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IRGC establishes red lines on any Military Invasion into Armenia

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Ok keyboard warrior :omghaha: You sound like a kid.

Turkey buys our natural gas and helps us evade sanctions. Pakistan couldn’t even finish its side of the Iran-Pak natural gas pipeline because America told it to stop. Now you have energy crisis.

Russia also sold gas to Europe but that did not prevent Russian war with NATO.

Turkiye is doing a favor to Iran by buying your gas.
Pak army wants no insurgency in Jammu either.. Wrestling India to the ground is done in different ways by destroying there armed forces the whole of India will be free for seizing and that is done in a different method hence this doesn't require any insurgency whatsoever..

Russia also sold gas to Europe but that did not prevent Russian war with NATO.

Turkiye is doing a favor to Iran by buying your gas.

And do you know what happens when Russia turns off the pipes to Europe? They freeze. They have no way to get enough gas from other sources. I wouldn’t expect a child to understand geopolitics. Look at natural gas prices in Europe right now. Putin is laughing.

Turkey is welcome to go find other sources for natural gas, but it buys 40% of its natural gas from Russia and some from Iran and the rest from Azeri.

What war can Turkey afford against Armenia when Russia turns off the pipes, Iran turns off the pipes, and they both bomb Azeri pipeline?Turkey will be paralyzed.

Again no use talking about a fantasy war that will never happen with a child.
qutbudin, titanium, battalion, Qatari emir DP, now this

Russia also sold gas to Europe but that did not prevent Russian war with NATO.

Turkiye is doing a favor to Iran by buying your gas.
now according to multiple posters, you are also a false flagging Indian whose shtick is to come of as a dumb OTT nationalist
Would the Iranians really get involved in a possible new conflict?
“They”.... last I checked Azeri used Turkish drones and Israeli drones including Israeli LORA missile. What did Pakistan provide Azeri?

Pakistan wouldn’t hurt to focus on its internal situation: Pakistani shiites getting massacred in mosques by suicide bombers. Government Relying on IMF loans to get by. No confidence vote for PM Khan. Kashmir and Afghanistan a mess. Energy crisis in Pakistan.

And you are worried about Azerbaijan? Seems misguided, but you are welcome to continue following that path.
Speaking of pakistans energy crisis,pakistan only has a little over 2 years remaining,out of the 5 year extension that it was granted by iran back in 2019,in order to finish its section of the ip pipeline and avoid getting taken to arbitration over the hundreds of 🤑millions of dollars🤑 in penalty fees that it owes iran for non completion of its section of the ip pipeline.
Pakistan better hurry up and get a move on,because the clock is ticking and those penalty fees arent going away......
In my opinion you should focus on Kashmir and recovering your stolen land before giving analysis about what other countries should do to maintain their national security.

Azeribajian has become a Zionist den of spies and a lapdog for Turkey who are trying to redraw borders.
says someone who's country is being run by a regime which is imported from ISLAMIC KHILAFAT OF FRANCE lol
Is it the same IRGC which failed to protect its own commander?
Oh your comment really is not insult to IRGC but an insult to Iraq who could not protect it's guest
By the way at least when you comment do a little research. Mr. Suleimany was not IRGC head he was head of IRGC Quds force which is one branch of IRGC 6 branch
Would the Iranians really get involved in a possible new conflict?

If the situation warrants a response then yes they would. Israeli entrenchment in Azerbaijan will be dealt with the same way it was in Erbil.

People have this unfounded assumption that the Iranian-state is somehow weak and cannot (for some reason) support its own national interests, let alone get embroiled in a war. They've been fighting all over MENA for quite some time now and are very experienced.

Iran has no want to occupy Azerbaijan, all it needs to do is conduct several surgical strikes against Israeli-assets.
I think Pakistanis of all people would understand the sensitivity of border changes. The Kashmir situation is similar to what is going on here with different context.

