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Is India not Taiwan next in line for a Chinese liberation

Will China liberate First

  • Indian occupied lands like Kashmir and Tibet

    Votes: 37 60.7%
  • Taiwan

    Votes: 24 39.3%

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India has never stopped an invasion and you are about to find out why eventually

We can absolutely take their virginity and while we at it break their azz bone and 2 years max India could be annexed entirely.

You said 100 to 200 division hack we can deploy even 500 divisions could become the biggest military offensive in human history In scale

Invite IEA


Lol so many triggered Pakistanis. I guess it's hard to digest that India is decent military power and no pushover. Don't worry wait for next 10-15 years once we start manufacturing our own weapons on a mass scale. Things will get interesting once there's no threat of sanctions on weapons.
You have been manufacturing state of the art weaponry from day one otherwise how the hell did you become a Supa powa.. just play US proxy and you get the bragging rights :)
I think vice versa. You underestimated Pakistan on Feb, 2019 and had a bloody nose. Meanwhile we moved on.
Feb 19 was a political stunt which benefited both Modi and IK... That was not a military operation...

And yeah, one more thing, Pakistan will give India a tougher fight than China any day anytime.
Feb 19 was a political stunt which benefited both Modi and IK... That was not a military operation...

And yeah, one more thing, Pakistan will give India a tougher fight than China any day anytime.
Closing your eyes like a pigeon, haan?
This is completely false.

I agree, Kadi Ninda is exactly the right way to get the attention of the Modi government. It is, essentially, apple sauce.

false? indians continue to make up lies about china "backstabbing" indian in 62, yet is completely ignorant of the fact that indians not only attacked chinese posts in disputed areas, but also went into land that is undisputed. that is, land that the indian government officially considers to be china. this is also known as an unprovoked invasion. your government ignored all warnings and protests by the chinese government, then literally invaded china but it turns out the PRC knows how to fight, having just fought the us led UN to a standstill less than 10 years prior. you got your assed spanked and now you lie and cry about it. to this day no one knows why your government thinks it could fight better than the US led UN.

china has at various points offered to settle the border at the line of control or trade the south tibet claims for the western disputes which was offered even before the 62 war. every single attempt at settling the border was refused by indians. who to this day continue to claims lands based on a british drawn line that even the british admits was illegal when they drew it as they have stated that tibet was chinese definitely chinese at the time and thus no treaty could be concluded legally with tibet. not only that your government refuse to concede anything, whether that be land you control or land you've never controlled.

now you all continue, yet again, to lie about recent events, your media claim the chinese ambushed you with hundreds, using spiked clubes. you kept up this lie, then images and videos came out clearly showing a handful of unarmed and not even wear helmets, chinese negotiators ambushed by what appears to a be a hundred or more armed indians. but you all are cowards afterall, even abushing unarmed negotiators, you manage to lose, your soldiers ran so scared that they stayed in frozen rivers only to die.

China meanwhile has solved all its land border disputes with everyone except india and the indian puppet of bhutan.

indians have proven again and again that they are nothing but liars and cowards. the chinese public never cared about india, which allows the chinese government to continue to try and negotiate even when indians try their underhanded methods and spew lies left and right. but now the chinese public are more connected and information spreads faster than ever. they are beginning to see the slimy worms that India is. and with china actually increasing the capability and wealth gap with india each year, there is no appetite to settle anymore. certainly not by conceding on china's part anyhow.
This is completely false.

I agree, Kadi Ninda is exactly the right way to get the attention of the Modi government. It is, essentially, apple sauce.

Sir Jee: I think that you shall accept that the reality, of what really happened in Galwan Clash, and what was its background, is not substantially known to the common public, like us. I have yet to see a truly independent and impartial report, on this incidence, which provides substantial details. Generally, both Chinese and Indians are peddling the narratives of their respective governments and media. The reality is only known to those involved, who wouldn't divulge naturally, and the higher military and political commands of China and India. Media is only spreading, what their respective governments are telling them.
Lol so many triggered Pakistanis. I guess it's hard to digest that India is decent military power and no pushover. Don't worry wait for next 10-15 years once we start manufacturing our own weapons on a mass scale. Things will get interesting once there's no threat of sanctions on weapons.
Don't know about Pakistanis military build up plan but if you wanna talk about the future in 15 years, your other nice neighbor would be having at least more than 1000 fifth gen fighters and most likely 6th gen in IOC status, we aim high for yankees but who knows what is gonna happened between China and India. :-)
And yeah, one more thing, Pakistan will give India a tougher fight than China any day anytime.

