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Iranian-Turk-Azeri border deployments

Are you denying that Pakistan has been used by Saudi Arabia for years to create sectarian division and instability in the Iranian side of Baluchistan? It seems that you have switched teams. Instead of doing Saudis dirty work, now you want to do Erdogan and Aliyev's dirty work. You always serve Israeli interests, but pretend that you want them gone.
this guy is such a dumbass lol
boys I think 3-4 brigades are moving to Iran border, they want to do Turkeys dirty work
we are also sending couple of brigades to Yemen to do Saudis dirty work
The last time you said terrorist fired on your troop from our border it turn out the incident happened 20km inside your border .
And we'll as our side is a lot calmer what about send your troop here so we can teach them how to fight terrorism.
Iran hasnt fought an insurgency the same size or lethality as Pakistan's
these military moments are nothing but just a show of force and thats it.. otherwise politically it is not feasible for iran to attack Azerbaijan because Azerbaijan has the second highest Shia population percentage in the world after Iran. so even if at some point Iranian solders fight against them they would fight with a half heart.

even in iran about 20 million people are ethnically Azerbaijanis and internal rift in iran would be imminent after the war,

on karabakh issue... for iran its too late now, war has already over it did not last much longer as Iranian officials were expecting and Armenians have no will to fight in near future, so situation is not favoring iran
Bro, that's the last thing you want or that ran away prostitute US would try and establish a base in a destabilized Iran like it did in Syria which can threaten Pakistan.
You're worrying about US establishing a base in Iran ? What about the 30K US troops that were supposed to "transit " through Pakistan after the Afghanistan war ended but arent accounted for and are still in your country? JUST ASKING!
this guy is such a dumbass lol
boys I think 3-4 brigades are moving to Iran border, they want to do Turkeys dirty work
we are also sending couple of brigades to Yemen to do Saudis dirty work
Don't flatter yourself. I never said you would send brigades. You are not really in any way that significant for such a demonstration of power. You will just host anti-Iran terrorists as you have done before and as you have been known to do for decades.
@925boy @QWECXZ
any info? it is not the first time Chahbhar is used for drug smuggling...
Are you denying that Pakistan has been used by Saudi Arabia for years to create sectarian division and instability in the Iranian side of Baluchistan? It seems that you have switched teams. Instead of doing Saudis dirty work, now you want to do Erdogan and Aliyev's dirty work. You always serve Israeli interests, but pretend that you want them gone.

I never understand why Pakistan has to involve itself in actions against Iran all the time. Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan as an independent state and we have been one of the few countries in the world that has publicly criticized India for the Kashmir issue.
If i was you.... I would shut up right now
Very wrong on nearly all accounts
It seems you are unaware about the conflict. I will inform you.

Iran had hundreds of US made M60A1 pattons and Chieftans to fight the Iraqi army. That paired with being the ONLY country other than the US to operate the f14, and also operating the F5. You didnt have nothing. You had a lot. Also the iraqi army took khorramshahr.
Won't be effective in a broken chain of command. After the revolution Iran's regular army crumbled. A lot of executions took place. Until 1985 there was no proper organized chain of command.
Today the iranian military wont do much without a proper air force.
Our focus is not on the air force.

F4, f5, f14 and few mig 29 wont be enough to stop a conventional fighting force. Esepcially Pakistan
With all respect. Our main enemy is the USA. And i was being respectful.
Iran surely did in Syria....
Maybe but not to the same effect. As we all know Syria is sadly a clusterfu-

What Iran has done is nothing compared to what Pakistan has done. Syria only controls 63% of its whole country. Thats not good
It seems you are unaware about the conflict. I will inform you.

Won't be effective in a broken chain of command. After the revolution Iran's regular army crumbled. A lot of executions took place. Until 1985 there was no proper organized chain of command.

Our focus is not on the air force.

With all respect. Our main enemy is the USA. And i was being respectful.
Im not unaware of the conflict. I want to research it but its too disheartening

But i know enough to draw my own conclusion.

Regarding the air force, without it God help you. SAMs can only do so much as a credible deterrent

Your enemy is the USA but they will fight you conventionally. Conventionally you dont stand a chance. Im sorry to say this but you dont.
Or else, what would you do? Rant and insult me like a little bitch on the internet?

I am seriously tired of Pakistanis being unappreciative of Iran's support for them while they have always sided against us in recent decades.
Last chance
Last chance
I am giving you a chance to apologize. If you have anything constructive to say, go ahead. Otherwise, just cut the crap and stop acting like a little Pomeranian puppy showing her teeth and paws.
I know him well. I never assumed he was hostile towards Iran. If anything, he is a friend of Iran on this forum.

Wouldn't it be better not to pick a fight then? Why alienate a friend?

- - - - -

Won't be effective in a broken chain of command. After the revolution Iran's regular army crumbled. A lot of executions took place. Until 1985 there was no proper organized chain of command.

Indeed. Nor any spare parts, nor any of the American advisors who used to do all the maintenance.
I am giving you a chance to apologize. If you have anything constructive to say, go ahead. Otherwise, just cut the crap and stop acting like a little Pomeranian puppy showing her teeth and paws.
Tell me... What has Pakistan done to serve Israels interest?
Wouldn't it then be better not to pick a fight? Why alienate a friend?
I didn't really intend to alienate him or pick a fight with him. I just told him the truth. You cannot expect us to care about people who have shown to act against us times and times again. This thread is a very good example of it. 6 posts and nobody has bothered to ask why Iran is doing this. And nobody has condemned the strong military ties between Israel and Republic of Azerbaijan.
Don't flatter yourself. I never said you would send brigades. You are not really in any way that significant for such a demonstration of power. You will just host anti-Iran terrorists as you have done before and as you have been known to do for decades.
Oh boy...
If we're in the top 10 millitaries in the world surely we are not that bad...

3 of our presidents were replaced through meddling and 1 killed because they refused to do this even when US was offering FTA's, multi billion $s

This former ISI officer himself convinced Shahs son to go back when US sent him to Pakistan, asking Pakistan to built an insurgency under his name

Let's not be prickly here, the policy of our deep state institution was never to purposely pick a beef with Iran

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