Iran has indicated Karabakh is rightfully Azerbaijani land. BUT, Armenia proper is of course a different situation, so border changes are not acceptable to Iran.

Iran is not choosing to be any enemy of Turks. It's not about that. If someone chooses to become an enemy of yours, then their is no choice and Azerbaijan has made many claims of land where their are majority of Azeri-speaking people. People who have been part of Iran practically since the 16th century, as a matter of fact, one can even say the Azeri people of Iran are the ones who built most of what Iran's territory looks today. The entirety of my mother side is Azeri speaking. People in Iran are not racist people, and have no care of what ethnicity you are from.

It is also well discussed in Iran, that an Iranian nuclear scientists assassination (Fakhrizadeh) was carried out using Azerbaijanis territory as a surrogate. As well as other activities like quadcopter penetrations. Iran has shown restraint because it does not want to create difficulties with its majority Shia muslim neighbor. Although I should mention, most Azerbijani people are atheistic from 2 centuries of Russian occupation.

Their are important geopolitical agreements where as well, we Iran requires Armenia and Georgia to have access to the Black sea and their is concern of this access being cut off by Azerbaijan if it decides to do so. Their is no proper agreement with Iran on this matter.

But mostly I wonder how muslims on this website can justify Azerbaijanis purchases of Israeli military equipment.

They justify it as a means to an end, without advanced Israeli/Turkish weaponry. Reclamation of Azeri lands from Armenia would have never been possible given just how effective TB2 alongside loitering munitions were on the battlefield.

But as you correctly, other issues such as land-grabbing or rhetorically threatening Iranian territorial integrity are clear as day for all to see. Aliyev has made numerous statements to this effect, how serious they are is entirely different matter but the Israeli use of Azerbaijan as a base to luanch operations into Iran needs to be dealt with ASAP.

As before, if Turkey wants to make a fuss out of it, so be it. It's well worth uprooting Israel from Azerbaijan via pin-point strikes on their assets rather than see another important figure (I.E: Fahkrizadeh) be killed or more facilities sabotaged. Although I think that Iran, Turkey and Azerbaijan have been talking behind the scenes to limit Israeli operations and at least somewhat address Iranian concerns.
If the situation warrants a response then yes they would. Israeli entrenchment in Azerbaijan will be dealt with the same way it was in Erbil.

People have this unfounded assumption that the Iranian-state is somehow weak and cannot (for some reason) support its own national interests, let alone get embroiled in a war. They've been fighting all over MENA for quite some time now and are very experienced.

Iran has no want to occupy Azerbaijan, all it needs to do is conduct several surgical strikes against Israeli-assets.

They justify it as a means to an end, without advanced Israeli/Turkish weaponry. Reclamation of Azeri lands from Armenia would have never been possible given just how effective TB2 alongside loitering munitions were on the battlefield.

But as you correctly, other issues such as land-grabbing or rhetorically threatening Iranian territorial integrity are clear as day for all to see. Aliyev has made numerous statements to this effect, how serious they are is entirely different matter but the Israeli use of Azerbaijan as a base to luanch operations into Iran needs to be dealt with ASAP.

As before, if Turkey wants to make a fuss out of it, so be it. It's well worth uprooting Israel from Azerbaijan via pin-point strikes on their assets rather than see another important figure (I.E: Fahkrizadeh) be killed or more facilities sabotaged. Although I think that Iran, Turkey and Azerbaijan have been talking behind the scenes to limit Israeli operations and at least somewhat address Iranian concerns.

First of all this tweet is fake.. But I find it hilarious that you are doing empty speculations and things your gov't won't even sanction. But I guess it is the internet everyone can type out shxt.

You know what happened last time and if Iran was sincere it would have kicked Turkey out of Syria, Iraq and Azerbaijan itself long time ago.

Azerbaijan is now effectively part of Turkey's defensive security zone it would mean like landing stuff inside their territory.. saber-rattling on the internet? I just don't know why people use alot of time on that
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