your military command was literally too scared to rescue your own troops that was freezing to death in rivers and left them to die.

well either way, pakistani or chinese, both can slap india around when it comes down to it.
Sir Jee: I think that you shall accept that the reality, of what really happened in Galwan Clash, and what was its background, is not substantially known to the common public, like us. I have yet to see a truly independent and impartial report, on this incidence, which provides substantial details. Generally, both Chinese and Indians are peddling the narratives of their respective governments and media. The reality is only known to those involved, who wouldn't divulge naturally, and the higher military and political commands of China and India. Media is only spreading, what their respective governments are telling them.
Jee Sir, I hear you. So what do you wish me to do? Quote Chinese sources and reports?

Perhaps so long as I do not quote Indian media, that we both know is unreliable, it is acceptable? Let me try and see if this satisfies you.

Not 4, but 42 Chinese soldiers were killed in Galwan clash, claims Australian newspaper​

The report filed by Editor Anthony Klan makes such claims citing a report of a group of social media researchers.

New Delhi: Chinese People's Liberation Army lost 42 soldiers, not four during the Galwan Valley clashes with the Indian troops in Eastern Ladakh, claims The Klaxon, an Australian newspaper, on Thursday. The clashes took place on June 15, 2020.

The Indian security establishments remained silent over the claims made by the Australian newspaper report.

The report filed by Editor Anthony Klan makes such claims citing a report of a group of social media researchers.

The newspaper states that evidence provided by a group of social media researchers, which The Klaxon has independently built on, appears to support claims that China's casualties extended well beyond the four soldiers named by Beijing.

"It also shows extreme lengths Beijing has gone to in order to silence discussion about the battle - in particular, discussion about the true number of Chinese casualties."

The report citing the researchers states that the deadly June 15 battle was sparked over a temporary bridge, which Indian soldiers had erected across a stream of the Galwan River three weeks earlier, on May 22.

The report stated that the Indian and Chinese military officials had agreed to a "buffer zone" along the border in an attempt to "de-escalate the crisis" amid rising tensions.

It states that despite creation of a buffer zone, China had been building "illegal infrastructure" inside the zone, including erecting tents and creating dugouts and had moved heavy machinery into the area.

"According to a Weibo user alias name Qiang who claims to have served in the area, the PLA was creating infrastructure in this buffer zone, violating the mutual agreement and had been trying to expand its patrolling limits within the buffer zone since April 2020," the researchers state in the newspaper.

The report states: "On June 6, 80 PLA soldiers came to dismantle the bridge and nearly 100 troops came to defend it."

The paper citing the report states that during the June 6 standoff, officers from both sides "agreed to withdraw all personnel who crossed the buffer zone line" and to "dismantle all the facilities that crossed the line".

However the report says China failed to adhere to the agreement.

"PLA did not adhere to its promise and instead of dismantling its own infrastructure as agreed upon, secretly dismantled the river crossing bridge constructed by the Indian army," it says.

Three days later, on June 15, Colonel Santosh and his troops returned.

The Chinese forces were led by Colonel Qi Fabao.

"On 15th June 2020, Col. Santosh Babu along with his troops went to the disputed area in the Galwan Valley at night in an attempt to remove the Chinese encroachment where Col. Qi Fabao was present along with nearly 150 soldiers," the report states.

It says that Fabao ordered his troops to form a battle formation, instead of discussing the issue on the lines of mutual consent made at the June 6 meeting.

The report says that "the moment Col. Fabao attacked he was immediately besieged by the Indian army troops".

"To rescue him, PLA battalion commander Chen Hongjun and soldier Chen Xiangrong entered the encirclement of Indian army and started (a) physical scuffle with Indian troops using steel pipes, sticks and stones to provide cover for (their) commander to escape".

India's Colonel Santosh Babu was killed in the fighting.

It further cited "several Weibo users" states: "at least 38 PLA troops along with Wang were washed away and drowned that night of which only Wang was declared among the four officially dead soldiers".

"After the incident, the bodies of the soldiers were first taken to Shiquanhe Martyr Cemetery, followed by local ceremonies at the local towns of the killed soldiers," the report states.
India had maintained that 20 soldiers* were killed during the incident.


