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Iraq leaning towards Iran, Turkey 'becoming hostile'

another face palm

so there are 40 million Turks in Iran?
Add the 7-10 m kurds and all the other nationalities and you will have me and Arian as the only Persians then!

Do you Turks go to indoctrination camps instead of schools? Cuz the stuff that you guys say is beyond moronic! That's like me saying there are 50 million kurds in Turkey! How insane is that? lol

And don't you guys have bad names for Kurds and vice versa? Iran is a muti-ethnic country and there inevitably a lot of racism from both sides. You're acting as if there is genocide going on in Iran, oh wait, that's what you guys do.

Here are some real figures of Iran in case you're interested.
In 2004 only 13 percent of Iranians were able to speak Azari as their first language and in total 19% of Iranians identify themselves as Azaris.


take a look at this

The 19 and 13 percent figures are correct. There is an Iranian guy in my college and it turned out that he was Azari but couldn't speak the language fluently. I'm the same. My grandfather was an ethnic Qashqai, but I don't speak a lick of Azari.

Take a look einstein, Nearly a quarter of the Population is Azeri (Or Turkic, Turkmens) which are being influanced by Bozkurt Maffia Extremist. Turkic Nationalisme is rising in Iran duo Turkish Influance and thats why till this day you see at Football Matches Azeris with Bozkurt Symbolics and Azeris Flags Screaming Long live Azerbadyan.

Secondly There are alot of Maps and Documents indicating how many people are Azeri, Many of those are Iranian documents and are not reliable since they could be changed duo Corruption or to keep People Blind. This was a case in Turkey with the the percent of Muslims in Turkey. Turkey claimed almost 99% where muslims whom most are sunni while it turned out after international poll that it was 90% whome are alot more Alawi then expected.

My point is that you denie the Influance of Azerbadyan and Turkey on the Azeri people an that we can easely use it against you. And ofcourse that you are in denial that there is no such Azeri Identity only Persian. Sooner or later you will accept this just like we did with the Kurds.
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oh fuk me, now we have BordoEnes in the thread.

This guy is the Turkish blackfinch. Everybody look busy, he might go away.

@Aaaaabbi, loool
We will return those lands to their rightful people soon.

Take a look einstein, Nearly a quarter of the Population is Azeri (Or Turkic, Turkmens) which are being influanced by Bozkurt Maffia Extremist. Turkic Nationalisme is rising in Iran duo Turkish Influance and thats why till this day you see at Football Matches Azeris with Bozkurt Symbolics and Azeris Flags Screaming Long live Azerbadyan.

Secondly There are alot of Maps and Documents indicating how many people are Azeri, Many of those are Iranian documents and are not reliable since they could be changed duo Corruption or to keep People Blind. This was a case in Turkey with the the percent of Muslims in Turkey. Turkey claimed almost 99% where muslims whom most are sunni while it turned out after international poll that it was 90% whome are alot more Alawi then expected.

My point is that you denie the Influance of Azerbadyan and Turkey on the Azeri people an that we can easely use it against you. And ofcourse that you are in denial that there is no such Azeri Identity only Persian. Sooner or later you will accept this just like we did with the Kurds.

CaspianReport, i like this channel on YT
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It is truly amazing how Persia is made up of everything except Persians!!
What I know for sure is that the majority of Iranians aren't Persian nor Aryan who are only about 40% if not less!
It is truly amazing how Persia is made up of everything except Persians!!
What I know for sure is that the majority of Iranians aren't Persian nor Aryan who are only about 40% if not less!
arab, the word Aryan isn't a European word genius! Do you guys have books where you live?

That word entered Europe in the 1800's. It has its roots in South Asian and West Asian languages. Both Iranian nations of the millenia ago and Indian nations used this word at different periods in their history. In sankrit the word Aryan means "brave warrior". There is nothing genetic about it.

and lol at the rest of your wahabi drivel. You guys have no shame. It's really funny to see you guys sweating over us.

@Aaaaabbi, loool
We will return those lands to their rightful people soon.

I think the Jordanian sun is cooking your brain. Make sure your fuse doesn't catch on fire in that desert heat. We don't want any pre-mature bombing episode.
It is truly amazing how Persia is made up of everything except Persians!!
What I know for sure is that the majority of Iranians aren't Persian nor Aryan who are only about 40% if not less!

