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Iraqi forces raid Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah base, 14 arrested

Abu donkey jihadis of forum are sad :( that ISIS were crushed, Apply this cream to the place of impact asap:

Like i said, always no evidence. According to Israeilis you are the one who is supporting ISIS.
There are tons of leaked documents, video evidence, down to single orders of arms. The report is pretty solid. Just read the report, and then you can decide for yourself.

Tell me this, and be honest. Would it come as a surprise for you, if you were to find out you had a key role in arming ISIS? You were openly demanding that Assad must leave. You were once partners with UAE and Saudi, and we all know their role in funding ISIS and other terrorist groups with the same ideology. You are literally working with ex-ISIS members right now in Syria.
A raid by Iraq security forces on some of their own members on Thursday night resulted in hours of uncertainty in Baghdad.
JUNE 27, 2020 01:33


A member of Hashd al-Shaabi waves a flag of Kataib Hezbollah militia group during a protest to condemn air strikes on bases belonging to Hashd al-Shaabi (paramilitary forces), outside the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad
(photo credit: REUTERS)
A raid by Iraq security forces on some of their own members on Thursday night resulted in hours of uncertainty in Baghdad. Armed men from the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) responded with a convoy through the city after members of Kataib Hezbollah were detained.

Kataib Hezbollah is part of the PMU and thus part of the Iraqi Security Forces but it has acted as a rogue militia, firing rockets at US forces dozens of times over the past year. Iraq’s new Prime Minister wanted to send a message by dispatching the black-clad Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service forces to detain the PMU members.

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The question in the early hours of Friday was whether this could lead to violence between the PMU and other government forces. It didn’t. Instead the more hard core militias that are backed by Iran, and are part of the PMU, de-escalated the situation and relied on their commanders to get the detainees transferred back to PMU control.

This is apparently what happened, which means that a show of force by Baghdad to rein in the Iranian-backed group resulted in a kind of quiet deal where the detained men, around 14 of them, would be held by their peers and investigated.

Iraq faces a growing problem. The PMU was formed to fight ISIS and were a bunch of populist militias, many of them Shi’ite, supported by Iran. They openly were religious and sectarian. During the war they were needed because the Iraqi army was weak. But the US-led Coalition has helped train and mentor 200,000 members of the Iraqi forces now. That means the PMU could have been disbanded. Instead Iraq made them an official force between 2016 and 2018.

They get government salaries. But even as they use weapons that are supposed to be in the hands of the government, and run secret prisons, have their own armories and tanks and vehicles, they are supposed to follow orders. Instead some groups like Kataib Hezbollah take orders from Iran and the IRGC-Quds Force. They have killed three members of the US-led anti-ISIS coalition and one contractor. The US responded by bombing them in December and March and killing Kataib Hezbollah leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in January.

In June, there were six rocket attacks on the US embassy, the airport and US forces at a base. Baghdad decided to detain some Kataib Hezbollah members and rockets they were preparing to fire. The show of force was a message: Stop eroding the government’s standing by attacking Iraq bases where US soldiers are.

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Iraq wants a new conflict. Already there have been eight months of protests and hundreds dead. There is Covid-19 and a new ISIS insurgency and economic disaster. A conflict with the PMU is not something anyone will push for seriously. But weakening Kataib Hezbollah is important to some in Baghdad and around the region. Iran will oppose this

From Zionist OP to other ISIS supporter dogs who couldn't do a shit in Syria and Iraq (Plus Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, etc...) because Iran had force on the ground, read this heartbreaking news:

Iraq launches operations against ISIL in Diyala
Jun 28, 2020, 5:31 PM


TEHRAN, Jun. 28 (MNA) – The Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced the launch of new security operations against the remnants of ISIL forces in Diyala Governorate.

In an interview with Al-Maaloma, an informed source said that military operations were launched against the remnants of ISIL in Abu Khanazir in the northeast of Diyala Governorate.

According to the source, the operation was carried out following last night's ISIL attack on a police checkpoint and the martyrdom and wounding of six people.

In other operations, the intelligence forces of the Iraqi Interior Ministry identified and arrested 14 terrorists in different parts of Kirkuk and Samarra.

According to the report, Iraqi Interior Ministry forces have arrested 9 terrorists in various parts of Samarra on charges of collaborating with ISIL.

5 terrorists have been also captured in Kirkuk by Iraqi forces, the report added.


Yes your cousins & brothers are throwing to hell by Shia forces.
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Signs of change in Iraq?