*20 Indian soldiers.

ou said 100 to 200 division hack we can deploy even 500 divisions could become the biggest military offensive in human history In scale
How many do you have at the moment?

How will you grow to 500 divisions? How many did the Germans deploy during their war with the Soviet Union? How many did the Soviets deploy against the Germans?

Do you have any idea, even a dim idea, about what leadership resources, training and development of doctrine a force of even a 100 divisions entails?

Do you, in fact, have even the slightest idea about what you are saying?

You have been manufacturing state of the art weaponry from day one otherwise how the hell did you become a Supa powa.. just play US proxy and you get the bragging rights :)
We couldn't catch up with you. We ran out of paint.

Closing your eyes like a pigeon, haan?
A pigeon expert.

And here I was thinking you were into ...... Uhh, never mind.
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Jee Sir, I hear you. So what do you wish me to do? Quote Chinese sources and reports?

Perhaps so long as I do not quote Indian media, that we both know is unreliable, it is acceptable? Let me try and see if this satisfies you.

Alright. Fair enough, if you know, what really happened. :-)
LOL. Another ignorant victim of suppression of facts by a dictatorial regime.
false? indians continue to make up lies about china "backstabbing" indian in 62, yet is completely ignorant of the fact that indians not only attacked chinese posts in disputed areas,
"Attacked" in normal parlance, not in the words of propaganda, means at the very least a physical assault. Your own records, if you are allowed access, will show that, not once, but on more than one occasion, Indian security personnel - not soldiers, but policemen - were killed by unilateral attacks by Chinese troops. Look up, if you are allowed to, the incidents of October 20, 1959. Also look up the actual record of events in Ladakh and in Arunachal in 1962, where your own records will show that firing was started by the PLA.

but also went into land that is undisputed. that is, land that the indian government officially considers to be china.
More ignorance.

I don't think you are lying deliberately. I do think you are ignorant and are trying to demonstrate your loyalty and patriotism by talking exaggerated nonsense from a personal narrative that you have built up.

These were not the facts.

China had no control over vast parts of Tibet during the Qing regime. The first proper road between Urumqi and Xigatse was built by a Chinese commander starting in 1951, during the first phase of Chinese re-occupation of Tibet. At that time, India had been independent for 4 years, and did not patrol her borders with Tibet, giving China every opportunity to push home her advantage due to the absence of any opposition.

The Government of India NEVER considered that portion to be Tibet, as the last record of governmental activity there was from the year 1842, when Tibet and the Indian principality of Jammu signed the Treaty of Chushul.

If you are doubtful where Chushul is, look it up.
this is also known as an unprovoked invasion.
Of course. The PRC came into Tibet in two phases, in 1950-1951, and then in 1959, and it was India that is guilty of unprovoked invasion.

your government ignored all warnings and protests by the chinese government, then literally invaded china
You do write an excellent history. I hope one day you will graduate to writing one such excellent history, but this time based on facts gathered from authentic sources.
but it turns out the PRC knows how to fight, having just fought the us led UN to a standstill less than 10 years prior. you got your assed spanked and now you lie and cry about it. to this day no one knows why your government thinks it could fight better than the US led UN.
Frankly, India was least expecting a war. It may assuage your guilt to claim all these things, but for a nation that has wiped out even knowledge of the incidents on Tien An Men Square, this is not very surprising.
china has at various points offered to settle the border at the line of control or trade the south tibet claims for the western disputes which was offered even before the 62 war. every single attempt at settling the border was refused by indians. who to this day continue to claims lands based on a british drawn line
We were the successor state, so we went by what the British had suggested, and what the Tibetan delegate agreed to, not just at that time, but until the Chinese re-occupation. It was never the Tibetans who claimed any land on the borders, always the Chinese.

The People's Republic of China did not exist in 1914, when the treaty was drawn up. So how are you claiming that there was a dispute? Surely on the basis that the PRC is the successor to the KMT republic of China, that was itself the successor to the Qing Empire that existed from 1911 onwards. So why do you object to other states making their point as successor states?
that even the british admits was illegal when they drew it as they have stated that tibet was chinese definitely chinese at the time and thus no treaty could be concluded legally with tibet.
So your understanding is that the British signed a treaty that was illegal, and thereafter gave guarantees and took guarantees from Tsarist Russia not to interfere in these territories?

