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Fotros with 6 smart bombs
It looks like 2 Ghaems and 4 spike copies.The tube with the carry handle on the lower right of the picture does bear more than a passing resemblance to the spike canister.
There does appear to be some differences between the seekers on the spikes
6 glide bombs is a pretty decent payload for a drone like Fotros. 8 would be even more impressive. However it would be a step up if the Fotros could be modified to launch cruise missile at targets or even something like the Fakour-90 (Pheonix) missile.

It looks like 2 Ghaems and 4 spike copies.The tube with the carry handle on the lower right of the picture does bear more than a passing resemblance to the spike canister.
There does appear to be some differences between the seekers on the spikes
6 glide bombs is a pretty decent payload for a drone like Fotros. 8 would be even more impressive. However it would be a step up if the Fotros could be modified to launch cruise missile at targets or even something like the Fakour-90 (Pheonix) missile.

It’s possible with the newly unveiled engine that a jet engine version gets unveiled.
It looks like 2 Ghaems and 4 spike copies.The tube with the carry handle on the lower right of the picture does bear more than a passing resemblance to the spike canister.
There does appear to be some differences between the seekers on the spikes

God damn that's a good catch , agreed
at the UAV exhibition, a new bomb very similar to the US SDB 1, a sidewinder air-to-air missile and Shahab Saqeb air-to-air missile and a Star 4 bomb (equivalent to GBU12), the Balaban bomb and the Simorgh cluster bomb, as well as the Yassin bomb were loaded on Karrar UAV. some weapons were also placed in front of it, which shows the variety of weapons Karrar UAV can carry.



at the UAV exhibition, a new bomb very similar to the US SDB 1, a sidewinder air-to-air missile and Shahab Saqeb air-to-air missile and a Star 4 bomb (equivalent to GBU12), the Balaban bomb and the Simorgh cluster bomb, as well as the Yassin bomb were loaded on Karrar UAV. some weapons were also placed in front of it, which shows the variety of weapons Karrar UAV can carry.



IS this showing a possible decentralized, precision-capable airforce capability?
IS this showing a possible decentralized, precision-capable airforce capability?
well it has it for sure , its also shows air to air capability as well to be honest i want to see that GBU 12 with karrar in action sooo bad.
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