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Iraq orders Turkey to 'immediately' withdraw troops sent across border

i think it time to seriously call in all Muslim members of different nationality race to make Turkish brothers understand the divide conquer game cos they have been lured into trap.
You will tell conquerors, the conquest game? Mughals are one example. Kashmir, India is right there so let me see you playing the game lol
Turk acts and you see strangely Indians and Chinese jumping up and down.

You are so lucky that this is only a forum :D
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You will tell conquerors, the conquest game? Mughals are one example. Kashmir, India is right there so let me see you playing the game lol

You are so lucky that this is only a forum :D

yara mughals were nothing but lazy pimps kings tipu was the real daddy warrior and fought for islam that why British hate him. did you know mughals women turned into beggars and had to hide cos they were to be killed after their empire was gone.

yes i know turks are known for their warrior blood and almost seen as beast that puts fear in its rivals.

after ottoman empire was gone, the plunder in Indian subcontinant went up blood everywhere, food snatched and shipped out drugs, thieves, rapes, burning down libraries, reverse history everything you can imagine and not imagine.
it like a bad dream then we woke up only to find out it real we had nothing left had to migrate to new found country start from nothing.
There was a temporarily agreement between Turkey and European powers about respecting the Sykes Picot artificial borders in the Middle East in the mid 1920s. The contract expires soon (think 2020) but I forgot what it was called.

I wouldn't be surprise if Turkey start to gain foothold of the Middle East again and start reclaiming Northern regions.

It will bring entertainment to the whole new level.
sadly no one laughing except you.
إِنَّ الله لا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ
Aey, you embarrassed me. Man trust me and with all due respect you people out of history time and space.

the more you keep that wahhabism the more you people going back into the past.

The Turkish base in Iraq is not under NATO protection why dont Iran save his shia iraaqi sisters and dare to attack there

you or your iraqi shia bandits none have the guts to thouch that Turkish base

Dont talk shit here and something if you have some balls

That's exactly what the Saudis would say in the Yemeni war thread. They'd attack Yemenis proudly and then say why Iran is not saving their "brothers".

We don't claim to be supermen. We are not going to start a war with anyone. You guys are acting aggressively but it is between you and Iraq. Hopefully common sense prevails instead of cowboy foreign policy.
Has to be....
Considering that many Generals and former defense ministers of NATO are increasingly quaking in their boots ,I can bet that Turkey will be in big trouble ,whether NATO or no NATO.

It's real test for Russia on how it will react against anyone who think they can hit Russia and walk free by doing so. Very stupid move. Now Turkey is so desperate to turn the ISIS links into Need of the hour for good cause!!! Bulshi. I bet. War is up on Turkey. It just matter of time.

Bulgaria is neutral, Georgia has strategic alliance partnership with Turkey and Azerbaijan

watch your word indian subhuman

LOL see who is speaking!!! Go cry to ur US EU father's... Papa Papa Russia uncle on his way!!! Rolf... No use. U are now on ICU. Wait till Russians doctors to conform the news.
Operation Su24 success but patient dead :lol:

Bulgaria is neutral, Georgia has strategic alliance partnership with Turkey and Azerbaijan

watch your word indian subhuman

LOL see who is speaking!!! Go cry to ur US EU father's... Papa Papa Russia uncle on his way!!! Rolf... No use. U are now on ICU. Wait till Russians doctors to conform the news.
Operation Su24 success but patient dead :lol:

Bulgaria is neutral, Georgia has strategic alliance partnership with Turkey and Azerbaijan

watch your word indian subhuman

LOL see who is speaking!!! Go cry to ur US EU father's... Papa Papa Russia uncle on his way!!! Rolf... No use. U are now on ICU. Wait till Russians doctors to conform the news.
Operation Su24 success but patient dead :lol:
Aey, you embarrassed me. Man trust me and with all due respect you people out of history time and space.

the more you keep that wahhabism the more you people going back into the past.

Not much different than those who are slapping and beating the shit out of themselves regretting the death of someone their ancestors killed 1400 years ago and today have killed thousands in his name .
Or what ?

He who can not defend his country against AK wielding militias can not "order" others.
non sense

USA are even saying they are not in this plan
USA or European ask Iraqi government when they do something
why would it be different for Turkey?

Iraq is suffering many problems
it is not because Iraq having problems that it needs to be unrespected

you decide to defend Erdogan islamism. your choice.
but don't come here with bullshit reasons. thx.
non sense

USA are even saying they are not in this plan
USA or European ask Iraqi government when they do something
why would it be different for Turkey?

Iraq is suffering many problems
it is not because Iraq having problems that it needs to be unrespected

you decide to defend Erdogan islamism. your choice.
but don't come here with bullshit reasons. thx.

I'm the last one on this forum who would defend the crazy sultan's islamist policies but when your Abrams fitted,multi billion,tens of thousands of men strong army ran away from rag tag Toyota crazies abandoning millions of your civilians ,maybe you should cut the "ordering" around.

Let's face it now,Irak,just like Syria have ceased to exist.There are now some Kurdish states,Shiite states and rump Sunni states.
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