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Is India on the Verge of Building a Super Jet Fighter?

At least we are building..Not importing & painting from China. We can always assume what's your contribution in your project & how much of Chinese..
Just look at how much indigenization has been happened. We are making own ACs, own submarines, Corvettes, destroyers, rockets. That's cause the failures from the past & the measures we took.We are improving. Soon we will make own Jet fighters too.That's more than enough for us.
What are you building? India is only importing and painting just like Pakistan, but the difference is that it has fooled its people to day dream. All critical components of Tejas are imported just like the JF-17. The difference is that unlike the JF-17, which is in service, Tejas is still a paper tiger. All critical components of the Arjun Tank are imported just like the Al-Khalid MBT, but just like the JF-17/Tejas comparison, the Arjun is only good for parades. Ditto this to ALL the other projects of India. So you can day dream all you want but just keep it to yourself.
At least we are building..Not importing & painting from China. We can always assume what's your contribution in your project & how much of Chinese..
Just look at how much indigenization has been happened. We are making own ACs, own submarines, Corvettes, destroyers, rockets. That's cause the failures from the past & the measures we took.We are improving. Soon we will make own Jet fighters too.That's more than enough for us.
yes we saw what you build being carried on a trailer. Tereass is supposed to fly yet you drag it on a truck and even thats imported. but then again you are a nation where your army is made of monkeys, you drink cow urine that cures cancer, you eat cow shit and that protects you from nukes should I go on? yes indeed you are builders and we are nothing.
yes we saw what you build being carried on a trailer. Tereass is supposed to fly yet you drag it on a truck and even thats imported. but then again you are a nation where your army is made of monkeys, you drink cow urine that cures cancer, you eat cow shit and that protects you from nukes should I go on? yes indeed you are builders and we are nothing.

No u r just children of those ancestors who were literally chewed and spit by barbarians and now follow cult of same rapists its quite clear by ur hatred
even if we are crap for the world , that doesn't mean we should stop improving , that doesn't mean we stagnate and remain "crap" till eternity . better option is to keep trying and failing even if that means being the laughing stock of the world . atleast there is that 1% chance of succeeding as long as we try :-)

you know I respect you for a nice reply.

indeed you should try and we in pakistan wish you well after all we will be neighbours till the end of time.

but please please stop the crap of everything you do is the best in the world and indigenous when clearly they are neither. people laugh at Indians not for trying but for showing off. pakistan does what it has to do and even your commanders are on record for saying that we are ahead of you in military manufacturing and we are now exporters to even Nato countries. we just don't dance every time we fix a wheel and tell the world look its round and its indigenous.

No u r just children of those ancestors who were literally chewed and spit by barbarians and now follow cult of same rapists its quite clear by ur hatred
oh your family's women were raped....sad to hear that.
oh your family's women were raped....sad to hear that.

Yes ur ancestors were raped looted converted enslaved by muslim barbarians and good amount of this raped dna from different muslim barbarians can b found on inbred jihadis like urself.. a product of generation of rape and now follow same cult ... haha
Yes ur ancestors were raped looted converted enslaved by muslim barbarians and good amount of this raped dna from different muslim barbarians can b found on inbred jihadis like urself.. a product of generation of rape and now follow same cult ... haha
well if that was the case then I have no proof and neither do you. still muslims ruled you for a 1000 years and then carved your country up. bitch all you want but fact are facts. by the way my ancestors were not from india.

india Today is the rape capital of the world. who is raping your women now as I write this? local hindu barbarians. enjoy your day keep smiling
Let's assume pakistan doesn't make even a button. The fact is you people just brag all day long and yet can achieve nothing. Why brag when the world know you are crap. Remember you won the icc2017 final before it started. What happened? Who is your daddy? Answer....me and every Pakistani alive. Now jog on

Total off topic bullshit! the fact that you jumped from aero-engines to ICC-CT (your only saviour) is a pathetic, to say the least, and shows your sheer desperation in trying to save face for your masters. The fact that we are making leaps and bounds in the aerospace industry is a testament & resolve to perfect technologies with a trial and error basis! It's the only way to mature, fail fail fail & succeed.

