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Iranian-Turk-Azeri border deployments

Tell me... What has Pakistan done to serve Israels interest?
OK. See? It can be discussed in a civil fashion.

Read my earlier post again. Republic of Azerbaijan has given Israeli soldiers a safe place to gather information and eavesdrop on us. They talk about our provinces as their territory that will be won in the next wars. They have stopped Iranian civilian trucks from going to Armenia through their territory which hurts Iran economically and is against what they had promised earlier. They have arrested our truck drivers and refused to free them after several days. If you want to read why Iran is so uncomfortable with the recent developments, read this post by me.

A lot of things have happened in the recent weeks that caused this massive show of force along the border.
1- Republic of Azerbaijan held a military parade to celebrate their victory over Armenia. Erdogan read a poem about Azerbaijan before its annexation by Tsarist Russia in the celebration which sparked widespread condemnation in Iran. Aliyev said that their victory over Armenia is the start of other victories.
2- During your "3 Brothers" drill, an Azerbaijani official said that Pakistan would wipe Iran off the map. Your authorities did not condemn it.
3- Azerbaijan has closed Karabakh to Iranian trucks, saying that Iranians have been illegally using their roads and we cannot use them anymore unless we agree to pay tax.
4- Aliyev has said that he does not understand why Iran is holding military drills now (as if our military affairs is any of his business) and he suspects our intentions and its timing.
5- Some people in Azerbaijani media have threatened to kill an Iranian Azeri religious figure over his criticisms of Baku.
6- There are legitimate concerns that Republic of Azerbaijan may attack Armenia again and occupies Armenia's borders with Iran (an economic partner of Iran). This is the main reason for the current military arrangement along the border.
7- Azerbaijanis are spreading propaganda. The claim that Iran will fire 4000 rockets at Republic of Azerbaijani is simply Azerbaijani propaganda. The Iranian general never said that.
8- Aliyev said that there is no reason to hide anymore that they have purchased Israeli weapons and they have learned to use them.

It's in the best interest of Pakistan to stay out of this if you ask me. And it is very clear who is acting like a rogue state here.

Now, back to the issue of Pakistan, when Aliyev and Erdogan read a poem about the separation of Azerbaijan from Persia during the Tsarist Russia, and they talked about future triumphs, Iran obviously felt that its national security was being undermined by the recent regional developments, against what we had been promised and contrary to our one-sided support for Republic of Azerbaijan in the 44 day war. The least we expected of Pakistan, considering our current ties which are in no way hostile, is to stay out of the issue. But you went there and held a "3 Brothers drill" with them. Right after that, Azerbaijani authorities claimed that Pakistan would support them in a future war and Pakistan would wipe Iran off the map. Why would you get involved in something that in no way concerned you?

And I am not going to talk about our past relations at this point. Just tell me why do you think Pakistan should get involved in something that Iran is clearly not comfortable with it. Have we done the same towards Pakistan?
I didn't really intend to alienate him or pick a fight with him. I just told him the truth. You cannot expect us to care about people who have shown to act against us times and times again. This thread is a very good example of it. 6 posts and nobody has bothered to ask why Iran is doing this. And nobody has condemned the strong military ties between Israel and Republic of Azerbaijan.

I see, but then too it'd probably be more suitable to quote and confront one of the users who are hostile towards Iran (of which there is no shortage) rather than the few sincere friendly ones. Well, I rest my case.

The least we expected of Pakistan, considering our current ties which are in no way hostile, is to stay out of the issue. But you went there and held a "3 Brothers drill" with them.

I honestly don't think Pakistan's participation in that drill was directed against Iran. In case of a conflict between Baku and Iran, Pakistan is not going to intervene.
Im not unaware of the conflict. I want to research it but its too disheartening
Well, perhaps you should research more. The things you are writing are expected from someone that read the concerned wikipedia page in like 10 minutes.

But i know enough to draw my own conclusion.
Which is shameful. In this era with all the information at your fingertips it is almost a crime to be this unaware about a conflict that you are forcefully trying to preach about.

Regarding the air force, without it God help you. SAMs can only do so much as a credible deterrent
No nation on earth can take on the US air force and win. Including your Pakistan. Like i said, our focus is not on the AF but on other fields.

Your enemy is the USA but they will fight you conventionally.
And who says we will give them the chance and opportunity for conventional warfare?

Conventionally you dont stand a chance. Im sorry to say this but you dont.
This again proves that you don't even know what you are talking about re: Iran-USA conflict.
Oh boy...
If we're in the top 10 millitaries in the world surely we are not that bad...