What you don't seem to understand that ethnicity has no value in modern countries, similar to Turkey, you can be a Iranian whether you're a Persian, Kurd, Azeri or Armenian. Thats how it should be, that's something to be proud of.
It is truly amazing how Persia is made up of everything except Persians!!
What I know for sure is that the majority of Iranians aren't Persian nor Aryan who are only about 40% if not less!

You country is made up of 90% camels so your country should be called camel-istan?
seriously man go back to blowing your self up, your much better at that.
What people forgot is that our rigion driven by religion not ethnicity??? now tell me what sector majority of Iran if it Shi'ite or Sunni that what really count not Persians nor Turks Arabs or Lur we're the nation of Islam that's it. this idea of ethnicity came from Europe and it was and still a way of divide and rule also it's an excuse of power dreamer of our people.
Thank you Azeris brothers...:tup:
oh look, a bunch of teenagers doing what football fans do best.

It reminds me of Barcelona fans.


Teractorsazi FC is a football team based in Azarbaijan and obviously seperatists will always use such mediums to bring their message into the forefront.
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Guys, i think the collapse of the syrian regime will definaly means the ends of the Iranian influence in the arab world.
The minority governement in syria led by the alawite minority will collapse, taking with him all the influence iran had in the arab world. The iraqi regime will find himself isolated and will seek help of the isolated iran.
Bad times ahead for the shia theocracy

Iranians fed up with the wilayat el faqih theocracy will revolt against it, seeking a true demochratic country without the corruption and the law of the clergy
Guys, i think the collapse of the syrian regime will definaly means the ends of the Iranian influence in the arab world.
The minority governement in syria led by the alawite minority will collapse, taking with him all the influence iran had in the arab world. The iraqi regime will find himself isolated and will seek help of the isolated iran.
Bad times ahead for the shia theocracy

Iranians fed up with the wilayat el faqih theocracy will revolt against it, seeking a true demochratic country without the corruption and the law of the clergy

Bro, to be frank, i dont even care about Iran influence..But in Syria, left hand is killing right hand..brother is killing brother..from both sides..that makes me sad
russia support serbs in jugoslawian war against bosniak muslims. And now russia (+iran) support syrian regime against syrian muslims.
russia support serbs in jugoslawian war against bosniak muslims. And now russia (+iran) support syrian regime against syrian muslims.

and syrian arabs are killing syrian arabs, Iraqi arabs are killing IRaqi arabs, Yemeni arabs are killing yemeni arabs, lebanese arabs are killing lebanese arabs, libyan arabs are killing libyan arabs etc...

You're blaming Russia and Iran, but you're too thick too deal with reality here, or maybe you have an agenda, probably both. Arabs are killing and blowing up arabs. In Iran many groups are anti-regime, do you see them shooting and killing and blowing stuff up? Do you see tribalism?

Arabs are the way they are because of their culture. Any normal country looks after its self interest. It's in IRan's self interest that Iraq doesn't fall into the hands of some insane lunatic like Saddam that sent chemical weapons over our heads.

Guys, i think the collapse of the syrian regime will definaly means the ends of the Iranian influence in the arab world.
The minority governement in syria led by the alawite minority will collapse, taking with him all the influence iran had in the arab world. The iraqi regime will find himself isolated and will seek help of the isolated iran.
Bad times ahead for the shia theocracy

Iranians fed up with the wilayat el faqih theocracy will revolt against it, seeking a true demochratic country without the corruption and the law of the clergy

This is the dumbest comment I've heard, even by suicide bomber standards.

He seems to think that his insignificant little backwater of a country is the reason why Iraq has a shia government. No genius, they have a shia government because they have democracy and in a democracy the majority vote counts, in this case the majority are shia and they have voted shias into power. These politicians also happen to be allies of Iran. With Assad gone, Syria will simply fall into the hands of suicide bombers and wahabis. Hezbollah will lose some of its weapons and Iran and Russia won't have any where to park their ships the next time they cross the Suez Canal and enter the Med. woopdeefukingdooo
you guys will then find another reason to blow **** up and chop each other's heads off and the cycle will continue.
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