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Iran's Options

I posted two different videos. Please see the second video. The first video is the North Korean missile Hwasong-10. The second video is the Iranian version of Hwasong-10 called Khorramshahr.
sir video title say its range is 2000km itself why i play it when its already mentioned .any missile of 4000km tested by iran ever?
Iran is in possession of Hwasang-10 which has a range of 4,000 kilometers. The Iranian missile Khorramshahr is reportedly a downgrade of Hwasang-10. Also, Iran is reported to have Hwasang-12 too.

Khorramshahr is not a downgrade, it's an upgrade. North Korean missiles are crude and they were still using steel up until a little while ago. Iran has made the switch to aerospace-grade aluminum and carbon fiber. Iranian and NK missile development diverged long ago and it's evident that Iran is higher up the tech scale than the North Koreans.
sir video title say its range is 2000km itself why i play it when its already mentioned .any missile of 4000km tested by iran ever?

I think you are missing the point, my friend. The Khorramshahr missile has a strong resemblance to Hwasong-10. Hwasong-10 has a range of 4,000 kilometers, carrying a warhead of 650 kilograms. Khorramshahr is reported to have a range of 2,000 kilometers, carrying a warhead of 1,800 kilograms. Now you do the math.

Iran has a policy of restricting our missile range to 2,000 kilometers. We tested our first missile with a 2,000 kilometer range (Shahab-3) in 2003 and we have continued to follow the same policy since then.
it was actually Iran doing the bullying up to this point....

They replaced the US as the biggest actor in the middle east. Captured and humiliated US navy sailors for the world to see... shot down state of the art 200 million dollar US aircraft and pride with impunity...

Iran also was responsible for the slaughter of thousands of American terrorists in occupied Iraq.... in essense this was a frustrated US lashing out against Iranian bullying with the an angry, stupid and uncalculated move that will backfire on them bigger then they could ever imagine....

this small d&%K Saudi/Asian mentality of taking a knee, or opening arse to some white euro power out of fear is alien to Iranian culture....

Iran is going nowhere... bythe time this is all set and done, it will be the American trash (like the british, and other failed trash before them) who will be leaving our region.. we don't need cowardice advice. Iran is the nation of Cyrus the great/Hussein
All talk and bluster..you guys are funny.
US was preoccupied with Iraq since 1991. Now that Iraq is done and dusted, Iran is vulnerable than ever before.

Iraqi managed to kill 5000+ American troops in a span of 8 years, to no avail. Although, Iran supported Iraqi (Shiite) resistance groups, YOU cannot take credit for these kills.

Last time YOU had a direct clash with US (i.e. Operation Praying Mantis), it did not end well for Iranian navy actually.

Iranian Mullah regime has overplayed its cards unfortunately. They got involved in conflicts that had nothing to do with Iran and Iranian economy has taken a significant hit consequently.

You are bragging about inflicting material losses but you lost a far greater asset in General Qassem Soleimani. When the shit gets real, Iran will loose far more than this.

You realize how many have Iranian Mullah regime have alienated through the years with its PROXY games?

Time to wake up. Your leaders are taking your country to a point of no return unfortunately. It was only a matter of time when US will start responding your moves.

Problem with Iranians is that they do not realize how many they have hurt through the years but cry WOLF when they are on the receiving end.

American Democrats see in Iran a potential pawn to utilize in the ME but not sure how long this romance will last.

Some people never learn.

Pakistanis always showing their true colours. No ally to anyone I guess.

Shiite groups are responsible for a 1/4 to 1/3 of US casualties in Iraq.

Praying mantis was over 30 yrs ago, Iran has ASBMs, sea-skimming cruise missile, mini-subs with supercavitating torpedoes, fast attack boats.

America lost the war in Iraq and Afghanistan that is enormous materiel loss given that they pissed away 6k+ troops and over 6 trillion dollars for zero game.

You think Iran is the only country that dicks with proxies. You're in for a rude awakening, let's talk about the ISIs support of the Taliban and harboring numerous salafist terrorists within Pakistani borders, most notably BIN LADEN himself.

The US took themselves to the point of no return when they rolled in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003 respectively. They are still here despite dozens of false promises of pulling out.

LMAO the fvcking hypocrisy in this statement, Americans are the ones who play victim when Iraqis and Afghans don't like their presence and start killing them. Then they blame it on a third country because they can't accept that the people they strive to "free" are now butchering and maiming their soldiers like dogs.
Pakistanis always showing their true colours. No ally to anyone I guess.

Shiite groups are responsible for a 1/4 to 1/3 of US casualties in Iraq.

