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Is India Planning another Air Attack on Pakistan?

It's either the 13th or the 12th when 90% power of the prime minster are transferred to the election comissioner?


This is India, not Bangladesh.

Mobilise the missiles and point them towards India. US and Israeli satelies will pick them up just like during Kargil and India will come under severe pressure to back off.
We have already conveyd the message to the world that we don't want war and demonstrated goodwill by early release of Abhinandan. So the onus will now be on Modi to endorse the courtesy and de-escalate. The international media knows that he is using and manipulating the current situation to win elections.

It is possible - the possibility cannot be ruled out - that using one's brain, one can analyse the situation somewhat differently.

If Pakistan is found 'mobilising' the missiles and 'pointing' them towards India, leaving aside the meaning of 'mobilise' and of 'pointing', there is likely to be international pressure on Pakistan, just as happened during Kargil.

This is India, not Bangladesh.

It is possible - the possibility cannot be ruled out - that using one's brain, one can analyse the situation somewhat differently.

If Pakistan is found 'mobilising' the missiles and 'pointing' them towards India, leaving aside the meaning of 'mobilise' and of 'pointing', there is likely to be international pressure on Pakistan, just as happened during Kargil.
think again...missiles have already been mobilized and are pointing at india as we speak...been that way for over 2 weeks now, where have you been.

This is India, not Bangladesh.

It is possible - the possibility cannot be ruled out - that using one's brain, one can analyse the situation somewhat differently.

If Pakistan is found 'mobilising' the missiles and 'pointing' them towards India, leaving aside the meaning of 'mobilise' and of 'pointing', there is likely to be international pressure on Pakistan, just as happened during Kargil.

That is exactly what we want; international pressure on both sides, not just us. India is sitting comfortably behind the hijacked 'terrorism' rhetoric with somewhat cocky attitude where as we have positioned ourselves with a pacifistic approach. That is quite the opposite of the Kargil stand off. This time India is being portrayed by the international media as the aggressor. So again the onus is on Modi Sir, not us. :meeting:

think again...missiles have already been mobilized and are pointing at india as we speak...been that way for over 2 weeks now, where have you been.

I beg to differ Sir, they have not been mated with nukes yet.
Only NASR is hot, not the Shaheen.
Indians are now running out of arguments in real. They dont have any constructive logical arguments jn their defense. They are relaying too much on fabricated news which was produced and manfacutered by the India media which entire International media and observers refute from A - Z (whether 300 fuking trees killed in the airstrike or F16 shot down fairytale stories). Even their own experts gradually openly accept the IAF and India’s defeat against Pakistan now.

What arguments they have at the end? a 4 decades old story of 1971? about which nobody give a damn... World only care about what is happening today. You always evaluate based on your recent performance, on your recent experience unlike oh ya I have used the computer 20 years ago and that time i was an expert lol... so motha faka wat we can do with ur 2 decades approach and skills are you capable to handle latest tech and gadgets or not? in short...

India got fkd by Pakistan in today’s modern warfare. India completely blanked and lost the war fighting capability against Pakistan thats what even Indian defense experts says leave the rest of the world.

Pakistan actually raped India in a broad day light in front of the entire world... it shows that the entire India military defense specturm did not deterred Pakistani airforce. India as a state have accepted that what Pakistan has done with India is basically a showoff of its capability and gave clear scent to India that we have accessed your military capability before and now we gonna tell you that this is the okaat of your so called military moght....a surprised which DG previous talk about in his press that Pakistann will going to gang bang you with prior wrtten, verbel notification, Pakistani Airforce has sucessfully breached the LOC in day light, went inside India’s occupied Kashmir (other side of the LOC), bomb Indian military installations instead of targeting tree and sucessfully came back meanwhile shot down two Indian fighter jets thats what simple thing entire world is trying to tell Indians that you don’t need 4 people to prove the rape for evidence, your **** tota actually available on every website lol... Illusnist delusionst society still stuck in 71 era....
I'll condense your lengthy post into:
Na khanjar utthey ga, na talwar un se,
Ye baazu mere aazmaey hue hain.
That is exactly what we want; international pressure on both sides, not just us. India is sitting comfortably behind the hijacked 'terrorism' rhetoric with somewhat cocky attitude where as we have positioned ourselves with a pacifistic approach. That is quite the opposite of the Kargil stand off. This time India is being portrayed by the international media as the aggressor. So again the onus is on Modi Sir, not us. :meeting:

I beg ro differ Sir, they have not been mated with nukes yet.
Only NASR is hot, not the Shaheen.
Source? Nasrs are almost always hot and active. Shaheen and Ababeels are only mated nuclear warheads after NCA meeting which occurred 2 weeks ago. That's what stopped the indians from trying anything thru rajhastan or on bahawalpur.

Recall we warned them that if they attack 1 city, we'll attack 3. NASRs don't attack cities, Ababeels and Shaheens do.
Source? Nasrs are almost always hot and active. Shaheen and Ababeels are only mated nuclear warheads after NCA meeting which occurred 2 weeks ago. That's what stopped the indians from trying anything thru rajhastan or on bahawalpur.

Recall we warned them that if they attack 1 city, we'll attack 3. NASRs don't attack cities, Ababeels and Shaheens do.

Source is the lack of international source confirming that we have mated Shaheen and Ababeel with nukes.
Media would have been all over it if we did and instead of Al-Jubair, western dignitaries would be running to India and Pakistan.
Source is the lack of international source confirming that we have mated Shaheen and Ababeel with nukes.
Media would have been all over it if we did and instead of Al-Jubair, western dignitaries would be running to India and Pakistan.
Which they did. Al Jubair spent a day in Pakistan and 4 hrs in india. The german foreign minister met Prime Minister Imran Khan today. You think he came to watch the psl reruns? the intl pressure is on india, not us. Everyone knows that we've already armed our missiles with nuclear tips and mean business because india keeps threatening to launch. We have no choice but to smoke em.
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A 2 front scenario would be a real test of our resolve. That would test us to our limits. UncleSam looks real uneasy & increasingly frustrated. Chinese have taken him by the neck. Nasrum min Allah wa fathun qareeb. Insha Allah.

their credibility is already in the negative. But we should do our part on social media and massively troll them into loosing their temper and doing something even more stupid than the last time that will bring even greater shame and humiliation!

A 2 front scenario would be a real test of our resolve. That would test us to our limits. UncleSam looks real uneasy & increasingly frustrated. Chinese have taken him by the neck. Nasrum min Allah wa fathun qareeb. Insha Allah.
ain't gonna be any 2 front war. The PM has pacified iran and the mayor of kabul with his ana girl scouts are in no position to even defend themselves let alone wage a war. We have our boots on americans balls, they need us to help them save their skin from the Taliban. It'll be a one front war against india and it will be a very lopsided one where india will have the snott beaten out of her.
I think these are for 23 march parade .India will not dare to do any misadventure after such loss and humiliation on 27 feb their armed forces morale is too low to fight any war and many of their soldiers may resign from army if forced to fight
ain't gonna be any 2 front war. The PM has pacified iran and the mayor of kabul with his ana girl scouts are in no position to even defend themselves let alone wage a war. We have our boots on americans balls, they need us to help them save their skin from the Taliban. It'll be a one front war against india and it will be a very lopsided one where india will have the snott beaten out of her.
Remember. Never underestimate your opponent.

A time to make some bucks....

And, the same was the case with Firaun, Nemrut, Ebu Jehil etc...
Assalamualaikum thanks for the reminders of those 3 previous rulers. Im aware of the stories of Firaun and Abu Jahl but what was the story of Nemrut i have never heard his name before.
Remember. Never underestimate your opponent.

Assalamualaikum thanks for the reminders of those 3 previous rulers. Im aware of the stories of Firaun and Abu Jahl but what was the story of Nemrut i have never heard his name before.
Fair enough, I don't think we're underestimating them, perhaps they severely underestimated us and now have painted themselves into a corner...
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