Heshmat Alavi

Jun 28 · 6 min read



Iraqi security forces arresting members of Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah in the Al-Doura district of southern Baghdad, Iraq — June 25, 2020

Iraqi security forces raided a central command compound of an Iran-backed proxy group in southern Baghdad late on Thursday, June 25, detaining more than a dozen members of the group, government officials and paramilitary sources told Reuters. Other reports are indicating 23 individuals were arrested.

Iraqi security sources are saying those arrested not only played major roles in attacks on the U.S. Embassy and sites where U.S. bases are stationed/housed, they were also involved in planning for future attacks of similar nature.

The move is being described as the most brazen measure by Iraqi forces against a militia group backed heavily by Tehran in recent years and specifically targeted the Kataib Hezbollah, which U.S. officials accuse of firing rockets at bases hosting U.S. troops and other facilities in Iraq.

Kataib Hezbollah is the strong and most organized militia group affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force in Iraq. Their former leader was Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, commander of Iraq’s Hashd al-Shaabi, or the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), a paramilitary umbrella grouping heavily backed by and under the influence of Iran’s regime.



Iraqi security forces arresting members of Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah in southern Baghdad, Iraq — June 25, 2020
Reports indicate four Kataib Hezbollah senior commanders and 16 members, alongside at three one senior IRGC Quds Force were detained, according to an Iraqi official talking to the media on the condition of anonymity. There are also unconfirmed reports that all individuals detained in this raid have been transferred into the custody of U.S. forces. Iraqi security forces also confiscated a number of rocket launchers from the site, according to Reuters.

Spokesperson for the international coalition forces in Iraq, however, has denied any role in the raid targeting Kataib Hezbollah members in Baghdad’s Al-Doura district.

The Iraqi Joint Operations Command issued a statement saying the individuals were detained based on arrest warrants. Following the raid there were rumors on social media about the release of the detained Kataib Hezbollah and IRGC Quds Force members. None were confirmed and it appears pro-Iran users on various platforms had launched a desperate face-saving initiative considering the major embarrassment and realizing the consequences of the raid.



Iraqi security forces conducting the Thursday night raid targeting the Kataib Hezbollah site in southern Baghdad, Iraq — June 25, 2020
Directly targeting Iran’s interests
The Iraqi military said the raid, carried out in the middle of the night by the U.S.-trained Counter Terrorism Service, was directed at militiamen suspected of firing rockets at foreign embassies in Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone and its international airport.

Iraqi authorities were questioning the individuals detained during the raid, the statement adds. The incident took place after a number of rocket attacks near the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and other U.S. military sites in recent weeks.

Before the military issued its statement about the raid, Iraqi government officials and paramilitary sources had given contradicting versions of what happened.

The paramilitary sources and one government official claimed those held were sent to the security branch of the PMF. Such statements further indicate Tehran’s need to save face following the raid.

A second government official, however, flatly denied any such transfer and said the militiamen were still in the custody of other security services. One PMF source initially said 19 men had been detained. A government official told Reuters it was 23.

After the operation, unidentified gunmen entered Baghdad’s Green Zone and drove vehicles towards government buildings and a headquarters of Iraq’s Counter Terrorism Service, according to the military, as PMF officials demanded the release of the detained militiamen.

Early Saturday morning local time there were reports of gunfire near the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad. Knowledge of Tehran’s tactics say these were measures aimed at intimidating the Iraqi government to release the detained individuals. Signs indicate the days of these measures being of any use are over.

Adding insult to injury
On Saturday, June 27, Iraqi media began reporting of significant changes in the Iraqi security hierarchy. Falih Fayyadh, the country’s National Security Advisor and PMF chief, was sacked from his government post and replaced by former defense minister Khaled al-Obeidi, a member of Iraq’s Sunni minority.



Former Iraqi defense minister and now National Security Advisor Khaled al-Obeidi
It is worth noting that Fayyadh has very strong ties with Iran’s regime. There are further claims that Fayyadh has also been sacked from his role as the PMF chief. Don’t be surprised if he ends up in Iran in the coming days or weeks in fear of being apprehended by Iraqi or U.S. forces.









Former Iraqi national security advisor Falih Fayyadh seen with Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif (TL), Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad (TR), Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (BL), and former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki (BR) who is described as one of Iran’s main allies in Iraq
The message
This raid also signals that new Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, whose government is currently in talks with Washington over Iraq’s security, political and economic ties with the U.S., intends to take serious action based on pledges made to rein in militia groups that have attacked U.S. installations.