Please think about what this implies.
not only that your government refuse to concede anything, whether that be land you control or land you've never controlled.
India has never claimed anything that she has not controlled. Not physically mounting patrols does not mean abdication of one's rights.
now you all continue, yet again, to lie about recent events, your media claim the chinese ambushed you with hundreds, using spiked clubes. you kept up this lie, then images and videos came out clearly showing a handful of unarmed and not even wear helmets, chinese negotiators ambushed by what appears to a be a hundred or more armed indians. but you all are cowards afterall, even abushing unarmed negotiators, you manage to lose, your soldiers ran so scared that they stayed in frozen rivers only to die.
Read for yourself what others have said. Indian sources have NEVER commented on Chinese casualties, to avoid heating up the situation further. These are sources from outside, and they have built up a picture based on Chinese users of social media. Nothing to do with India.

They show what a tissue of lies has been related to the Chinese people by the Chinese government.
China meanwhile has solved all its land border disputes with everyone except india and the indian puppet of bhutan.
What about the other borders? Now that you have managed to bury the records of your armed struggles with the Russians in 1961, and with the Mongolians for greater periods of time, the world has seen how in spite of international multilateral legal rulings, in proceedings where the PRC actively participated, it has flouted every international law, and is now busy bullying all her neighbours with shows of armed force.
indians have proven again and again that they are nothing but liars and cowards.
What would we expect from one who writes his own version of history?

Note that throughout, unlike you, I have never criticised the Chinese people, only the Chinese government. I know that you are incapable of making these distinctions. Perhaps your seniors may.
the chinese public never cared about india, which allows the chinese government to continue to try and negotiate even when indians try their underhanded methods and spew lies left and right.
Negotiate? Except for Chou En-Lai's offer before 1962, (and a possible revival in 1963, that a reliable Pakistani friend has brought out), when was there any negotiation? Even today, the PRC has never explained the documents based on which it claims its western boundaries with India. Not once.
but now the chinese public are more connected and information spreads faster than ever. they are beginning to see the slimy worms that India is. and with china actually increasing the capability and wealth gap with india each year, there is no appetite to settle anymore. certainly not by conceding on china's part anyhow.
I believe that the Chinese people are members of a great civilisation and respect them and their culture. Even they, however, have their uncouth elements, as we see from the post we are discussing. Only a fringe lunatic could use terms of the sort that you have used. There is no appetite on the Indian side either to settle anything under pressure of arms or military action, so it works more than one way.

Alright. Fair enough, if you know, what really happened. :-)
Who am I? The Australians, you know, the ones who are sending their cricket team to Pakistan, are the ones responsible for the report that I have reproduced.

Alright. Fair enough, if you know, what really happened. :-)
Please look at post #114.
Jee Sir, I hear you. So what do you wish me to do? Quote Chinese sources and reports?

Perhaps so long as I do not quote Indian media, that we both know is unreliable, it is acceptable? Let me try and see if this satisfies you.

Not 4, but 42 Chinese soldiers were killed in Galwan clash, claims Australian newspaper​

The report filed by Editor Anthony Klan makes such claims citing a report of a group of social media researchers.

New Delhi: Chinese People's Liberation Army lost 42 soldiers, not four during the Galwan Valley clashes with the Indian troops in Eastern Ladakh, claims The Klaxon, an Australian newspaper, on Thursday. The clashes took place on June 15, 2020.

The Indian security establishments remained silent over the claims made by the Australian newspaper report.

The report filed by Editor Anthony Klan makes such claims citing a report of a group of social media researchers.

The newspaper states that evidence provided by a group of social media researchers, which The Klaxon has independently built on, appears to support claims that China's casualties extended well beyond the four soldiers named by Beijing.

"It also shows extreme lengths Beijing has gone to in order to silence discussion about the battle - in particular, discussion about the true number of Chinese casualties."

The report citing the researchers states that the deadly June 15 battle was sparked over a temporary bridge, which Indian soldiers had erected across a stream of the Galwan River three weeks earlier, on May 22.

The report stated that the Indian and Chinese military officials had agreed to a "buffer zone" along the border in an attempt to "de-escalate the crisis" amid rising tensions.

It states that despite creation of a buffer zone, China had been building "illegal infrastructure" inside the zone, including erecting tents and creating dugouts and had moved heavy machinery into the area.

"According to a Weibo user alias name Qiang who claims to have served in the area, the PLA was creating infrastructure in this buffer zone, violating the mutual agreement and had been trying to expand its patrolling limits within the buffer zone since April 2020," the researchers state in the newspaper.