3 of our presidents were replaced through meddling and 1 killed because they refused to do this even when US was offering FTA's, multi billion $s

This former ISI officer himself convinced Shahs son to go back when US sent him to Pakistan, asking Pakistan to built an insurgency under his name

Let's not be prickly here, the policy of our deep state institution was never to purposely pick a beef with Iran
I am fully aware of the capabilities of the Pakistani army and I know that your army is not weak. I refer you to my earlier posts.
I didn't really intend to alienate him or pick a fight with him. I just told him the truth. You cannot expect us to care about people who have shown to act against us times and times again. This thread is a very good example of it. 6 posts and nobody has bothered to ask why Iran is doing this. And nobody has condemned the strong military ties between Israel and Republic of Azerbaijan.

Yeah no.. This was not intended at Israel but Baku's ties with Ankara this fell on deaf ears in Baku and will continue to do so
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Well, perhaps you should research more. The things you are writing are expected from someone that read the concerned wikipedia page in like 10 minutes.

Which is shameful. In this era with all the information at your fingertips it is almost a crime to be this unaware about a conflict that you are forcefully trying to preach about.

No nation on earth can take on the US air force and win. Including your Pakistan. Like i said, our focus is not on the AF but on other fields.

And who says we will give them the chance and opportunity for conventional warfare?

This again proves that you don't even know what you are talking about re: Iran-USA conflict.
You know for the researching bit and finding it disheartening, i was referring to the iran iraq war.

The USAAF isnt all powrful. Its strong but not the strongest.

Also regarding the iran US conflict... You really thinm fighting them Assymetrically will defeat them? Iraq tried it and lost...
OK. See? It can be discussed in a civil fashion.

Read my earlier post again. Republic of Azerbaijan has given Israeli soldiers a safe place to gather information and eavesdrop on us. They talk about our provinces as their territory that will be won in the next wars. They have stopped Iranian civilian trucks from going to Armenia through their territory which hurts Iran economically and is against what they had promised earlier. They have arrested our truck drivers and refused to free them after several days. If you want to read why Iran is so uncomfortable with the recent developments, read this post by me.

Now, back to the issue of Pakistan, when Aliyev and Erdogan read a poem about the separation of Azerbaijan from Persia during the Tsarist Russia, and they talked about future triumphs, Iran obviously felt that its national security was being undermined by the recent regional developments, against what we had been promised and contrary to our one-sided support for Republic of Azerbaijan in the 44 day war. The least we expected of Pakistan, considering our current ties which are in no way hostile, is to stay out of the issue. But you went there and held a "3 Brothers drill" with them. Right after that, Azerbaijani authorities claimed that Pakistan would support them in a future war and Pakistan would wipe Iran off the map. Why would you get involved in something that in no way concerned you?

And I am not going to talk about our past relations at this point. Just tell me why do you think Pakistan should get involved in something that Iran is clearly not comfortable with it. Have we done the same towards Pakistan?
Perhaps its more to do with the fact that this world does not just comprise of Iran and that we have other nations as our allies that we would like to keep as our friends and have a beneficial relationship with. Also in the bigger picture think about the Ummah? Dont you think we want it united? How do you think we gonna do it? By sitting around? Secluding ourselves from the world? 3 brothers excericse was purely for relations between Azerbaijan and Pakistan (and Turkey). It benefits all the 3 nations militaties and political ties. If you think we are willing to wipe Iran off the map for Azerbaijani for a stupid thing such as this, then you are insecure. And why do you act like an Azerbaijani politician is the spokesmen for the entire Pakistani military? Dude. Chill. If war comes then we will play a diplomatic role to end it. Nothing more nothing less.... Unless one of you are stupid enough to do a bad thing....

Also how has Pakistan served the interest of Israel? You failed to answer it
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You know for the researching bit and finding it disheartening, i was referring to the iran iraq war.

The USAAF isnt all powrful. Its strong but not the strongest.

Also regarding the iran US conflict... You really thinm fighting them Assymetrically will defeat them? Iraq tried it and lost...
Please research more about the Iran-Iraq war if you are interested. Preferably neutral sources.

About Iraq vs USA. Iraqi army did not even fight. 40% of Iraqi army waved the white flag in front US troops. Plus the Iraqis went in a conventional fight.

