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Iraqi forces raid Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah base, 14 arrested

Okey every hadith that I put about Khorasan & Persians cities are weak ! But this hadith is a very famous hadith from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

Quran: Believers, whosoever of you turns from his religion, Allah will bring a nation whom He loves and they love Him, humble towards the believers and stern towards the unbelievers, striving for the Path of Allah and fearless of anyone's blame. Such is the Bounty of Allah; He bestows it on whom He will. He is the Embracer, the Knower. [5:54]

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the hadith has nothing to do with persia, it's just that Allah give authority to people's he will, when the arabs have left islam, Allah replaces the leadership of Islam from the arabs to the kurds (Ayyubid), and when the kurds have left Islam, their leadership are taken away from them to the Turks (ottoman). and so on and so on.

there's nothing shiite persia ever contribute other than treachery to islam, from your alliance with the crusader against the ottomans , the eventual fall of baghdad by the shiite prime minister Wazir al Qamiy. etc

and please don't cite al-islam.org it's a shiite website whom majority muslim (sunni) take with a grain of salt.

and as for the 73 sects of islam , there's only one true islam, and certainly not shiite.
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the hadith has nothing to do with persia, it's just that Allah give authority to people's he will, when the arabs have left islam, Allah replaces the leadership of Islam from the arabs to the kurds (Ayyubid), and when the kurds have left Islam, their leadership are taken away from them to the Turks (ottoman). and so on and so on.

there's nothing shiite persia ever contribute other than treachery to islam, from your alliance with the crusader against the ottomans , the eventual fall of baghdad by the shiite prime minister Wazir al Qamiy. etc

and please don't cite al-islam.org it's a shiite website whom majority muslim (sunni) take with a grain of salt.

and as for the 73 sects of islam , there's only one true islam, and certainly not shiite.

Shia hadiths are from Ahlulbayt or Shias who quoted from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and except al-Islam rest of my Hadiths are Sunni

Najd and turk are very heavily cursed in Sunni and Shia sources at end times

Iranians spread Islam to Asia

Iranians fought against Russian empire, British and Portuguese while others were their vassals
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Like i said, always no evidence. According to Israeilis you are the one who is supporting ISIS.
the issue isnt evidence, the question is what is your standard for "evidence"? cuz we keep showing and Turks like you keep saying, " i didnt see nothing".

well, what about this:
yup..ISIS members usually run to Turkish controlled parts of Iraq or Syria..go figure...they didint show up at Iran's doors for a warm welcome.
the issue isnt evidence, the question is what is your standard for "evidence"? cuz we keep showing and Turks like you keep saying, " i didnt see nothing".

well, what about this:
yup..ISIS members usually run to Turkish controlled parts of Iraq or Syria..go figure...they didint show up at Iran's doors for a warm welcome.
in their eyes they are patriots if they keep defending the same old lies and twist the facts. they could show some decency and admit they were supporting (still support) isis.
Stick to the topic please.

Which hadith is authentic or not, only time will tell. Only Allah Almighty knows what will happen in the future.

The so-called Islamic bloc is in tatters since World War I; Islamic countries are busy undermining each other with their respective religio-politico dogmas. Most unfortunate.
Iraqi government battle against Iran-backed militias enters new phase

The battle to rein in armed militias outside state control has been a long and challenging process, but the Iraqi prime minister is gathering political support for his efforts.


Jul 1, 2020

A year ago on July 1, then Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi issued a decree ordering the factions of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) to integrate fully into the state security forces.

A year later, they not only have not been integrated but are again resisting demands to assimilate with state security services, challenging the Iraqi government in multiple ways.

Previous efforts by Haider al-Abadi, who preceded Abdul Mahdi as prime minister, also failed. The PMU law Abadi introduced to parliament was approved, but he was unable to implement it.

Like his predecessors, current Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi has given priority to dealing with this crucial problem. But some of the PMUs are digging in against him.

Kataib Hezbollah, a pro-Iran militia within the PMU, celebrated the June 29 release of members who had been rounded up a few days before by trampling on photos of Kadhimi and burning them together with US and Israeli flags.