The report states: "On June 6, 80 PLA soldiers came to dismantle the bridge and nearly 100 troops came to defend it."

The paper citing the report states that during the June 6 standoff, officers from both sides "agreed to withdraw all personnel who crossed the buffer zone line" and to "dismantle all the facilities that crossed the line".

However the report says China failed to adhere to the agreement.

"PLA did not adhere to its promise and instead of dismantling its own infrastructure as agreed upon, secretly dismantled the river crossing bridge constructed by the Indian army," it says.

Three days later, on June 15, Colonel Santosh and his troops returned.

The Chinese forces were led by Colonel Qi Fabao.

"On 15th June 2020, Col. Santosh Babu along with his troops went to the disputed area in the Galwan Valley at night in an attempt to remove the Chinese encroachment where Col. Qi Fabao was present along with nearly 150 soldiers," the report states.

It says that Fabao ordered his troops to form a battle formation, instead of discussing the issue on the lines of mutual consent made at the June 6 meeting.

The report says that "the moment Col. Fabao attacked he was immediately besieged by the Indian army troops".

"To rescue him, PLA battalion commander Chen Hongjun and soldier Chen Xiangrong entered the encirclement of Indian army and started (a) physical scuffle with Indian troops using steel pipes, sticks and stones to provide cover for (their) commander to escape".

India's Colonel Santosh Babu was killed in the fighting.

It further cited "several Weibo users" states: "at least 38 PLA troops along with Wang were washed away and drowned that night of which only Wang was declared among the four officially dead soldiers".

"After the incident, the bodies of the soldiers were first taken to Shiquanhe Martyr Cemetery, followed by local ceremonies at the local towns of the killed soldiers," the report states.
India had maintained that 20 soldiers* were killed during the incident.


*20 Indian soldiers.

How many do you have at the moment?

How will you grow to 500 divisions? How many did the Germans deploy during their war with the Soviet Union? How many did the Soviets deploy against the Germans?

Do you have any idea, even a dim idea, about what leadership resources, training and development of doctrine a force of even a 100 divisions entails?

Do you, in fact, have even the slightest idea about what you are saying?

We couldn't catch up with you. We ran out of paint.

A pigeon expert.

And here I was thinking you were into ...... Uhh, never mind.

Indian trick to fool their unintelligent masses,pick an irrelevant payola site to write anything and for headline making in india with the prestigious seeming foreign nation's name of "australian" ,"American", since India worship anything foreign.
Why don't so-called social media researchers(actually he's alone ) quote Twitter and facebooK posts as source too? what's stopping them?
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View attachment 819735

Indian trick to fool their unintelligent masses,pick an irrelevant payola site to write anything and for headline making in india with the prestigious seeming foreign nations name of "australian" ,"american".
Why don't so called social media researcher quote twitter and face booK post as source? what's stopping them?
Why don't you ask them? I quoted a source, it is up to you to believe or disbelieve them, based on the evidence. It is not up to you to say that you will not believe them because they have been quoted by someone you don't like.
Who am I? The Australians, you know, the ones who are sending their cricket team to Pakistan, are the ones responsible for the report that I have reproduced.

Sir Jee: Do you mean, that since Australian Cricket Team is visiting Pakistan; therefore, I shall believe in, whatever any Tom, Dick or Harry Australian says about Galwan Clash?

"Paaposh main lagaayi kiran aaftaab ki
Jo baat ki, khuda ki qasam laajawaab ki"

:lol: :lol:
Why don't you ask them? I quoted a source, it is up to you to believe or disbelieve them, based on the evidence. It is not up to you to say that you will not believe them because they have been quoted by someone you don't like.
Anyone can quote even TFI as source,that doesn't mean one should quote a TFI,bc it's TFI.

Why should I ask payola fake news peddler that uses excuses like "citing weibo users", any one can say anything by excuse like ''citing weibo ''user,is 313 million monthly active users weibo user's words equal to the edict of god?

He shows no evidence about 38 being washed away. His source is basically -"trust me bro".
What kind of lunatic one have to be to claim 38 soldiers got washed away in himalayan mountain?why didn't India get some bodies?
Indian propaganda network's new trick;pay irrelevant foreign site(fake or real) that nobody even know to peddle lies, than quote that in Indian media with title like "Australian media", how easy to frame catchy headline, Indians are only good at fooling their delirious masses that lack any form of critical thinking.A dishonest nation top down. How can such a nation progress?
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