Perhaps its more to do with the fact that this world does not just comprise of Iran and that we have other nations as our allies that we would like to keep as our friends and have a beneficial relationship with. Also in the bigger picture think about the Ummah? Dont you think we want it united? How do you think we gonna do it? By sitting around? Secluding ourselves from the world? 3 brothers excericse was purely for relations between Azerbaijan and Pakistan (and Turkey). It benefits all the 3 nations militaties and political ties. If you think we are willing to wipe Iran off the map for Azerbaijani for a stupid thing such as this, then you are insecure. And why do you act like an Azerbaijani politician is the spokesmen for the entire Pakistani military? Dude. Chill. If war comes then we will play a diplomatic role to end it. Nothing more nothing less.... Unless one of you are stupid enough to do a bad thing....

Also how has Pakistan served the interest of Israel? You failed to answer it
Let me rephrase it then. Turkey and Azerbaijan are trying to occupy our borders with Armenia, effectively shutting down our economic ties with Armenia. Considering the fact that Iran is under heavy US sanctions and Armenia is a market for our non-oil exports, that serves nobody but Israel and the US with their maximum pressure campaign against us. That aside, Republic of Azerbaijan remains one of the largest operators of Israeli military hardware. Aliyev said it publicly on TV, just a few days ago, that there is no reason to hide it anymore that the Army of Republic of Azerbaijan has been trained by the Israelis to use their weapons (particularly their drones) and now they have learned to operate them. Republic of Azerbaijan is hosting Israeli agents in its territory that plan to create ethnic tension in Iran and coordinate sabotage operations in Iran. Do you see how your alliance with them is serving Israeli interests or not yet?

So, you have a country that has close ties to Israel and it is trying to plot against Iran, with the help of Israel. And you go there and suddenly call it a brotherhood exercise. Let's reverse the roles now. How would you like it if Iran held a military drill with India close to your border in Kashmir, for example? And then India said that Iran would help them wide Pakistan off the map. Would you keep saying that the world does not comprise of Pakistan and that Iran can have other nations as their allies?
The last time you said terrorist fired on your troop from our border it turn out the incident happened 20km inside your border .
And we'll as our side is a lot calmer what about send your troop here so we can teach them how to fight terrorism.
So calm that rebels can kill a dozen and than yiu can bitch and blame Pakistan.
As for training yeah fam try not shooting an airliner next time.
A lot of things have happened in the recent weeks that caused this massive show of force along the border.
1- Republic of Azerbaijan held a military parade to celebrate their victory over Armenia. Erdogan read a poem about Azerbaijan before its annexation by Tsarist Russia in the celebration which sparked widespread condemnation in Iran. Aliyev said that their victory over Armenia is the start of other victories.
Azerbaijan has every right to celebrate their victory, if you had won a war you would have celebrated as well.

2- During your "3 Brothers" drill, an Azerbaijani official said that Pakistan would wipe Iran off the map. Your authorities did not condemn it.
Its been quite a few years now, Did Iran ever condemned or took any practical steps to stop RAW using Iranian soil to orchestrate terrorism in Pakistan?

3- Azerbaijan has closed Karabakh to Iranian trucks, saying that Iranians have been illegally using their roads and we cannot use them anymore unless we agree to pay tax.
Absolutely right, Why should Iranian trucks be using their roads or territory without paying? Tomorrow Iran can claim that their trucks need to transit through Pakistan to India, and Pakistan should authorise it.

4- Aliyev has said that he does not understand why Iran is holding military drills now (as if our military affairs is any of his business) and he suspects our intentions and its timing..
Same reason why Pakistan do not understand why Iran lets India use its territory.

5- Some people in Azerbaijani media have threatened to kill an Iranian Azeri religious figure over his criticisms of Baku.
This is condemnable.
6- There are legitimate concerns that Republic of Azerbaijan may attack Armenia again and occupies Armenia's borders with Iran (an economic partner of Iran). This is the main reason for the current military arrangement along the border.
Similarly Azerbaijan has legitimate concerns of her safety vis-a-vie Armenia-Iran nexus.

7- Azerbaijanis are spreading propaganda. The claim that Iran will fire 4000 rockets at Republic of Azerbaijani is simply Azerbaijani propaganda. The Iranian general never said that.
Iran shouldn't even be talking about propaganda, We have witnessed all the so-called reports, analysis, observations and opinions by Iranian politicians, media person, tv channels etc regarding Pakistan, Afghanistan, Panjsheer.

8- Aliyev said that there is no reason to hide anymore that they have purchased Israeli weapons and they have learned to use them.
Countries develop, procure weapons as deterrent and they do not need to hide. If that was the case Iran would have not been showing their latest goodies every now and then.