Iran-backed parties and factions have shown rising hostility to Kadhimi, who is due to travel to the United States in coming weeks as part of talks over Iraq’s ties with Washington, according to Reuters.

Most importantly, this is a strong message to the mullahs’ regime in Tehran considering the billions they have poured into Iraq, especially after the 2003 war. Moreover, this further indicates Iran is losing the influence and grip it enjoyed on its western neighbor prior to the killing of Qasem Soleimani by the U.S. military on January 3 of this year.

This latest development indicates a strong initiative aimed at preventing Iran from taking advantage of the strategic talks between Baghdad and Washington, especially with only months left to the U.S. presidential election.

The balance of power in the region is shifting against Iran. This can also be seen in recent anti-Tehran demonstrations held in Lebanon and Syria.

To make matters even worse for Iran, crippling sanctions are leaving the regime economically bankrupt, thus preventing the IRGC from pouring cash into its proxies for further malign initiatives across the Middle East. And even more important for Tehran is the impact of these developments inside Iran. People across the Iran will realize the regime is weakened, further encouraging them to launch uprisings similar to that of November 2019.

Developments during the past few months are further indicating the importance of Qasem Soleimani’s elimination in weakening the IRGC Quds Force and Iran’s regime. This shows the downgraded status of regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the IRGC inside Iran.

Iran’s regional policies of warmongering and terrorism are tools used to strengthen the regime’s position inside Iran. When Tehran’s influence in the region is downgraded and weakened significantly, the regime’s crackdown machine inside the country also suffers a major blow. This is a nightmare scenario for the mullahs’ ruling Iran.

For now, the Iraqi people, such as those protesters who remain in Baghdad’s iconic Tahrir Square, are celebrating the recent turn of events. And the Iranian people are watching very closely.

Signs of change in Iraq?

Heshmat Alavi

Jun 28 · 6 min read



Iraqi security forces arresting members of Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah in the Al-Doura district of southern Baghdad, Iraq — June 25, 2020

Iraqi security forces raided a central command compound of an Iran-backed proxy group in southern Baghdad late on Thursday, June 25, detaining more than a dozen members of the group, government officials and paramilitary sources told Reuters. Other reports are indicating 23 individuals were arrested.

Iraqi security sources are saying those arrested not only played major roles in attacks on the U.S. Embassy and sites where U.S. bases are stationed/housed, they were also involved in planning for future attacks of similar nature.

The move is being described as the most brazen measure by Iraqi forces against a militia group backed heavily by Tehran in recent years and specifically targeted the Kataib Hezbollah, which U.S. officials accuse of firing rockets at bases hosting U.S. troops and other facilities in Iraq.

Kataib Hezbollah is the strong and most organized militia group affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force in Iraq. Their former leader was Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, commander of Iraq’s Hashd al-Shaabi, or the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), a paramilitary umbrella grouping heavily backed by and under the influence of Iran’s regime.



Iraqi security forces arresting members of Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah in southern Baghdad, Iraq — June 25, 2020
Reports indicate four Kataib Hezbollah senior commanders and 16 members, alongside at three one senior IRGC Quds Force were detained, according to an Iraqi official talking to the media on the condition of anonymity. There are also unconfirmed reports that all individuals detained in this raid have been transferred into the custody of U.S. forces. Iraqi security forces also confiscated a number of rocket launchers from the site, according to Reuters.

Spokesperson for the international coalition forces in Iraq, however, has denied any role in the raid targeting Kataib Hezbollah members in Baghdad’s Al-Doura district.

The Iraqi Joint Operations Command issued a statement saying the individuals were detained based on arrest warrants. Following the raid there were rumors on social media about the release of the detained Kataib Hezbollah and IRGC Quds Force members. None were confirmed and it appears pro-Iran users on various platforms had launched a desperate face-saving initiative considering the major embarrassment and realizing the consequences of the raid.



Iraqi security forces conducting the Thursday night raid targeting the Kataib Hezbollah site in southern Baghdad, Iraq — June 25, 2020
Directly targeting Iran’s interests
The Iraqi military said the raid, carried out in the middle of the night by the U.S.-trained Counter Terrorism Service, was directed at militiamen suspected of firing rockets at foreign embassies in Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone and its international airport.

Iraqi authorities were questioning the individuals detained during the raid, the statement adds. The incident took place after a number of rocket attacks near the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and other U.S. military sites in recent weeks.

