot out... a plane down... a bombing run...

Pakistan may not have any other option on the table at this point... sadly
InShaAllah that is not gonna happen. With NS as the prime minister i would had thought the same way but this govt and Establishment may not allow any such thing.
InShaAllah that is not gonna happen. With NS as the prime minister i would had thought the same way but this govt and Establishment may not allow any such thing.
I sincerely hope all of you guys are correct.
Pakistan did not have this pressure the first time,because no one expected that kind of retaliation.
Koi powers ka scene part hai , uski mahor power election commission ke pass chali jain gee aur woh elections tak toothless ho jai ga
11th Mar ko jab declare kia tha election date tab sa hi powers limited hogaye hain, but yeh developments related hain jesay koi naya project announce nahin karsaktay to gain political benefits.
I would not be surprised if Pakistan establishment secretly succumbed under international pressure and decided to give India the symbolic victory it is craving for...
Some shoot out... a plane down... a bombing run...

Pakistan may not have any other option on the table at this point... sadly
You'll not be surprised because that'll not happen. But if you are a filthy Indian, you'll be utterly surprised yet once more by Pak response. Got it?
Nothing going to happened... Just stop your speculations and enjoy the PAF surprise day
Well whatever babarian indians do we will retaliate with twice as powerful attack on india. From position of strength can we only live with india. We are not afghanistan burma or nepal. We are pakistan.
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