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Iranians can ‘wipe out’ Israel if attacked: Ahmadinejad

Thirdly 1.6 million Arabs in Israel live much much better than Iranians, not talking about average Muslim countries.

Babe... please stop making sh!t up! Majority of Iranians are living comfortably, the situation was even better before those imbeciles in Washington impose their inhumane economic sanctions against the ordinary Iranians. But that's nothing new, we have seen such cruel actions in Iraq (when American sanctions killed more than 500,000 Iraqi children), North Korea (sanctions have killed hundreds of thousands by starving them to death), Cuba (sanctions retarded its economic development and prevented it from reaching its full potential), etc...

U.S. is the most cruel regime the world has ever seen, but the reality is that the U.S. is not independent, its merely a toy in hands of Israeli lobby.
First of all country called "Palestine" never existed.
Secondly "Palestinians" are themselves foreign migrants who stole this lands.
Thirdly 1.6 million Arabs in Israel live much much better than Iranians, not talking about average Muslim countries.

Proof that majority of Palestinians are foreigners not native to the land?

Also it doesn't matter how well or bad Arabs in Israel are living. I am sure there are Native Americans living well inside the United States, doesn't change the fact that their land was stolen.
Do me a favour and Google this:

"how big is England" = 130,395km squared
"how big is UK" = 243,610km squared
"how big is Israel" = 20,770km squared
how big is Iran" = 1,648,195km squared

To conclude: Iran is 79 times bigger than Israhell and England alone (not UK) is more than 6 times the size of Israhell!

Lets not get in to the population figures because I can estimate accurately that it is very likely the Iranian army is larger than the WHOLE population of Israhell not including the Muslims.

Talk sense to me before indulging in conversation with me. I have an IQ of 131 and I will wipe you off these forums - I dont take crap from anybody.

All it takes is looking on the world map to see the size of Israhell - it is merely an Island!! Iran is right it is not that difficult to wipe Israhell off the World lol especially as it is only around 243 miles long LOL!

That video you posted is pure propaganda.

Like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad said "the Zionists do not dare attack us alone" - he is 100% right as I have proven with the information.

Israhell can have all the nukes and arms of the US army and its reserves, but if there is not enough "man power" on the frontline to operate all these "gadgets" then they are useless!

End of conversation.

Atleast we dont get p!ssed and then rape our women then cry in jail.

Say we are backwards funny how the death penality still exists in the US - talk sense son or gtfo.

Google pictures of IDF you will see young folk in the army - they are kids. Of course kids will be recruited with a tiny population!

Smart people understand sarcasm, you just cant grasp it, IQ of 131? nah you forgot point somewhere between...

The fact that you are evaluating age of soldiers by photos is even more idiotic than your lack of sarcasm.
Babe... please stop making sh!t up! Majority of Iranians are living comfortably, the situation was even better before those imbeciles in Washington impose their inhumane economic sanctions against the ordinary Iranians. But that's nothing new, we have seen such cruel actions in Iraq (when American sanctions killed more than 500,000 Iraqi children), North Korea (sanctions have killed hundreds of thousands by starving them to death), Cuba (sanctions retarded its economy development and prevented it from reaching its full potential), etc...

U.S. is the most cruel regime the world has ever seen, but the reality is that the U.S. is not independent, its merely a toy in hands of Israeli lobby.
While Iran is living much better than Yemen or Bangladesh its still poor third world country by Western standards.

Proof that majority of Palestinians are foreigners not native to the land?

Watch from 1:45:


Also it doesn't matter how well or bad Arabs in Israel are living. I am sure there are Native Americans living well inside the United States, doesn't change the fact that their land was stolen.
So u want to destroy the USA as well? :lol:
Well they are in better economic shape. And don't want to throw away their progress in living standards. Else all those Pakistani expats in the GCC will have to go back home hampering remittances.
I don't agree with you dear .if a country spends may be %5 to %10 of GDP on its defense its not going to hurt living standards or will not effect any development projects .Instead of buying expensive arms from USA ,they should put some money on research/technology . If pakistan can progress in technology with ill economy then why a country with trillion dollar economy can't do it .

So u want to destroy the USA as well? :lol:

I don't even want to harm Israel. 2 wrongs don't make a right and too much time has passed. It would be cruel to displace modern day Israelis because of the actions of their ancestors. Also Israel is a nice counterbalance for Arab domination in the Middle East. Without you guys Iran would be the only enemy Arabs had left.
US does not need to involve and if people of Gaza keep throwing rockets at Israeli's than they ain't gonna get flowers in return..

