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‘Irrational’ border closure a setback to Pak-India ties: Chinese analysts

Sealing the border is an announcement of cold war and keep buying what BJP sells because if the border is sealed once, one wonders what would NaMO sell to the people so there is no sealing but attempt to divert the focus. Furthermore, LoC cannot be sealed as border, as far as I know so India is attempting for the same not the IB which is already guarded, fenced and almost sealed. Forget the LoC to be sealed until & unless peace in IoK.

Forget about telling me what my leaders sell, since you have buying the bunk yours have been selling for years. Stick to the topic & avoid silly potshots at the leaders of my country. We don't care for your opinion on our leaders. I have heard no details about sealing the border which is why I'm in no hurry to pass judgement on what is being proposed but the idea that you think a cold war between India & Pakistan would come about only because of that is laughable.

In any case, what exactly is your point here ?
Why is China bothered by the Indian decision of sealing off it's borders with Pakistan. That is plain stupid from the Chinese think tank.
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Indians are butt hurt and their egos will be desteoyed if Pakistan manages to conquer Kashmir so to peotect your little pride and ego you will destroy not just Pakistan but also yourself! Gl with that!
You are still dreaming about conquering Kashmir after losing East Pakistan and Siachin.

Will India's relations with China get complicated if China decides to seal her borders with Vietnam?
Looks like chinese think tank are holidaying too much in Pakistan.
And how does sealing the borders improve relations between India and Pakistan?

It will worsen relations. With less people to people contact, less economic ties, less cross border investment... it will make war and even nuclear war more likely. Because there will be less to lose.

Do you even understand what sealing of border means?

We will still have transit points where only authorized movement of goods and people can happen.

Are you worried about militants not able to cross?
China wants to trade with everyone, we are the largest trading partner of most countries in the world (including Japan).

While India wants to trade based on emotionalism. India-Pakistan trade is already abysmally low despite sharing one of the longest borders in the world, even before they wanted to seal the border.

And sealed borders mean that both sides have less invested in the other, therefore greater likelihood of war (even nuclear war).

This is the same reason India is refusing to participate in China's One Belt One Road initiative. I don't understand why India has a problem with increasing economic cooperation in the region, preferring instead to hold business ties hostage to emotionalism.

Is this a joke? You nation acts on ancient maps and emotions based on national pride practically spells out your foreign policy.
Maybe you should give India access to Tibet and let the other countries roam freely since it will help trade with all other parties involved?

As far as sealed borders are concerned, why shouldn't we protect our own interests? I don't understand why China has a problem is supporting terrorists who can be picked out from millions (It's actually that blatant!!!). Maybe you should mind your own business?
and the abysmal trade with Pak is exactly why it wouldn't bother us in any way.

tl:dar version.. We don't really give a rat's *** about China's concerns in this matter.. Pot meet Kettle..
It's up to our interest to seal it or not.. it would be better if China look into its own matter.

Chinese are right...We need to open our borders and allow people to trade and move in each other territory, after scrutinize them of course...Time to steam up economic activity in region among China, Pakistan and India...

This is, i think, Chinese are trying to say...
Is this a joke? You nation acts on ancient maps and emotions based on national pride practically spells out your foreign policy.
Maybe you should give India access to Tibet and let the other countries roam freely since it will help trade with all other parties involved?

As far as sealed borders are concerned, why shouldn't we protect our own interests? I don't understand why China has a problem is supporting terrorists who can be picked out from millions (It's actually that blatant!!!). Maybe you should mind your own business?
and the abysmal trade with Pak is exactly why it wouldn't bother us in any way.

tl:dar version.. We don't really give a rat's *** about China's concerns in this matter.. Pot meet Kettle..

Chinese are seeing larger picture which u are unable to see due to your RSS modi hindutuva extremist nationalist ideology....Chinese are saying time to beef up economic activity in region among Pakistan, China and India, leaving aside nationalism...Chinese are tired of your bickering against them...If you leave this matter out, don't complain to China afterwards that they didn't warn you...

Try to read b/w lines, all bakhts...
Sealing border is just one of many decisions India is taking,it shows the increased level of tensions.

Why would anyone invest in a region with war ,terrorism,extremism,instability and violence ?

no project even if someday completed will work in this environment.
Your name is contradicting to what you are saying ...
no matter what you do, no matter what one says, in the end everything turns around in India's favor. The earth revolves around India. First God created India then expanded the earth so there are more people who can benefit India. then God created galaxies, suns and other planet only to serve India'
Sealing border is just one of many decisions India is taking,it shows the increased level of tensions.

Why would anyone invest in a region with war ,terrorism,extremism,instability and violence ?

no project even if someday completed will work in this environment.
Reality check .. When cpec project initiated security conditions was much worst ...
Recently pakistan's emerging market nominated pakistan as best suited for i frastructure investment ...
Iran is pursuing pakistan to join cpec ...
Russia think tank reports cpec to be a game changer for the region

Still some super power named india claims pakistan is going to be destroued ... Hahaha ... India and its dillusions ..:hitwall:
What international law is telling about sealing borders ?
We have observed maxico and USA border sealed. We have observed LOC sealed. So find out what's the actual law behind it.
We are not bothered about the nonexisting Indo-Pak 'ties', at least not anymore.

We already know that with the kind of company China keeps, it won't be able to see any proof of terrorists or terrorism, and we also know that they will eventually pay for it.

In short, we will go ahead with our plan, Chinese concerns don't count.
You are still dreaming about conquering Kashmir after losing East Pakistan and Siachin.

Will India's relations with China get complicated if China decides to seal her borders with Vietnam?
Looks like chinese think tank are holidaying too much in Pakistan.
Lols if you are fimiliar with football specifically english premier league there is a team called liverpool 20 - 30 years back they won all major titles but now they havnt won anything but their fans keep talkig about past as if words of past will get them trophies thats what you hindu satani do talk about past...presently you people are danxing on american shoulders barking liek dogs on every corner every street you peoplw are nothing more than noisy butt hurt neighbours!
If this is the case then how about prove them wrong rather than sealing the border but No.

why you so desperatly want them to not seal the border? They already fenced some 500km out of 750 LOC, You are talking to people who have no respect for UN resolution, their shameless external minister call Kashmir an atoot ang of bharat in the same UN which decleared it as disputed territory.. Which shows how much they respect UN.

fact is when they were building fence on LOC in past, we did nothing except protests, same will be case with this too.. Unless someday our Army decides to remove them physically bcoz they are illegal.

And what do you mean by future cold war? are you talking about proxy war? we are already victim of bhart financed terrorism via Afghanistan?

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