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Is India Planning another Air Attack on Pakistan?

I am not an astrologer but I do read the references that fit my interrests hence I looked into 'Rahu and Ketu', two of Indian astrology's most powerful shadow planets who astronomically do not exist but do have a significant impact on life (and events)
Both planets are erratic and unpredictable in nature. So accidents or unfortunate events may occur during the transit even if the position is favorable. Maybe that answers your question.
The transit will commence on the 23rd of March and will last for 18 months.
Maybe some Indian member can explain it better.

@Joe Shearer @Srinivas @SrNair

Yes I do watch astro videos in my native language, Rahu and Ketu are not planets but shadows and influence the things happen in one’s life.

But good thing is my birth chart shows That Jupiter is in good position and so I’ll effects are nullified this time.

The astro videos are not always accurate but some times they come true. It is also fun to know what they say. It is more about interpretation of the guy who caluculates the planetary positions.
Nemrut was the ruler when Hazret-i Ibrahim (PBUH) was born although he was killing the newborns and made it illegal for husbands to get together with their wives. This drastic action was based his High Priest’s suggestion...

There is a similar story about Firoun acting on advice of his high priest and wazir Haman. Hazrat Moosa's times.

Nimrod's name is not mentioned in Quran, and the story that he had ordered to kill all newborns doesn't make any sense ......... because Hazrat Ibrahim's father was an idol worshiper and a strong opponent of the message of Hazrat Ibrahim. Nimrod is a biblical figure, grandson of Noah.


Why not play politics in india's politics? We have witnessed a divide can be created, an unrest in society can created, confusion can be spread easily ...... what better revenge than keeping the gullible confused and misinformed, detached from reality ..... so instead waiting for their moves ........ make a move that hurts him the most. Keep him entangled in his own misery and war mongering ...... the greatest insult for any fake god is to demolish his stature right in front of its worshipers. Attack and create problems for economic agenda and promises of this fake god. Snatch the ground beneath his feet ..... the rest of the mob will automatically fall in place ..... they have those genes.
13 was the date when all main powers of modi will be transferred to election commission
Do you have a source for this? If there is transfer for power, it should be for domestic and administrative matters relevant for elections only. I doubt foreign policy and strategic matters are handed over to an unelected person in India.
Do you have a source for this? If there is transfer for power, it should be for domestic and administrative matters relevant for elections only. I doubt foreign policy and strategic matters are handed over to an unelected person in India.
His 90% powers ,
Any Indian member can give a detailed overview on this

Do you have a source for this? If there is transfer for power, it should be for domestic and administrative matters relevant for elections only. I doubt foreign policy and strategic matters are handed over to an unelected person in India.
This might help u
Frankly, I have a feeling they will do a massive land interdiction using ground forces across LoC on the night of 22 March and early morning of 23 March with an idea to inflict heavy damage to our land forces and cause national embarrassment in presence of foreign dignitaries flying in for the Parade. I am already of the opinion that Pakistan Day Parade should be postponed this year so that the expense incurred on it and the soldiers used for it can be diverted to our active borders.
This year's parade will be done with live rounds. Though risky, it'll allow us to tackle and punish any misadventure then and there.
Frankly, I have a feeling they will do a massive land interdiction using ground forces across LoC on the night of 22 March and early morning of 23 March with an idea to inflict heavy damage to our land forces and cause national embarrassment in presence of foreign dignitaries flying in for the Parade. I am already of the opinion that Pakistan Day Parade should be postponed this year so that the expense incurred on it and the soldiers used for it can be diverted to our active borders.
Guess losing 2 fighters, 1 helicopter, over a hundred men and 10 posts along the loc wasn't humiliation enough, they want more humiliation.

So be it...In sha Allah we will dish out all the humiliation they desire. 8-)
13 was the date when all main powers of modi will be transferred to election commission

Nothing will be transferred. Where do you gentlemen get these bits from?

Do you have a source for this? If there is transfer for power, it should be for domestic and administrative matters relevant for elections only. I doubt foreign policy and strategic matters are handed over to an unelected person in India.

Not even domestic and administrative matters are handed over; they are restricted in the hands of the administration, but they are still in the hands of the administration.
His 90% powers ,
Any Indian member can give a detailed overview on this

This might help u

What happens is that on the announcement of the election date, the ruling party is restricted from any 'welfare' measure that might seem to be a covert bribe to the electorate: no dam openings, road inaugurations, factory start-ups, things like that. Administrative transfers are restricted; in fact, sometimes reversed, or unilaterally imposed, if the Commission is suspicious about the propensity of a specific individual to work with the ruling party in a collusive way. The police are put on high alert to check if large sums of money are sought to be shuffled around, with an intention to benefit any local candidate.

That sort of thing.
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