Praying mantis was over 30 yrs ago, Iran has ASBMs, sea-skimming cruise missile, mini-subs with supercavitating torpedoes, fast attack boats.

America lost the war in Iraq and Afghanistan that is enormous materiel loss given that they pissed away 6k+ troops and over 6 trillion dollars for zero game.

You think Iran is the only country that dicks with proxies. You're in for a rude awakening, let's talk about the ISIs support of the Taliban and harboring numerous salafist terrorists within Pakistani borders, most notably BIN LADEN himself.

The US took themselves to the point of no return when they rolled in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003 respectively. They are still here despite dozens of false promises of pulling out.

LMAO the fvcking hypocrisy in this statement, Americans are the ones who play victim when Iraqis and Afghans don't like their presence and start killing them. Then they blame it on a third country because they can't accept that the people they strive to "free" are now butchering and maiming their soldiers like dogs.
its our best policy to stay away from mess of ME and we are lucky we have done it .we are ally of no one but our own paksitan
"Assasinate Trump's family" or as a bonus "take out POTUS"
Before anyone ridicules me over this suggestion let me just say Congress would not approve a war on Iran (risking hundreds of thousands of American lives and billions of dollars) if Iranian show the world that they had kept it personal and respected (though few) voices in US which apologised to Iran and distanced themselves from Trump's decision to assasinate.

Though highly risky but it gives the Iranians an "out of box" option.
"Assasinate Trump's family" or as a bonus "take out POTUS"
Before anyone ridicules me over this suggestion let me just say Congress would not approve a war on Iran (risking hundreds of thousands of American lives and billions of dollars) if Iranian show the world that they had kept it personal and respected (though few) voices in US which apologised to Iran and distanced themselves from Trump's decision to assasinate.

Though highly risky but it gives the Iranians an "out of box" option.

Assassination of the US president or his family is a very serious matter that will be interpreted as an attack on the US itself by American politicians and the American public. Iran's response should not be given in a way that unites all Americans against Iran, but it should rather focus on exposing Trump as the brainless orange buffoon he is.
"Assasinate Trump's family" or as a bonus "take out POTUS"
Before anyone ridicules me over this suggestion let me just say Congress would not approve a war on Iran (risking hundreds of thousands of American lives and billions of dollars) if Iranian show the world that they had kept it personal and respected (though few) voices in US which apologised to Iran and distanced themselves from Trump's decision to assasinate.

Though highly risky but it gives the Iranians an "out of box" option.

Sorry but that's a moronic idea. Until the US starts targeting family members of Iranian politicians and military commanders then that's not justified. Stick to the military commanders themselves for now until the US raises the stakes again.
Indeed its a better approach if they can expose Trump (minimize his chances of re-election) and keep the American people and Congress divided.
But as of now Trump's chances of getting re-elected are increasing with his hawkish actions (which naturally gives rise to right wing support)
Pakistanis always showing their true colours. No ally to anyone I guess.

Shiite groups are responsible for a 1/4 to 1/3 of US casualties in Iraq.

Praying mantis was over 30 yrs ago, Iran has ASBMs, sea-skimming cruise missile, mini-subs with supercavitating torpedoes, fast attack boats.

America lost the war in Iraq and Afghanistan that is enormous materiel loss given that they pissed away 6k+ troops and over 6 trillion dollars for zero game.

You think Iran is the only country that dicks with proxies. You're in for a rude awakening, let's talk about the ISIs support of the Taliban and harboring numerous salafist terrorists within Pakistani borders, most notably BIN LADEN himself.

The US took themselves to the point of no return when they rolled in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003 respectively. They are still here despite dozens of false promises of pulling out.

LMAO the fvcking hypocrisy in this statement, Americans are the ones who play victim when Iraqis and Afghans don't like their presence and start killing them. Then they blame it on a third country because they can't accept that the people they strive to "free" are now butchering and maiming their soldiers like dogs.

1. 9/11 event motivated US to take action against what they perceived as ROGUE REGIMES in the Islamic bloc. You may thank Osama Bin Laden for American crusade since 2001.

2. Iranian Navy was well-equipped back then, and Iranian Air Force provided cover from above. Details in this link: https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/1989/may/surface-view-operation-praying-mantis

I am adequately aware of Iranian advances as well as American advances in the matters of 'power projection' since the 1980s.

3. US have accomplished all of its military and political objectives vis-a-vis Iraq since 1990. Strange for you to tout 'America lost the war in Iraq' part.

What did Iran accomplish in its war with Iraq in comparison? Pushed Iraqi military forces out from Iran but at the cost of many lives only for Iraq to return the favor when Iranian troops counter-invaded Iraq.

