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Is India not Taiwan next in line for a Chinese liberation

Will China liberate First

  • Indian occupied lands like Kashmir and Tibet

    Votes: 37 60.7%
  • Taiwan

    Votes: 24 39.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
you people shit everywhere on the streets, you drink Ganges water floating with corpses and shit, I haven't see such filthy people lowest form as you have absolute no sense of shame, do you ? try to badmouth other people all the time.
Don't you get it? With things like you around, we feel superior.
Don't you get it? With things like you around, we feel superior.
it's indeed disgusting and revolting to have talked to such filthy and shameless shit as you !
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Regional conflict or skirmish is different than a all out invasion, Indians might not be a match for China but given a full scale Invasion you can see a lot of Indians fighting against the Red Army, whether it will help them or not its a different debate, but Taking on India for China will be exhausting and China has their eyes set on a larger prize, they are competing with US.
Why badmouth the chinese?
I was bored and tired of being polite to these mannerless little squirts.

This one is a particularly obnoxious little goblin.

BTW, I don't suffer nuisances from any nationality; it wasn't because he was Chinese that I took such a keen dislike to him, to his language, and to his foul mouth, it was because of those characteristics.
China will be exhausting

What are you smoking brother.. Pakistan-Afg can take the entirety of India within 2 years time and you are saying the Chinese can't do it.. Ofcourse they can take India and I mean all of it without getting out of the first gear.. We all saw what happened in Galwan the Indians don't have stomach nor dispclined to withstand an attrition conflict
What are you smoking brother.. Pakistan-Afg can take the entirety of India within 2 years time and you are saying the Chinese can't do it.. Ofcourse they can take India and I mean all of it without getting out of the first gear.. We all saw what happened in Galwan the Indians don't have stomach nor dispclined to withstand an attrition conflict
Galwan was a skirmish, in a full scale Invasion India's entire military will be mobilized you know this right? its not that Indians will just let China a free pass to Delhi ? Skirmish and War is different.
Galwan was a skirmish, in a full scale Invasion India's entire military will be mobilized you know this right? its not that Indians will just let China a free pass to Delhi ? Skirmish and War is different.

No they won't be able to stand in front of the chinese..

I swear to God only the Afghans could overrun the entirety of India if they are armed as good as Pakistan.. Despite being only 50m vs 1.5b..

I assure you the Afghans will have no issues in reaching Tamil nadu within a short time frame..

Pakistan-Afg can take the entirety of India within 2 years time and you are saying the Chinese can't do it.. Ofcourse they can take India and I mean all of it without getting out of the first gear.. We all saw what happened in Galwan the Indians don't have stomach nor dispclined to withstand an attrition conflict
This is the kind of post that with its shallow and ignorant approach develops an aversion in me.

Galwan was a skirmish, in a full scale Invasion India's entire military will be mobilized you know this right? its not that Indians will just let China a free pass to Delhi ? Skirmish and War is different.
Frankly, it was not even a skirmish, it was a brawl between two unarmed mobs. The kind of observer who takes this to offer an insight into either side's martial capabilities needs to be sent back to finish his school homework.
No they won't be able to stand in front of the chinese..

I swear to God only the Afghans could overrun the entirety of India if they are armed as good as Pakistan.. Despite being only 50m vs 1.5b..

I assure you the Afghans will have no issues in reaching Tamil nadu within a short time frame..

Ok I see it now, no point in continuing the conversation with you. What's your level in PUBG by the way?
You didn't, we did. 1971 was inevitable. Even a superpower couldn't hold a faraway country of 70 million against it's will.
True, true. Nothing to complain about there. It helps, however, to have friends to assist fate.

Ok I see it now, no point in continuing the conversation with you. What's your level in PUBG by the way?

Very cruel.
Frankly, it was not even a skirmish, it was a brawl between two unarmed mobs. The kind of observer who takes this to offer an insight into either side's martial capabilities needs to be sent back to finish his school homework.
Who will make him understand that? The amount of soldiers China can throw at India, Indians can match it as both countries have massive manpower, tanks, fighters , ships and other resources, Quality between the two can be debated all day long but Quantity is there... And an India is/will be as much willing to die for his country as the Chinese, so in a full scale War every bit of resources both countries can mustard will be used, but saying that it will be a walk in Park for China is massively ignorant. And I'd use the same logic with India and Pakistan conflict, it won't be a walk in Park for India to invade or fight Pakistan a full scale war, things/time/technology has changed the warfare for not just China/US/Russia/EU/Pakistan but every country in the world.
Ok I see it now, no point in continuing the conversation with you. What's your level in PUBG by the way?

India has never defended an invasion and you will eventually understand why..

Whomever makes a move on India will have it whether it is the Chinese first or Pakistan first but whomever makes a move on it will have India without exhausting their resources and without it being a difficult conquest

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