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Is India not Taiwan next in line for a Chinese liberation

Will China liberate First

  • Indian occupied lands like Kashmir and Tibet

    Votes: 37 60.7%
  • Taiwan

    Votes: 24 39.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
How will you grow to 500 divisions?

An army division is approx. 15000 x 500 you get 7.5m and imho we could raise more then 500 and he was perhaps being conversative approx we can raise 9-10m easily that is almost 700 Divisions only as the active offensive front and leave behind another 700 as reservers front on top of that in total 20m fighting force without counting the volunteers and tribal militias
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taiwan has deep technological and industrial infrastructure that China wants to take without a way. needless to say, a war would ruin their taiwan's entire infrastructure down to dust. india has no such infrastructure and won't have any such infrastructure for the next 100 years, especially in iiok. conclusion? China takes iiok as one big firing range for practice.
Yeah, in reality the world's biggest fascist dictatorship country is supa pooh India now ! You Indians know a lot of fascism for sure, more than any other people !
Other than grotesque distortions of English words that demonstrate your complex about aping Europeans, do you have anything logical and reasonable to say?

And stop false flagging.
`what dogs in fight? u think you're relevant? lol
A nation charts based on its character as a state.
I don't think I'm relevant.

Now answer me this: which *** approaches an irrelevant person and addresses irrelevant questions to him?

An army division is approx. 15000 x 500 you get 7.5m and imho we could raise more then 500 and he was perhaps being conversative approx we can raise 9-10m easily that is almost 700 Divisions only as the active offensive front and leave behind another 700 as reservers front on top of that in total 20m fighting force without counting the volunteers and tribal militias
I see that you don't have a clue.
Other than grotesque distortions of English words that demonstrate your complex about aping Europeans, do you have anything logical and reasonable to say?

And stop false flagging.
Then, you slums Indians stop come here to shit on the forum !
India likes to talk but when action is required, they submit and run like chickens. Everyone in the world saw Indians surrendering like a pack of scared monkeys and everyone knows how Indians had their country sliced and diced in 62 before USSR/USA saved them from China. Let India talk because the more they talk, the less action/ability they have.
Then, you slums Indians stop come here to shit on the forum !
I don't shit here and there and everywhere. Very selectively, I assure you. Now why don't you apply pressure on the lever and prepare for your next conversation?
I don't shit here and there and everywhere. Very selectively, I assure you. Now why don't you apply pressure on the lever and prepare for your next conversation?
you Indians are known to shit every where, do I have to inform you ?
Truthfully, India is not worth China's time. About 95% of China's military are in the East. The 5% arrayed against India is already overkill.

With Pakistan it is game, set and match.

Besides, invading India means taking over a horrendously filthy land with teeming masses of people doing open defecation everywhere. No thanks!
Truthfully, India is not worth China's time. About 95% of China's military are in the East. The 5% arrayed against India is already overkill.

With Pakistan it is game, set and match.

Besides, invading India means taking over a horrendously filthy land with teeming masses of people doing open defecation everywhere. No thanks!

And you spend an enormous amount of time explaining that.

It took me less than a minute to write a few sentences in a Chinese-friendly forum :)

Why are you here? Desperate for attention?

I hang around here so that somebody who calls himself GiantPanda spots me. High spot of my life, don't you know?

You Indian eat your own sh**, thick face !

Not while I have suitable ceramic receptacles. These are made of what do you think the name is?

I hang around here so that somebody who calls himself GiantPanda spots me. High spot of my life, don't you know?


Not while I have suitable ceramic receptacles. These are made of what do you think the name is?
you people shit everywhere on the streets, you drink Ganges water floating with corpses and shit, I haven't see such filthy people lowest form as you have absolute no sense of shame, do you ? try to badmouth other people all the time.

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