The Chinese have the technology due to reverse engineering, which is not something to be proud off, and your cheerleaders are making fun at India for attempting it on her own. There is a fundamental error in the genes of the Pakistani's and Chinese to toe the line of the devil rather than the saint.

Don't give me the baloney about JF17's join collaboration and Pakistan's aerospace is making leaps and bounds when they doing nothing more than assembling kits in hangers (just as buying a table from Ikea and following the manual).

Your daddies are Hindu's from the 6000 years ago, this can be proven scientifically and with Darwin's theory of evolution, don't believe me go ahead and conduct a DNA test! you will surprise yourself!

Total off topic bullshit! the fact that you jumped from aero-engines to ICC-CT (your only saviour) is a pathetic, to say the least, and shows your sheer desperation in trying to save face for your masters. The fact that we are making leaps and bounds in the aerospace industry is a testament & resolve to perfect technologies with a trial and error basis! It's the only way to mature, fail fail fail & succeed.

The Chinese have the technology due to reverse engineering, which is not something to be proud off, and your cheerleaders are making fun at India for attempting it on her own. There is a fundamental error in the genes of the Pakistani's and Chinese to toe the line of the devil rather than the saint.

Don't give me the baloney about JF17's join collaboration and Pakistan's aerospace is making leaps and bounds when they doing nothing more than assembling kits in hangers (just as buying a table from Ikea and following the manual).

Your daddies are Hindu's from the 6000 years ago, this can be proven scientifically and with Darwin's theory of evolution, don't believe me go ahead and conduct a DNA test! you will surprise yourself!

you wrote all that..............now ask your mama who your daddy is and she will tell you its a pakistani. enjoy your day.

tereAs5 (Tejas) engine foreign. avionics, foreign, weapons foreign, design done by foreign companies, even the tyres are foreign. indigenous......coconut breaker infront of every tejas
well if that was the case then I have no proof and neither do you. still muslims ruled you for a 1000 years and then carved your country up. bitch all you want but fact are facts. by the way my ancestors were not from india.

M not sure abt modern India but from the region u jihadists r cming was enslaved not only by afgans, sikhs rajputs turks mongols from 1000 years but before than mauryas gupta for almost 5000 years .. worst the cult u follow not only enslaved u but used u worst than animals raped for generations... i can understand the shame cming from that part of world.. explains ur hatred but what can u do u guys r under boot of foreign powers until now all u can do is hate...
M not sure abt modern India but from the region u jihadists r cming was enslaved not only by afgans, sikhs rajputs turks mongols from 1000 years but before than mauryas gupta for almost 5000 years .. worst the cult u follow not only enslaved u but used u worst than animals raped for generations... i can understand the shame cming from that part of world.. explains ur hatred but what can u do u guys r under boot of foreign powers until now all u can do is hate...

Ignore him, the troll just ran away from a logical debate... he aint worth your time!
M not sure abt modern India but from the region u jihadists r cming was enslaved not only by afgans, sikhs rajputs turks mongols from 1000 years but before than mauryas gupta for almost 5000 years .. worst the cult u follow not only enslaved u but used u worst than animals raped for generations... i can understand the shame cming from that part of world.. explains ur hatred but what can u do u guys r under boot of foreign powers until now all u can do is hate...

I think you are one of those RSS wielding sticks and khaki shorts who cant get a woman and hence focuses all his energy on rape. are you black as the sh1t of average pakistan. do you apply face whitening cream. sad dalat....clean Brahmin sh1t
Pakistan was carved out of India and there is nothing you monkeys can do about it. I think I have just put chillies up your raped (by RSS elder) as5.
India on the verge of dreaming more than their pants can hold.
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