It's in the best interest of Pakistan to stay out of this if you ask me. And it is very clear who is acting like a rogue state here.
Treat us like a game we'll show you how its played :D
Let me rephrase it then. Turkey and Azerbaijan are trying to occupy our borders with Armenia, effectively shutting down our economic ties with Armenia. Considering the fact that Iran is under heavy US sanctions and Armenia is a market for our non-oil exports, that serves nobody but Israel and the US with their maximum pressure campaign against us. That aside, Republic of Azerbaijan remains one of the largest operators of Israeli military hardware. Aliyev said it publicly on TV, just a few days ago, that there is no reason to hide it anymore that the Army of Republic of Azerbaijan has been trained by the Israelis to use their weapons (particularly their drones) and now they have learned to operate them. Republic of Azerbaijan is hosting Israeli agents in its territory that plan to create ethnic tension in Iran and coordinate sabotage operations in Iran. Do you see how your alliance with them is serving Israeli interests or not yet?

So, you have a country that has close ties to Israel and it is trying to plot against Iran, with the help of Israel. And you go there and suddenly call it a brotherhood exercise. Let's reverse the roles now. How would you like it if Iran held a military drill with India close to your border in Kashmir, for example? And then India said that Iran would help them wide Pakistan off the map. Would you keep saying that the world does not comprise of Pakistan and that Iran can have other nations as their allies?

This is bullocks and inventions there is no immediate plans to take Armenian lands with CSTO in place. You wanna say I deterred something meh this is misinformation. Turkey-Azerbaijan influence is rock solid. Hopefully this will turn into the re-conquest of fars
Please research more about the Iran-Iraq war if you are interested. Preferably neutral sources.

About Iraq vs USA. Iraqi army did not even fight. 40% of Iraqi army waved the white flag in front US troops. Plus the Iraqis went in a conventional fight.

Thats the 1991 gulf war. Iraq war in 2003 is where they fought assyemtrically

Also like i said. I already drawn my conclusion up regarding the iran iraq war
Thats the 1991 gulf war. Iraq war in 2003 is where they fought assyemtrically

Also like i said. I already drawn my conclusion up regarding the iran iraq war
Read about the Battle of Baghdad (2003). Iraqi republican guards used the same conventional tactics as they used in the 80's and 90's i.e. hiding tanks under the sands etc but were picked by US infrared imaging etc.
All 3 wars that Iraq fought was conventional. Iraq never tried asymmetrical warfare. It was illiterate in this field.
Let me rephrase it then. Turkey and Azerbaijan are trying to occupy our borders with Armenia, effectively shutting down our economic ties with Armenia. Considering the fact that Iran is under heavy US sanctions and Armenia is a market for our non-oil exports, that serves nobody but Israel and the US with their maximum pressure campaign against us. That aside, Republic of Azerbaijan remains one of the largest operators of Israeli military hardware. Aliyev said it publicly on TV, just a few days ago, that there is no reason to hide it anymore that the Army of Republic of Azerbaijan has been trained by the Israelis to use their weapons (particularly their drones) and now they have learned to operate them. Republic of Azerbaijan is hosting Israeli agents in its territory that plan to create ethnic tension in Iran and coordinate sabotage operations in Iran. Do you see how your alliance with them is serving Israeli interests or not yet?

So, you have a country that has close ties to Israel and it is trying to plot against Iran, with the help of Israel. And you go there and suddenly call it a brotherhood exercise. Let's reverse the roles now. How would you like it if Iran held a military drill with India close to your border in Kashmir, for example? And then India said that Iran would help them wide Pakistan off the map. Would you keep saying that the world does not comprise of Pakistan and that Iran can have other nations as their allies?
Azerbaijans relations with israel is Questionable. But regarding Pakistan... Your logic doesnt make sense. At all. Iran was supplied by the US during the iran iraq war. The us is the biggest ally of israel. Iran hit iraqi targets and even softened up AA defenses around a certain nuclear facility that israel later destroyed. Does that mean Iran is serving the interest of Israel?

What Azerbaijan says is upto them. Its all talk. If thats the case then we wouldve been doing mass troop deployments each time modi says he will wipe put Pakistan.

Anyways. Please dont act like iran is a saint in this situation. Esepecially after recent weeks with Pakistan. I mean.... You have pissed Pakistan off regarding cross border terrorism. You havent been doing your bit
Read about the Battle of Baghdad (2003). Iraqi republican guards used the same conventional tactics as they used in the 80's and 90's i.e. hiding tanks under the sands etc but were picked by US infrared imaging etc.
All 3 wars that Iraq fought was conventional. Iraq never tried asymmetrical warfare. It was illiterate in this field.
Iraq employed militia and non-regular units to fight the US invasion under the name of Jihad. Read about it

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