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Iraq orders Turkey to 'immediately' withdraw troops sent across border

Turkey is like bitc with powerful pimp (west) ... One this is for sure all is not well with turkey. Turkey planning to create too many problems around it and go to uncle Sam for help... ISIS leads into core of turkey's policies against Syria Iraq. Very bad move

Yes you rule Iraq for 30 years now.
I don't think you have a brain, sorry.
I don't know how the relationship is with the remaining two, Georgia & Bulgaria, but if it is good, then we can be sure that in a year or two, Erdogan is going to do something to piss them off too.

Georgia and Bulgaria are orthodox Christian and enemies of Turkey.
Georgia and Bulgaria are orthodox Christian and enemies of Turkey.

And aryan indo europeans...

I am happy to see, we are breaking secterian agenda of iran in iraq:-). Arm the Peshmerga to the teeth, and sent some real arm experts. When they are finisehd with isis, they have to defend ther self against secterian goverment of iran.
Georgia and Bulgaria are orthodox Christian and enemies of Turkey.

Bulgaria is neutral, Georgia has strategic alliance partnership with Turkey and Azerbaijan

Turkey is like bitc with powerful pimp (west) ... One this is for sure all is not well with turkey. Turkey planning to create too many problems around it and go to uncle Sam for help... ISIS leads into core of turkey's policies against Syria Iraq. Very bad move

Yes you rule Iraq for 30 years now.

watch your word indian subhuman
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slowly everyone forgetting who created isis which is now blamed on turkey it true turkey was arming them but is not original Creator of isis. watch how west will use their media to blame all this on turkey.
Turkey is like bitc with powerful pimp (west) ... One this is for sure all is not well with turkey. Turkey planning to create too many problems around it and go to uncle Sam for help... ISIS leads into core of turkey's policies against Syria Iraq. Very bad move

Yes you rule Iraq for 30 years now.
why do i see so many indian under every turkish news?go fff play with your neighbour..zindabad PAKISTAN..
Turkey is like bitc with powerful pimp (west) ... One this is for sure all is not well with turkey. Turkey planning to create too many problems around it and go to uncle Sam for help... ISIS leads into core of turkey's policies against Syria Iraq. Very bad move

Yes you rule Iraq for 30 years now.

Considering that many Generals and former defense ministers of NATO are increasingly quaking in their boots ,I can bet that Turkey will be in big trouble ,whether NATO or no NATO.
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Considering that many Generals and former defense ministers of NATO are increasingly quaking in their boots ,I can bet that Turkey will be in big trouble ,whether NATO or no NATO.
See nato or western countries they are smart they wanted to create chaos in the middle east so to do it with out they involve in it they push these turks and arabs to do for them after the job done they blame on these vile arab and turks to isolate them turkey wont join the european union and the arab will loose their stocks in the west because they are supporting terrorism then they will be treated like saddam when he invaded Kuwait.
When we say the turks and isis are in bed just like whore do always these turks deny that ok they said the turks rats about 10 KM away rfom mosul have ever heard so far any clash between the two whores yet........ it's a big NO what does that tell us it tell us that they are working together to destabilize the country and it tell us that turks dreaming of taking mosul annex it.
I hope you are right, and that Turkey will annex mosul (y)
WTF are you talking about ? expect solidarity ? you entered their motherland without asking permission you Smarta$$ . Iraq has for a million times announced that they'll get any help they can even if it's from their enemies .

Trust me , if you walk on their nerves which you are , you'll get pounded again . this time from Iraq .

don't under-estimate them . they will crush u
1-) Our soldiers are there for 2.5 years. That's nothing new.
2-) Their soldiers fleed before, rad tag militias...and you say that they can defeat the strongest conventional force in ME.....okay, whatever makes you sleep in night.
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