That's your perception, I guess..

Question should be directed towards the PDF Management. Raise your concern with webby!!

on one hand u say Israel is more stable n powerful than even Iran n then u claim its first Palistenians who throw rockets at Israel...

how can a powerful country like Israel then becomz helpness n all innocent in Israel vs Palestenian war?

wat a stupid claim! huh
While Iran is living much better than Yemen or Bangladesh its still poor third world country by Western standards.

Lol you gotta be kidding me?! Western standards?! And what are these western standards exactly?!

Let me make comparison between life in Iran and U.S.

Average Iranian salary: $4,000 (Used to be around $13,182 before sanctions)
Average American salary: $45,230

Iran - Price of a Kebab (an actual nutritious food): $1.90 AVG
Price of a burger: $0.90 AVG
U.S. - Price of a Big Mac Meal (junk food): $6.70 AVG

Iran - Education: Public (Free, selective universities)
Private ($3,900 to $4,200 for all duration of study)
U.S. - Education: Public (Resident $74,220 for all duration including books and materials excluding accommodations)
Private ($180,000 for all duration excluding accommodations)

Iran - Average price of a book: $1.50
U.S. - Average price of a book: $22.56

I don't even want to go into health insurance and price of house, electricity, gas, etc...

So your western standards are pretty much useless here!
I cant understand why the torch bearers of Islam - the Arabs are so mad at this thought of Iran defending itself from Israel's aggression ... :P ... I mean has Israel became a friend for them ? For all those who are saying this statement is provocative - read the words " if attacked " carefully , every country has the right to defend itself ... Possibly , they should start looking for links containing the threats of war by Israel to Tehran , why should the Iranians sit quiet and become another Iraq or Libya ? :azn:
First of all country called "Palestine" never existed.
Secondly "Palestinians" are themselves foreign migrants who stole this lands.
infinite borders of stupidity,you better have a look in world map again:


what you see there is Palestine, and what you don't see is Israel.

during ages some people have migrated to and some migrated from Palestine. this is a natural and peaceful procedure that some family members do (whether muslim,jwish or christian), if some Palestinian have Egyptian origin, some Egyptian have Palestinian origin too .

this is much difference from you who want to occupy others land with your guns.
this is much difference from you which by support of US and promising a better life, mass migrate Jewish from around the world to increase Jewish population rate in Israel.

if peoples are supposed to return to their origin lands, then US belongs to native people and all Americans must evacuate it, same goes for Australia,...
and you also must return to Egypt, I hope you haven't forgot your origin.
and wherever you go, you will be part of a bigger society and you have no right or power to claim for a separate regime,
what you have done in Palestine is against human rights and with the power of UK and US.
That is an interesting video lol. I don't get it though, why would any Egyptian/Saudi voluntarily move to Gaza strip? Do you have any statistical proof of recent Arab migration to Israel/Palestine?
Gaza population is Arab and like all Arabs they are mix of Saudis, Egyptians etc. Today life standards in Gaza are higher than in Egypt. Its very common for Gazans to take Egyptian brides for example.

what you see there is Palestine, and what you don't see is Israel.
"Palestine" was merely a name of the region, like Balkans or Scandinavia. The name itself is Hebrew, based on Jewish Bible. Arabs called this region "Syriya Janubia".

Lol you gotta be kidding me?! Western standards?! And what are these western standards exactly?!

Let me make comparison between life in Iran and U.S.
What you are trying to do with ur lame calculations is called PPP. Here is Iran's GDP per capita by PPP:


Still a third world country.
Gaza population is Arab and like all Arabs they are mix of Saudis, Egyptians etc. Today life standards in Gaza are higher than in Egypt. Its very common for Gazans to take Egyptian brides for example.

I don't think it's strictly true that all Arabs are mix of Egyptian and Saudis. Lebanese for examples are descendants of Phoenicians and look nothing like Saudis or even Egyptians. I think I read somewhere that Lebanese are biologically the closest living relatives of the Jews.
What you are trying to do with ur lame calculations is called PPP. Here is Iran's GDP per capita by PPP:

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Still a third world country.

What a moronic statement! Consumer products are much cheaper in Iran compared to U.S. relative to Iranians salaries, so GDP per capita is irrelevant in our case, since prices of consumer products are much cheaper compared to high income countries. We are not adopting the free trade policy , so before making a fool of yourself do a little bit of research.
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