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Iranian-Turk-Azeri border deployments

Azerbaijans relations with israel is Questionable. But regarding Pakistan... Your logic doesnt make sense. At all. Iran was supplied by the US during the iran iraq war. The us is the biggest ally of israel. Iran hit iraqi targets and even softened up AA defenses around a certain nuclear facility that israel later destroyed. Does that mean Iran is serving the interest of Israel?

What Azerbaijan says is upto them. Its all talk. If thats the case then we wouldve been doing mass troop deployments each time modi says he will wipe put Pakistan.

Anyways. Please dont act like iran is a saint in this situation. Esepecially after recent weeks with Pakistan. I mean.... You have pissed Pakistan off regarding cross border terrorism. You havent been doing your bit
At some point in the war between Iraq and Iran, we purchased weapons from the United States through Israel. Why did the US supply us with those weapons? Iran was acting more and more aggressively, out of desperation, against US interests (like the 1983 barracks bombing). The US wanted to transfer our money to Nicaragua and it figured: "To hell with all of them. The more Iraq and Iran fight and kill each other, the better". Their strategy was to keep both sides powerful enough to destroy each other for as long as possible. It was not out of alliance. For us, it was out of necessity because we were running out of ammunition. As for the attack on Osirak, Iraq had not shied away from using chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers and civilians. Did you expect us to allow Saddam become a nuclear state in the middle of war with us?

We are deploying our troops to ensure that Azerbaijan will not think of cutting Armenia-Iran borders completely. If Azerbaijan does not plan to do so, nothing will happen. They will stay there for a while and everything will end happily for both sides.

We have never claimed to be saints. We act based on our interests. As for Pakistan, anyone who follows the news knows that Iran has been reducing her ties with India after Modi came to power and India started to follow US dictates with regard to business with us. We have no incentive to destabilize Pakistan after our security agreements with Imran Khan.
At some point in the war between Iraq and Iran, we purchased weapons from the United States through Israel. Why did the US supply us with those weapons? Iran was acting more and more aggressively, out of desperation, against US interests (like the 1983 barracks bombing). The US wanted to transfer our money to Nicaragua and it figured: "To hell with all of them. The more Iraq and Iran fight and kill each other, the better". Their strategy was to keep both sides powerful enough to destroy each other for as long as possible. It was not out of alliance. For us, it was out of necessity because we were running out of ammunition. As for the attack on Osirak, Iraq had not shied away from using chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers and civilians. Did you expect us to allow Saddam become a nuclear state in the middle of war with us?

We are deploying our troops to ensure that Azerbaijan will not think of cutting Armenia-Iran borders completely. If Azerbaijan does not plan to do so, nothing will happen. They will stay there for a while and everything will end happily for both sides.

We have never claimed to be saints. We act based on our interests. As for Pakistan, anyone who follows the news knows that Iran has been reducing her ties with India after Modi came to power and India started to follow US dictates with regard to business with us. We have no incentive to destabilize Pakistan after our security agreements with Imran Khan.
Your logic implies that you served the interest lf israel then. If we go by this new logic you just created now, then Pakistan doesnt serve the interest of israel...

As for azerbaijan, didnt you support armenia over Azerbaijan during the NK 2020 war?

As for the insurgency... I read a report.... 6 terrorist bases inside iran were discorvered by ISI and given to Iran. None of which were taken down or hit by iran. Now this cross border firing events take place and iran becoming a safe haven for these terrorists....
Not serious just an exercise that is getting alot of attention

Yeah, it seems just some paranoia by Iranian gov't, mostly due to separatist rhetoric coming from few officials in Azerbaijan. Although long term Turkish presence/influence in Azerbaijan will be taken seriously by Iran and could pose harm to Iranian interests.
Your logic implies that you served the interest lf israel then. If we go by this new logic you just created now, then Pakistan doesnt serve the interest of israel...

As for azerbaijan, didnt you support armenia over Azerbaijan during the NK 2020 war?

As for the insurgency... I read a report.... 6 terrorist bases inside iran were discorvered by ISI and given to Iran. None of which were taken down or hit by iran. Now this cross border firing events take place and iran becoming a safe haven for these terrorists....
No, it does not imply that in any way. It was in our interest to destroy the Osirak reactor. It was in our interest to procure ammunition to fight an ongoing war with Iraq. Is it in your interest that Iran loses Armenia as one of the largest markets for non-oil exports in the neighborhood?

No, we did not. Even Aliyev himself said that Iran had closed its border on Armenia and fully cooperated with them. We maintained a neutral position in 1994, but we supported only Azerbaijan in 2020. Even religious figures in Iran called Karabakh as the territory of Islam and said it should be given to Azerbaijan. And it has been proven to be a mistake on our part.

Jundullah and similar Baluch separatist groups have been active in the Pakistani side of Baluchistan against Iran for nearly 3 decades. We even gave their precise coordinates to you multiple times. You never acted on our provided information. We captured Rigi (and several other high ranking figures of Baluch terrorists) and their confessions didn't really draw a friendly picture of the ISI for us. We used to think that it was the fault of the Saudi-affiliated figures in Pakistan that such incidents happen. You are distancing yourself from Saudi Arabia now, but it seems that our relations have not improved much since then.
Right after that, Azerbaijani authorities claimed that Pakistan would support them in a future war and Pakistan would wipe Iran off the map.
Do you have a source for that? I have been searching it up.
Do you have a source for that? I have been searching it up.
The guy who said it is Sardar Jalaloghlu, the chairman of Azerbaijan Democrat Party.
Not just that

''6000 arab volunteer'' fighting force did never realize as a fact on the ground. they did not engage against the US. In fact, most of the resistance that originated from Iraq against the US occupation were in the forms of Iranian made IEDS. US still has a lot of complaining to do about Iranian sponsored attacks on their troops which killed and maimed thousands of Americans.

Saddam's Iraq never used militia against US on a large, effective scale.
The region can not afford a war right now; especially with the situation of Afghanistan. Azerbaijan might be high on past Armenian success but I believe the stand-off is more of a political posturing rather than due to military concerns. Ofcourse for whatever reasons, if the other side bring in military near another country's border (be it exercises or anythig else) unless the other side is friendly, they will counter that and deploy their own assets. Deterrence and readiness for any unwelcomed scenario is par of all professional militaries.

To both sides:

Resolve the issue amicably!
Urdu indeed is civilized but even today we get termed as Indians because of that. Also, our people despite getting apart from India still act as Indians.

Call me racist but Indians have it in their blood. They're unhygienic nation, they don't build infrastructure, they don't make their streets clean, they don't mind their own business. Now go to the poorest neighborhoods of Turkey Iran or Azerbaijan. Even their villages are so clean despite having ma
mudhouses, the neighborhood shines. People mind their own business.

Even poor Greece is more cleaner than us. We just needed to form an identity which we didn't.

Arabic or Persian was a great choice. It had needed to be forced and everybody would be speaking Arabic today.
Oh lala tu high level da banda ve urdu does not suit your tongue especially being an Iranian arse lick.

I've met many fellow deluded Pakistanis who are in Saudi or Iranian shacks. but you take the line by the nose way too seriously.

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