4. Pakistani state did not shelter Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad.

5. Afghan Taliban resurged in Afghanistan because American efforts to REFORM Afghanistan did not work out as intended. However, US eradicated Al-Qaeda Network in the Afpak region - primary objective accomplished.

I have questions for you:-

How many countries have Pakistan affected with its proxies by now? How many have Iran by now?

HINT: Not a fair comparison.
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1. 9/11 event motivated US to take action against what they perceived as ROGUE REGIMES in the Islamic bloc. You may thank Osama Bin Laden for American crusade since 2001.

2. Iranian Navy was well-equipped back then, and Iranian Air Force provided cover from above. Details in this link: https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/1989/may/surface-view-operation-praying-mantis

3. US have accomplished all of its military and political objectives vis-a-vis Iraq since 1990. Strange for you to tout 'America lost the war in Iraq' part.

What did Iran accomplish in its war with Iraq in comparison? Pushed Iraqi military forces out from Iran but at the cost of many lives.

4. Pakistani state did not shelter Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad.

5. Afghan Taliban resurged in Afghanistan because American efforts to REFORM Afghanistan did not work out as intended. However, US eradicated Al-Qaeda Network in the Afpak region - primary objective.

I have questions for you:-

How many countries have Pakistan affected with its proxies by now? How many have Iran by now?

HINT: Not a fair comparison.

Ah yes, Iraq war and Afghan war were a success....for Iran.

18 years later and US is negotiating with the Taliban. What a joke.

We should blame US for 9/11, because the very man that “masterminded” it (Bin Laden) was a US ally and “freedom fighter” during Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan.

US has a history of its decisions resulting in blow black decades later. It’s because you don’t understand the region or it’s people. You think money, arms, and power buys loyalty. Not among Arabs, they are tribal and treacherous bunch. Friends one day and your enemy tomm.
Yesterday the US committed a crime so heinous, so stupid, that it is only right that we discuss the appropriate response. Usually I am dismissive of calls for or fear of war - but this time, direct military conflict between Iran and the US is on the cards, and even rarer so; the cards are in the hands of Iran.


Link to the full article: https://irangeomil.blogspot.com/2020/01/irans-options.html
Great article!
Personally I think Iran should apply strategic patience on this one. Revenge doesn’t need to happens instantaneously. Just think how much Iran has advanced in 20 years. Now add 20 more years. Iran will only need to “kindly ask” the Americans to piss out if the region, and they will! The level of military hardware Iran has in 20 years will be insane compared to today. However if we lose our temper then all infrastructure will be lost and frankly our chances to overcome the US is not great right now. I’m not saying that there is no chance, but the odds are not great and frankly the death tolls will make the Iran Iraq war seem like a side note in our history books.

Ps. Oon figure ke kozashti, soal akharie ham bayad diamond shape bashe, mesle soal avvalie. Are/na mosbat/manfi manoolan diamond shape estefadeh mikonand.
Pakistanis always showing their true colours. No ally to anyone IM.

nope just this particular member. He has some problem of licking american all over this forum fighting everyone in favour of American.

As for Pakistan and Pakistanis our only concern and priority is to build our economy and worry about the prosperity of our people right now.

All that you claim has no bearing on us and you may be right but it doesn’t concern us as we are in an inward looking mood right now as a whole.

Right now all the news and main topics of discussion in the national discourse are all internal issues of Pakistan, particularly economy.
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US was preoccupied with Iraq since 1991. Now that Iraq is done and dusted, Iran is vulnerable than ever before.

Iraqi managed to kill 5000+ American troops in a span of 8 years, to no avail. Although, Iran supported Iraqi (Shiite) resistance groups, YOU cannot take credit for these kills.

Last time YOU had a direct clash with US (i.e. Operation Praying Mantis), it did not end well for Iranian navy actually.

Iranian Mullah regime has overplayed its cards unfortunately. They got involved in conflicts that had nothing to do with Iran and Iranian economy has taken a significant hit consequently.

You are bragging about inflicting material losses but you lost a far greater asset in General Qassem Soleimani. When the shit gets real, Iran will loose far more than this.

You realize how many have Iranian Mullah regime have alienated through the years with its PROXY games?

Time to wake up. Your leaders are taking your country to a point of no return unfortunately. It was only a matter of time when US will start responding your moves.

Problem with Iranians is that they do not realize how many they have hurt through the years but cry WOLF when they are on the receiving end.

American Democrats see in Iran a potential pawn to utilize in the ME but not sure how long this romance will last.

Some people never learn.
Childish comment.
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