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Iraq leaning towards Iran, Turkey 'becoming hostile'

You just wish sir we as Shia we gave the Arab Sunni some of our votes and Kurds too just to bring them to the Political Process and leave violence for the sake of Allah and the people and the country but they have been influenced by Al saud hence they can't accept but AL Saud view.

My interventions were responses to this


And so that this


well the same percentage of Arab Sunni in Iraq!!!!!!! you thrive to bring them back to control the country against the majority of Shia

Iranians who imagine that Iraq is totally Shiite and that their fall straight into the hands with all its enormous reserves of oil and gas like a ripe fruit. They dream up totally.

And yes, half the population of Iraq is entirely Sunni. It's a fact.

Note: Arab Sunni are instead 32%–37% of the population. Not counting, that many reports only include Arab Sunnis as "Sunni", missing out the Kurdish and Turkmen Sunnis, who are predominantly Sunnis, which makes Sunnis almost half the population.

Irak population (2011): 30,399 million

Same being very very nice: Sunni arab with only 32% and no 37% population of all the countries.

Sunni Arab (32%) + Sunni Kurd (17%)

9,727 million + 5,167 million = 14,894 million

And the territory of Sunni population is located on more than half oil reserves of the country which 50% were never exploited until today. And on all its vast unique gas reserves always unexploited whose it has. Located near for border the brothers countries Saudi Arabia (Sunni), Jordan (Sunni), Syria (Majority Sunni and no Shia Alawi)

Syria population (July 2012) : 22,530 million

Sunni 15,771 million

Shia Alawi 2,928 million

and Turkey (Sunni).

Well the real dog of USA is your erdogan but you even can't see things look who gets US support in Syria it's erdogan, this guy starts barking after a green light from the white house for his support to them in the ME and caucas.

Hmmm You must be really eager to believe that dont you? Currently i would leave the subject 'Puppet' out because we arent the one that directly whent to its master in Iran at the slightest provecation to Turkey. You are truelly pathetic, accusing Turkey of being a puppet and obviously being one yourself. Such a hypocrite...
Well the real dog of USA is your erdogan but you even can't see things look who gets US support in Syria it's erdogan, this guy starts barking after a green light from the white house for his support to them in the ME and caucas.

Malik, my dear friend, can you tell me how is TPAO extraction of oil in Badra?

International activities have made TPAO an important actor in the region since the early 1990’s. TPAO conducts its international activities especially in Caspian Region (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan), North Africa (Libya) and Iraq. TPAO has been continuing to negotiate for business opportunities in other hydrocarbon rich regions such as South America, Russia and Middle East.

TPAO is currently a participant of two exploration, development and production projects which are Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli (6.75 %), Shah Deniz (9 %) in Azerbaijan. Most of the international production is from Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli Project located in offshore Azerbaijan. In addition to Azerbaijan projects, TPAO’s production has been continuing from Kazakhstan fields. TPAO conducts its activities in Kazakhstan through a joint venture company, KazakhTurkMunai (KTM) Ltd. in which TPAO holds a 49% share and KazMunaiGas has 51%.

Within the scope of Libya exploration projects, a new oil discovery in the first exploration well drilled in license area 147/3-4 in Murzuq basin was realized in 2009, which was a significant step towards the first oil production in Libya. 7 out of 11 wells drilled in the basin were completed as "oil well". These discoveries rank among the first rows in the discoveries recently performed in Libya.

On the other hand, since 1994, TPAO has been working closely with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil for exploration, development and production opportunities in Iraq. In addition to TPAO’s success in first and second licensing rounds organized by the Iraqi petroleum authority PCLD (Petroleum Contracts and Licensing Directorate) in 2009 and awards of Badra and Missan Oil Fields development, TPAO has offered three bids for the Iraq’s third licensing round and has been awarded for 20 year term gas development contracts for Siba Gas Field as a partner and Mansuriya Gas Field as an operator in Iraq’s third bidding round in 2010.

TPAO has signed Development and Production Service Agreement for “Mansurai and Siba Gas Fields” in Iraq on June 5, 2011.
Besides, TPIC, Subsidiary of TPAO, focused its exploration and drilling activities in the Gonzalez and Maria Conchita Blocks in Colombia.


(yea, i'm trollin')
Well the real dog of USA is your erdogan but you even can't see things look who gets US support in Syria it's erdogan, this guy starts barking after a green light from the white house for his support to them in the ME and caucas.

One must be heartless to close his eyes to the atrocities in Syria done by your dear Bashar Assad. Look buddy, i don't say Shia Muslims are faulty ones just for being Shia, but actions do indeed speak louder than words.
Syria is undergoing a massive slaughter of its own population, and who is supporting this regime? Shia Iran...
I had honestly respect for Iranians leaders for standing up to Israel and USA but after Iran's decisions regarding Syria i have absolutely no respect remaining for Iranian leaders - just for their strategic gains they continue on supporting Assad and his massacres towards Sunni Syrians.

And Turkey. Turkish leaders were very close with Bashar Asad before his slaughter began, but we took a step even though we knew this would mean the end of our friendship. Because supporting a regime that slaughters its own population is a no-no. Turkey is not acting according to USA, we are acting according to our beliefs that no men or women should be killed just for voicing their dissatisfaction for a dictator (Assad). We had increased trade with Syria, tell me why would we risk a war with our closest neighbour? In any sane man's mind it will not make sense to being agressive towards one of its closest neighbours. Assad brought this to himself. And this will end the tyrranical regime of Assad bloodline.
One must be heartless to close his eyes to the atrocities in Syria done by your dear Bashar Assad. Look buddy, i don't say Shia Muslims are faulty ones just for being Shia, but actions do indeed speak louder than words.
Syria is undergoing a massive slaughter of its own population, and who is supporting this regime? Shia Iran...
I had honestly respect for Iranians leaders for standing up to Israel and USA but after Iran's decisions regarding Syria i have absolutely no respect remaining for Iranian leaders - just for their strategic gains they continue on supporting Assad and his massacres towards Sunni Syrians.

