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IRGC members appatently have been detained by Saudi Arabia.

False news !!!!!!!!

ادعاى عربستان درباره دستگيرى ۳ نظامى ايرانی صحت ندارد

مدير کل امور مرزى وزارت کشور:
ادعای عربستان مبنی بر دستگیری ۳ نیروی نظامی ایران در نزدیکی میدان نفتی مرجان مربوط به همان دو قايق ماهی‌گيرى است.
عربستان با تيراندازى به دو قايق صيادى ايرانى باعث مرگ يکى از ماهی‌گيران شد.
ادعاى عربستان درباره دستگيرى نيروى نظامى ايران صحت ندارد چرا که افرداى که با نيروهاى اين کشور روبه رو شدند صيادان ساده‌اى بودند که قايق آنها هم قايق ماهی‌گيرى بوده است.
You mean like the last time Saudi media claimed that IRGC officers were captured in Yemen, which proved to be nothing but bullshit. Let them show some proof.

I had a feeling this was just some propoganda stunt by the Saudis. Hopefully it's not true.
It's sad comedy when a failed state, spending trillions on arms, are owned so hard that they have to resort in fake allegations to supposedly save face. So humiliating!

This is the magnitude of their answer when Iran precision strikes their assets on Syria.

The Saudi Navy has reportedly detained three members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from a boat seized on Friday evening
Why didn't the IRGC issue an official denial?
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If this was true, Saudi Arabia would be posting so many pictures to embarrass Iran and make the IRGC seem weak.

No pictures No ID cards No military uniform released so far makes it seem like propaganda. But it's still early news story so we wait.
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