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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

He mentions something about a UAV with 7000 KM range. Personally I find that Salami is the least reliable out of all the Iranian generals.

Building a UAV with such range is not impossible for Iran but it would require to be pre-programmed to hit a specific target and return to base or it would have to use Chinese or Russian military or communication satellites.

Personally I'll believe it when I see it.

translation please.....
translation please.....
He mentions something about a UAV with 7000 KM range. Personally I find that Salami is the least reliable out of all the Iranian generals.

Building a UAV with such range is not impossible for Iran but it would require to be pre-programmed to hit a specific target and return to base or it would have to use Chinese or Russian military or communication satellites.

Personally I'll believe it when I see it.

You can navigate drones with pure image processing and pattern recognition as well as INS.

Regarding Salami, he is not allowed to say these things on his own. It is safe to say nezam wants him to say that.
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But how accurate is INS over long distances when compared to GPS ?

Also what if the UAV flies over desert terrain or needs to hit a target in the desert ?

Mountains and rugged terrain yes it's easy but over deserts GPS would be much more reliable wouldnt it ?

I recall watching a documentary where they mentioned that during desert storm the US had to fly Tomahawks over Iranian mountains to hit targets in Iraq, simply because in the desert they might get lost ?
I guess GPS wasn't widespread in 1991 even for the US ? I'm not sure.

You can navigate drones with pure image processing and pattern recognition as well as INS.

Regarding Salami, he is not allowed to say these things on his own. It is safe to say nezam wants him to say that.
Tehran to London or Beijing is less distance then that but assuming a return trip that would at least cover the entire Middle East region


I love it how they split hairs to somehow take a jab at and try to downplay the quality and efficiency of Iran's Mohajer-6 UCAV's in Ethiopian service, all the while being forced to admit that it did play a notable part in bringing to halt the offensive of Tigray forces. It's as if they brought out a metaphorical electronic microscope in hopes of detecting something they could spin to find fault with.

If I remember correctly, a Tweet or something similar posted here weeks ago, was suggesting that the author(s) of this or another comparable military blog was being financially sponsored by a Turkish defence firm involved in drone production. If it was this one indeed, then no surprise to witness such nitpicking flawed attempts at denigrating the competition. That's in addition to the general bias of western media against Iranian defence products.
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I love it how they split hairs to somehow take a jab at and try to downplay the quality and efficiency of Iran's Mohajer-6 UCAV's in Ethiopian service, all the while being forced to admit that it did play a notable part in bringing to halt the offensive of Tigray forces.

If I remember correctly, a Tweet or something similar posted here some time ago, was suggesting that the author(s) of this or another comparable military blog were being financially sponsored by a Turkish defence firm involved in drone production. If it was this one indeed, then no surprise to witness such nitpicking flawed attempts at denigrating the competition. That's in addition to the general bias of western media against Iranian defence products.
Essentially the claim that the mohajer 6s were grounded because of supposed "poor operational performance" ,whatever thats actually supposed to mean as rather curiously imho the author does not actually elaborate on what the problem(s) with the drone were,appears to come solely from a communication that the author claimed that he had received from someone claiming that they were a mechanic working for an ethiopian aviation company*.......and thats basically it,nothing more.
*You can see it as the number [6] reference cited in this article

This actually pissed me off enough,that I ended up writing a comment on the oryxspioenkop site essentially asking him to please clarify what the exact nature of the supposed problem(s) causing this claimed "poor operational performance" actually were.
So I guess we`ll just have to sit back and wait and see whether he actually replies to my post [or not],this should be interesting. :azn:
In case you`re wondering about the "angry" reaction,I`m not angry at you Jauk,I`m pissed off at this 💩article💩,but thank you for posting it nonetheless.:tup:
I love it how they split hairs to somehow take a jab at and try to downplay the quality and efficiency of Iran's Mohajer-6 UCAV's in Ethiopian service, all the while being forced to admit that it did play a notable part in bringing to halt the offensive of Tigray forces. It's as if they brought out a metaphorical electronic microscope in hopes of detecting something they could spin to find fault with.

If I remember correctly, a Tweet or something similar posted here some time ago, was suggesting that the author(s) of this or another comparable military blog was being financially sponsored by a Turkish defence firm involved in drone production. If it was this one indeed, then no surprise to witness such nitpicking flawed attempts at denigrating the competition. That's in addition to the general bias of western media against Iranian defence products.

He is not. His twitter and website has exploded due to his coverage of the second Karabagh war where he gained a reputation of being a reliable source for equipment losses due to the fact he based it all on officially released drone footage and other visual media mostly on the ground. Every single lost equipment he could back up with evidence, thus he is much more familiar with Turkish drones. Iranian drones on the other hand have a much smaller frame of reference, so it makes sense to be skeptical of their capabilities especially its FLIR which is notoriously lacking using only first gen LWIR technology not to mention its small size and low performing IR sensors and FOV capabilities. The size alone should be a big red flag. The FLIR issue has been brought up MULTIPLE times before here so its not like its new, its the most important part of the drone after all. Even Turkey who's has been HEAVELY investing into FLIR technology for nearly 2 decades only made them competitive relatively recently(we are talking about both latest Gen SWIP, LWIR, QWIP and MWIR detector alongside Cryogenically cooled technology), which resulted in export success. Also we don't need to hire some blogger to make our drones look good, its reputation and global export success speaks for itself. Since then he has done this with multiple other conflicts such as in Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq and etc.
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