Before the military issued its statement about the raid, Iraqi government officials and paramilitary sources had given contradicting versions of what happened.

The paramilitary sources and one government official claimed those held were sent to the security branch of the PMF. Such statements further indicate Tehran’s need to save face following the raid.

A second government official, however, flatly denied any such transfer and said the militiamen were still in the custody of other security services. One PMF source initially said 19 men had been detained. A government official told Reuters it was 23.

After the operation, unidentified gunmen entered Baghdad’s Green Zone and drove vehicles towards government buildings and a headquarters of Iraq’s Counter Terrorism Service, according to the military, as PMF officials demanded the release of the detained militiamen.

Early Saturday morning local time there were reports of gunfire near the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad. Knowledge of Tehran’s tactics say these were measures aimed at intimidating the Iraqi government to release the detained individuals. Signs indicate the days of these measures being of any use are over.

Adding insult to injury
On Saturday, June 27, Iraqi media began reporting of significant changes in the Iraqi security hierarchy. Falih Fayyadh, the country’s National Security Advisor and PMF chief, was sacked from his government post and replaced by former defense minister Khaled al-Obeidi, a member of Iraq’s Sunni minority.



Former Iraqi defense minister and now National Security Advisor Khaled al-Obeidi
It is worth noting that Fayyadh has very strong ties with Iran’s regime. There are further claims that Fayyadh has also been sacked from his role as the PMF chief. Don’t be surprised if he ends up in Iran in the coming days or weeks in fear of being apprehended by Iraqi or U.S. forces.









Former Iraqi national security advisor Falih Fayyadh seen with Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif (TL), Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad (TR), Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (BL), and former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki (BR) who is described as one of Iran’s main allies in Iraq
The message
This raid also signals that new Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, whose government is currently in talks with Washington over Iraq’s security, political and economic ties with the U.S., intends to take serious action based on pledges made to rein in militia groups that have attacked U.S. installations.

Iran-backed parties and factions have shown rising hostility to Kadhimi, who is due to travel to the United States in coming weeks as part of talks over Iraq’s ties with Washington, according to Reuters.

Most importantly, this is a strong message to the mullahs’ regime in Tehran considering the billions they have poured into Iraq, especially after the 2003 war. Moreover, this further indicates Iran is losing the influence and grip it enjoyed on its western neighbor prior to the killing of Qasem Soleimani by the U.S. military on January 3 of this year.

This latest development indicates a strong initiative aimed at preventing Iran from taking advantage of the strategic talks between Baghdad and Washington, especially with only months left to the U.S. presidential election.

The balance of power in the region is shifting against Iran. This can also be seen in recent anti-Tehran demonstrations held in Lebanon and Syria.

To make matters even worse for Iran, crippling sanctions are leaving the regime economically bankrupt, thus preventing the IRGC from pouring cash into its proxies for further malign initiatives across the Middle East. And even more important for Tehran is the impact of these developments inside Iran. People across the Iran will realize the regime is weakened, further encouraging them to launch uprisings similar to that of November 2019.

Developments during the past few months are further indicating the importance of Qasem Soleimani’s elimination in weakening the IRGC Quds Force and Iran’s regime. This shows the downgraded status of regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the IRGC inside Iran.

Iran’s regional policies of warmongering and terrorism are tools used to strengthen the regime’s position inside Iran. When Tehran’s influence in the region is downgraded and weakened significantly, the regime’s crackdown machine inside the country also suffers a major blow. This is a nightmare scenario for the mullahs’ ruling Iran.

For now, the Iraqi people, such as those protesters who remain in Baghdad’s iconic Tahrir Square, are celebrating the recent turn of events. And the Iranian people are watching very closely.

Please introduce Heshmat Alavi .. who is he?
Tentacles of terror: Chilling map shows the 31,000 mercenary 'gun for hire' jihadis from 86 countries who left their homes to join ISIS....

Please stop trying to sell nonsense to the people here.

Iran proxies today have nothing to do with fighting ISIS.

This is not why the mullahs spend billions in Lebanon , Syria , Iraq and Yemen.

They do it because the mullahs are a bunch of nutters that follow their mad plans instead of taking care of thier own people.

Please explain to the nice people here : is their Isis in Yemen ? IS there Isis in Lebanon ? NO .

So what the f*ck are your proxies doing there ?

No Israel will exist in 2022.


Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."