The scene was shocking for Iraqi public, as the militia is a part of the Iraqi security forces, which are under the command of the prime minister as the commander in chief of the armed forces.

This puts the lie to statements from the PMU that it is an official security force affiliated legally with the Iraqi state.

Moreover, Kataib Hezbollah Secretary-General Ahmad al-Hamidawi said following the release of his militia’s detainees, “The weapons of the Islamic resistance are a fundamental legitimate right, and will not be given away except to Imam Mahdi (the 12th Shiite imam). The weapons will not be restricted or be taken away.”

The head of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Qais Khazali, had previously told Kadhimi that he never would be able to stop the resistance movement's attacks against US bases as none of the previous Iraqi governments were able to do so.

A number of Kataib Hezbollah members were arrested in the early morning of June 26 by the Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS) under suspicion that they were preparing an attack against properties in Baghdad’s Green Zone.

Soon after, a group of Kataib Hezbollah members and allies, including other militias, entered the Green Zone with heavy weapons, threatening action against the service unless the Kataib Hezbollah members were released. Three days later, 13 detainees were released due to lack of sufficient evidence.

But Kadhimi spokesman Ahmad Mulla Talal said in his weekly press conference June 30 that one of the detainees was still in the custody and that the relevant court is continuing the investigation of him.

“We have received very accurate intelligence information about an attempt to target sensitive sites and important foreign diplomatic missions. The CTS and other state security apparatuses dealt with the issue promptly. … The CTS had a court warrant to arrest one person who was the organizer of the [terrorist] operation. As he was accompanied by other people, the CTS arrested all but soon after all detainees except the organizer were released,” Talal said.

As the Kadhimi government tries to impose the state’s law on all security entities, including all PMU factions, a new parliamentary coalition has been formed to support and strengthen the prime minister's efforts.

The leader of the Hikma Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, said June 30 that he has formed a new parliamentary bloc called Iraqioon that "supports the strong and capable state, with national sovereignty and public will.”

This came a day after a meeting of the PMU’s Fatah bloc led by Hadi al-Amiri about the raid against Kataib Hezbollah. Amiri criticized the Kadhimi government's action, saying, “We say to those who cry for the restoration of state prestige, what prestige are you talking about while foreign forces are moving everywhere in the country, and the airspace is completely violated and the American and Israeli planes roam the skies of Baghdad and target the sons of Iraq, more importantly our two leaders Muhandis and Soleimani.” This was in reference to the US killing of PMU and Kataib Hezbollah leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and Iranian Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani in January at the Baghdad airport.

It seems that Hakim is trying to bring a number of political blocs, including Abadi’s Nasr coalition, and some independent parliamentarians under one umbrella to confront the Fatah bloc were it to make a move toward withdrawing confidence from Kadhimi government.

So far, 41 members of parliament have joined the Iraqioon Coalition. Fatah has 48 seats.

Meanwhile, Iran seems very quiet about Kadhimi’s actions against pro-Iran militias, as no Iranian officials reacted to the raid against Kataib Hezbollah.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said in response to a question about the Iraqi government raid, “This is an internal Iraqi matter and Iran will not interfere in the internal affairs of Iraq.” He also said, “Iran is confident that the government and people of Iraq will deal with their internal affairs in a way that brings order and stability to the country.”

It seems that Iran is not willing to add more tension to the region at a time the country is facing tough sanctions and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps even more important is that the United States is running a campaign in the Security Council to extend the arms embargo on Iran that is scheduled to end in October.

“Iran is already violating the arms embargo, even before its expiration date,” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a Security Council meeting June 30, adding, “Imagine if Iranian activity were sanctioned, authorized by this group, if the restrictions are lifted.”

