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Iraq orders Turkey to 'immediately' withdraw troops sent across border

Yes you lauph now but this lauph could convert to weep when we do it don't forget we also have these and we don't care to too far.

you mean the only 4 f-16
just stop.
that is what you get when you surrender your butt to Iranian.
Wait a minute.. We gonna attack Iraq ? :rofl: This is soooo funny.

BTW even Saddam couldn't dare to shot a single bullet to Turkey with that ''massive'' army and that massive threats..
Let's not compare the armies okey ?

Say hi to Saddam(Taha Yasin). If single gun shell will dropped to Turkey, i will come to Baghdat and hang you over there.
Turgut Özal.
Turgut Özal'ın Saddam'ı Tehdit Etmesi - Video - Alkışlarla Yaşıyorum
See nato or western countries they are smart they wanted to create chaos in the middle east so to do it with out they involve in it they push these turks and arabs to do for them after the job done they blame on these vile arab and turks to isolate them turkey wont join the european union and the arab will loose their stocks in the west because they are supporting terrorism then they will be treated like saddam when he invaded Kuwait.

i think it time to seriously call in all Muslim members of different nationality race to make Turkish brothers understand the divide conquer game cos they have been lured into trap.

1. turkey defended europe from communism for i think 50 years i cant remeber how long i believe 50 years. then it came the European union which turkey applied for it after long time and waited patiently. They refused and said noo we are Christians and European you are not. They even said that turkey is too islamic even though turkey is more ultra secular than they are. they then brought up kurdish issues which we know pkk is financed by Europe NATO behind turkeys back.

2.germany spies a lot on turkey and play a game marginalizing turks born in germany.

3. Then these nato countries play a game of shall we recognize Armenian genocide when the whole world could write endless list of genocides by Europe and USA.

4. even football game hosting becomes racism for turks.

Now that turkey shot down a plane why didn't NATO go to work with their propaganda machine instead they sat back watch the fun.

Now media is slowly playing the game that turkey supports isis watch how they transform this into it was turkey that created it and caused all the chaos.

for me ottoman had real respect its rivals feared it. it was one of the biggest empires. many Turks died but you dont learn that in Europe you learn that turks only killed Armenian etc. backstabbed, alone and lost the turks were and Europe at that time was very hostile to them and today turkey is thinking they friends.
Turkey didnt protect europe from sovyets its othr way around Turkey joined NATO for protection against sovyet union

No offense to asian friends who are trying to educate Turks on Russia

Turkey since 16. Century have had more than 20 wars and battles with Russia and here you have some people telling Turkish who is russia etc

Turkey didnt protect europe from sovyets its othr way around Turkey joined NATO for protection against sovyet union

No offense to asian friends who are trying to educate Turks on Russia

Turkey since 16. Century have had more than 20 wars and battles with Russia and here you have some people telling Turkish who is russia etc


nigel farge said this.

Turkey didnt protect europe from sovyets its othr way around Turkey joined NATO for protection against sovyet union

No offense to asian friends who are trying to educate Turks on Russia

Turkey since 16. Century have had more than 20 wars and battles with Russia and here you have some people telling Turkish who is russia etc


why cant turkey join pak and china alliance. i am not saying you have to be friend with Russia but you don't need to get yourself into trap. stalin put fear in turkey and made sure they joined nato. soviet union was created by Bolshevik jew and financed by capitalist bankers, cold war hoax. just read the book western technology and soviet economic development by professor Antony Sutton.
nigel farge said this.

After it joined Nato then Turkey got some aid. Before NATO membership Turkey was poor and its army was equipped with old WW1 guns

But after becoming nato things changed thats correct

nigel farge said this.

why cant turkey join pak and china alliance. i am not saying you have to be friend with Russia but you don't need to get yourself into trap. stalin put fear in turkey and made sure they joined nato. soviet union was created by Bolshevik jew and financed by capitalist bankers, cold war hoax. just read the book western technology and soviet economic development by professor Antony Sutton.

We can be alliance now aswell Turkey offered them to become SCO they refused

Turkey always asked for cooperation and trade but they are afraid of Turkey becoming to powerful to fast

Look at Pakistan we have excellent relations since decades without problem why? Because Pak and Turk are real friends and not backstabbers
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