And Turkey. Turkish leaders were very close with Bashar Asad before his slaughter began, but we took a step even though we knew this would mean the end of our friendship. Because supporting a regime that slaughters its own population is a no-no. Turkey is not acting according to USA, we are acting according to our beliefs that no men or women should be killed just for voicing their dissatisfaction for a dictator (Assad). We had increased trade with Syria, tell me why would we risk a war with our closest neighbour? In any sane man's mind it will not make sense to being agressive towards one of its closest neighbours. Assad brought this to himself.

Turkey even sold weapons to Syria before the slaughter. We were really friendly towards them, then the killings have begun.

We must remember that we are living in:



sorry to repeat myself but just look at the maps does anyone thinks that we should kill eachother and i remind you that we are talking about milions
if can have alook at the other side the us army has muslims latin armecains black asians and they all fighting their enemy while we should kill millions while we have problems like the us and west europe
and iran in the shah days were shia also and there was no problem with that but when they are hostile to the west the arabs has finally realized that they are shia who wants to destroy their countrys and want to convert them
New geography of Muslim world is on the card the peninsula Arab, Levant, North Africa, Central Asia & Turkistan, caucuses, Anatolia and Persia. A new geographic order will be created soon by the emerging powers....
sorry to repeat myself but just look at the maps does anyone thinks that we should kill eachother and i remind you that we are talking about milions...

Exactly, looking good the map. See, without removing what bothers you as. Only a all small minority of 2,928 million of Shia Alawi dominate an entire country of 22,530 million person by terror and massacre without no pity since over 40 years.

Syria population (July 2012) : 22,530 million

Sunni : 15,771 million

Shia Alawi : 2,928 million

Do not worry mainly not will become like that would always be.
Exactly, looking good the map. See, without removing what bothers you as. Only a all small minority of 2,928 million of Shia Alawi dominate an entire country of 22,530 million person by terror and massacre without no pity since over 40 years.

Syria population (July 2012) : 22,530 million

Sunni : 15,771 million

Shia Alawi : 2,928 million

Do not worry mainly not will become like that would always be.
So, what pity your kind has on Iraqis innocent people man and woman kidsfrom all ages been burnt alife there bodies cut into pieces by the way your regime combined to Alsaud and the Qatary regime all of you supported terrorists in Iraq.
Exactly, looking good the map. See, without removing what bothers you as. Only a all small minority of 2,928 million of Shia Alawi dominate an entire country of 22,530 million person by terror and massacre without no pity since over 40 years.

Syria population (July 2012) : 22,530 million

Sunni : 15,771 million

Shia Alawi : 2,928 million

Do not worry mainly not will become like that would always be.

The problem is while Sunni are a majority they are also the most backward group in Syria ..infact most of the Syrian labourers and truck drivers are Sunni while highly qualified Syrians tend to me of minorities. You cannot blame it on the Syrian education system because the education system is very much impartial. Heck, hardcore so called (as they say on PDF) "wahabi" Yemanis & Saudis are able to go and attend doctorate in Syria on scholarships. It is the Sunnis themselves closing the doors of higher education on themselves due to supposedly religious issues...well Syrian institutions do not preach hard line version of Islam prescribed by Hassan al Banna and Sayyid Qutub so that could be the reason..

I am not saying Syrian regime is neutral and impartial - it is one of the most bigoted regime in the world but the opposing side is equally responsible as well.
The problem is while Sunni are a majority they are also the most backward group in Syria ..infact most of the Syrian labourers and truck drivers are Sunni while highly qualified Syrians tend to me of minorities. You cannot blame it on the Syrian education system because the education system is very much impartial. Heck, hardcore so called (as they say on PDF) "wahabi" Yemanis & Saudis are able to go and attend doctorate in Syria on scholarships. It is the Sunnis themselves closing the doors of higher education on themselves due to supposedly religious issues...well Syrian institutions do not preach hard line version of Islam prescribed by Hassan al Banna and Sayyid Qutub so that could be the reason..

I am not saying Syrian regime is neutral and impartial - it is one of the most bigoted regime in the world but the opposing side is equally responsible as well.

Really, it’s our then fault now. You take us for idiots. Go tell your nonsense for cretin others.

I repeat it. Do not worry mainly not will become like that would always be.
A country which come from beyond the ocean is raping iraq's territories women than stealing it's natural resources but this dog is barking us.
And we are helping western aggressors to achieve those goals. We are not much better (neither are Saudi Arabia and Qatar and so on). Maybe we should stop pointing fingers and smell the coffee.
Yup. NATO didn't invade Iraq. US did.
NATO invaded and destroyed Afghanistan with our help, as well as Libya. Stop supporting NATO, that's the first step.

Funny how undemocratic states bring up their "sovereignty" and "internal affairs" blunder whenever someone criticize their government in power. It's year 2012. You don't have a right to not be "criticized".
What nonsense. So according to you, "undemocratic" states such as Iraq don't deserve national sovereignty, but only "democratic"(!) states such as Israel and the U.S. and France are allowed to have sovereignty?
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