"There will emerge from Khorasan (Sassanian Empire) black banners which nothing will repel until they are set up in Jerusalem"

— Ahmad in al-Musnad, 14/383 [4]
"When the black flags come from Khorasan (Sassanian Empire) go to them,even if you have to crawl on snow, for among them is the Khalifa of Allah, the Mahdi"

— Abd al-‘Alim in al-Mahdi al-Muntazar [5]
"Surely black flags will appear from the Khorasan until the people (under the leadership of this flag) will tie their horses with the olive trees between Bait-e-Lahya and Harasta (names of places in Jerusalem)"

— Nuaim Ibn Hammad in Kitab Al-Fitan [6]
"A Nation will come from the east with black flags and they will ask for some goodness (authority) but the people will not give them, then, they will fight and win over those people. Now the people will give them what they asked for but they will not accept it until they will hand it over to a person from my progeny who will fill this earth with justice just as it was previously filled with oppression and tyranny. So if anyone of you finds this nation (i.e. from the east with black flags) then you must join them even if you have to crawl over ice"

— Al-Barzanji in Isha’ah li Ashrat Al-Sa’a [7]
"Three will fight one another for your treasure, each one of them the son of a caliph, but none of them will gain it. Then the black banners will come from the east, and they will kill you in an unprecedented manner. When you see them, then pledge your allegiance to them even if you have to crawl over the snow, for that is the caliph of Allah, Mahdi"

— Sunan Ibn Majah, 4084 [8]




Land of Rey = South of Tehran

Taleqan = Tehran

Khorasan = Persian Sassanian empire, name of 3 provinces in Iran
The dajjal will come from isfahan (iran) lol
I didn't find Isfahan. That hadith is weak. But Prophet says Dajjal is Jew who will killed in Syria or Jerusalem.

nope but his 70000 followers are from Iran lol

Also muslims will defeat persia before the dajjal is killed. Lol

No Israel will exist in 2022.


Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."

"There will emerge from Khorasan (Sassanian Empire) black banners which nothing will repel until they are set up in Jerusalem"

— Ahmad in al-Musnad, 14/383 [4]
"When the black flags come from Khorasan (Sassanian Empire) go to them,even if you have to crawl on snow, for among them is the Khalifa of Allah, the Mahdi"

— Abd al-‘Alim in al-Mahdi al-Muntazar [5]
"Surely black flags will appear from the Khorasan until the people (under the leadership of this flag) will tie their horses with the olive trees between Bait-e-Lahya and Harasta (names of places in Jerusalem)"

— Nuaim Ibn Hammad in Kitab Al-Fitan [6]
"A Nation will come from the east with black flags and they will ask for some goodness (authority) but the people will not give them, then, they will fight and win over those people. Now the people will give them what they asked for but they will not accept it until they will hand it over to a person from my progeny who will fill this earth with justice just as it was previously filled with oppression and tyranny. So if anyone of you finds this nation (i.e. from the east with black flags) then you must join them even if you have to crawl over ice"

— Al-Barzanji in Isha’ah li Ashrat Al-Sa’a [7]
"Three will fight one another for your treasure, each one of them the son of a caliph, but none of them will gain it. Then the black banners will come from the east, and they will kill you in an unprecedented manner. When you see them, then pledge your allegiance to them even if you have to crawl over the snow, for that is the caliph of Allah, Mahdi"

— Sunan Ibn Majah, 4084 [8]




Land of Rey = South of Tehran

Taleqan = Tehran

Khorasan = Persian Sassanian empire, name of 3 provinces in Iran
the hadith about the black flags is weak, it's used by the abbasids when abu muslims revolted during the abbasid revolt to strenthen the abbasid clan against the ummayad clan, because the abbasid uses black flag. lol
Screenshot (696).png
nope but his 70000 followers are from Iran lol
View attachment 646003

Also muslims will defeat persia before the dajjal is killed. Lol
View attachment 646004

the hadith about the black flags is weak, it's used by the abbasids when abu muslims revolted during the abbasid revolt to strenthen the abbasid clan against the ummayad clan, because the abbasid uses black flag. lol
View attachment 646006
Okey every hadith that I put about Khorasan & Persians cities are weak ! But this hadith is a very famous hadith from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

Quran: Believers, whosoever of you turns from his religion, Allah will bring a nation whom He loves and they love Him, humble towards the believers and stern towards the unbelievers, striving for the Path of Allah and fearless of anyone's blame. Such is the Bounty of Allah; He bestows it on whom He will. He is the Embracer, the Knower. [5:54]





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