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/or...iran-pmu-militias-security.html#ixzz6R1J5cqhD

What's the situation at Taftan border? Any foreign pressure to re-open?
Lol who needs to reopen. Iranian side dumps all the zairien in the no man's land with exit stamp on their passport. There is not a lot Pakistan can do after that. So basically it was never closed.
nope but his 70000 followers are from Iran lol
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Also muslims will defeat persia before the dajjal is killed. Lol
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the hadith about the black flags is weak, it's used by the abbasids when abu muslims revolted during the abbasid revolt to strenthen the abbasid clan against the ummayad clan, because the abbasid uses black flag. lol
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a question , there is only 40,000 jew in all of Iran how dajjal want's to lead 70,000 jew from Isfahan !?
Iranians fucked the whole thread again.

Kataib Hezbollah's responses revealed a lot. They rolled through Baghdad (Green zone) with armed white pick up trucks and threatened officials. Clearly they were the ones shooting protesters in 2019 whom were demanding the sacking of PM Abdul Mahdi. These degenerates, instead of deploying in the far north to fight ISIS they decide to play vigilante in Baghdad. They killed a lot of civilians and enjoy protection through figures such as Soleimani etc.

Iraq's state needs to restore its sovereignty, starting with putting these militia's back in their place. Who gives a little shit about boomer Soleimani when his fellow obedient religious lot killed countless of unarmed people demanding better services.

ISOF spearheaded all operations against ISIS, they took all the major cities. No one should deceive others and present a different story. The Iraqi army collapsed, ISOF is not the army.

In Iraq, if you're an uneducated degenerate you tend to join Kataib Hezbollah instead of the army. Back in the early 90's these type of disloyal elements used to run to the mountains. The goal is to return to those golden days.

Iran publicly states no interference in these situations as that would ruin their entire image in Iraq. Kataib Hezbollah cannot do anything against ISOF or their image will be doomed as well, which it already is by far. If you ask me i'd airstrike the leaders of the PMU groups that disobey the state.

The problem is that the Iraqi state and its military institutions are not strong enough to deal with ISIS, Kurds, militia's trying to grab power and fending off neighbors all at the same time. If they were.. we wouldn't have these issues today.

However what matters is revealing some things which are becoming obvious, Iran's interference is shitting all over Iraq.
Iranians fucked the whole thread again.

Kataib Hezbollah's responses revealed a lot. They rolled through Baghdad (Green zone) with armed white pick up trucks and threatened officials. Clearly they were the ones shooting protesters in 2019 whom were demanding the sacking of PM Abdul Mahdi. These degenerates, instead of deploying in the far north to fight ISIS they decide to play vigilante in Baghdad. They killed a lot of civilians and enjoy protection through figures such as Soleimani etc.

Iraq's state needs to restore its sovereignty, starting with putting these militia's back in their place. Who gives a little shit about boomer Soleimani when his fellow obedient religious lot killed countless of unarmed people demanding better services.

ISOF spearheaded all operations against ISIS, they took all the major cities. No one should deceive others and present a different story. The Iraqi army collapsed, ISOF is not the army.

In Iraq, if you're an uneducated degenerate you tend to join Kataib Hezbollah instead of the army. Back in the early 90's these type of disloyal elements used to run to the mountains. The goal is to return to those golden days.

Iran publicly states no interference in these situations as that would ruin their entire image in Iraq. Kataib Hezbollah cannot do anything against ISOF or their image will be doomed as well, which it already is by far. If you ask me i'd airstrike the leaders of the PMU groups that disobey the state.

The problem is that the Iraqi state and its military institutions are not strong enough to deal with ISIS, Kurds, militia's trying to grab power and fending off neighbors all at the same time. If they were.. we wouldn't have these issues today.

However what matters is revealing some things which are becoming obvious, Iran's interference is shitting all over Iraq.
again pointing finger at iran. how is that going to solve your problems ? it was iran that invaded iraq and occupied the country for 8 years and killed millions of iraqis right ?
again pointing finger at iran. how is that going to solve your problems ? it was iran that invaded iraq and occupied the country for 8 years and killed millions of iraqis right ?

Brainless comment, USA is not spawning militia's all over the country that disobey the state. You shouldn't hate them, they removed Saddam you couldn't do that.

Nevertheless this is good development, hopefully the new Quds guy Ghaani or what his name is visits Iraq as well to get airstriked.
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