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Iranian Tanker Explodes in Red Sea - Possible Saudi Attack?

Not a missile! Have you guys forgotten Iranian cruise missile tests on ships?!

Missiles would blow this tanker sky high by igniting the fuel.

Whatever it was had to have very little explosive warhead and not significant penetration maybe a small suicide drone or a limpet mine.

Probably just a token retaliation by Saudi Arabia in order to establish deterrence again.

Israel knows Iran won’t go to war over a minor tanker spill. Doubt it was Israel unless the Saudis are too incompetent to attack a defenseless tanker by themselves.
well well well now Iran is saying its going to retaliate for attack on its oil tanker in the red sea in such a way that the enemy does not dare to do it again that is a major news :-):tup:

"Iranian authorities have announced that investigations into the cause of the terrorist attack or ones who order it are ongoing. Surely, after the end of the investigation, the ones who are responsible for the attack will get a tough response. The answer could be the end point to any vicious imagination about attacking Iranian ships."

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Go Toss off Robin you little man child. Adults are talking!

well ok mulla babe. i didn't realized you are addicted to adults.

well well well now Iran is saying its going to retaliate for attack on its oil tanker in the red sea in such a way that the enemy does not dare to do it again that is a major news :-):tup:

"Iranian authorities have announced that investigations into the cause of the terrorist attack or ones who order it are ongoing. Surely, after the end of the investigation, the ones who are responsible for the attack will get a tough response. The answer could be the end point to any vicious imagination about attacking Iranian ships."


That was fast, but pdf was faster.
Not false flag. This was done near Jeddah so only Saudis could do it. 100% Saudi response to attack on Abqaiq.
So far:
1. Iran claims their ship has been hit with two projectiles 30 min apart from each other resulting in oil leak in red sea. No footage of the impact or oil leakage has been released neither by Iran nor by other sources.

Update Oct 12:

2. An Iranian organization has declared the projectiles were NOT launched from Saudi soil despite earlier claims by Iranian media.
3. footage from the ship shows a perfectly functioning ship without any sign of damage. Surely any kinetic object that comes in contact with oil should catch fire, no?
4. Where is the environmental disaster caused by the oil release? how can an event this serious lack any independent coverage?

In other news:
4. Saudis and Americans have not acknowledged this event.
5. Oil jumped 2%
6. Saudi are talking to both Houthis and Iranians.

Things to consider:
1. Risk factor: If Saudis attack Iranian tanker, they would risk losing far more in addition to the environmental damages to their coasts.
2. If Saudis and Iranians are engaging, why would they risk this golden opportunity?
3. Israel or US may covertly try to push for conflict between the two nations but how come Iran has not release any footage? Israelis have publicly panicked about potential Iranian cruise missile strike and acknowledge their vulnerabilities, why would their risk a major retaliation?

In my opinion, due to lack of evidence, this whole ordeal is as good as fake news. Let me know what you folks think.

Footage from oil leak has been released:
Update Oct 12:

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So far:
1. Iran claims their ship has been hit with two projectiles 30 min apart from each other resulting in oil leak in red sea. No footage of the impact or oil leakage has been released neither by Iran nor by other sources.
2. An Iranian organization has declared the projectiles were NOT launched from Saudi soil despite earlier claims by Iranian media.
3. Iranian footage from the ship shows a perfectly functioning ship without any sign of damage. Surely any kinetic object that comes in contact with oil should catch fire, no?
4. Where is the environmental disaster caused by the oil release? how can an event this serious lack any independent coverage?

In my opinion, due to lack of evidence, this whole ordeal is as good as fake news. Let me know what you folks think.
Lots of good points my friend.

For 2. I would add that the photos did not show the hull of the ship and it is normal for the hull of such a large ship to be breached but still appear to be functioning as normal from the bridge/foredeck. So until we see photos of the hull we can't comment on that.
Not a missile! Have you guys forgotten Iranian cruise missile tests on ships?!

Missiles would blow this tanker sky high by igniting the fuel.

Whatever it was had to have very little explosive warhead and not significant penetration maybe a small suicide drone or a limpet mine.

Probably just a token retaliation by Saudi Arabia in order to establish deterrence again.

Israel knows Iran won’t go to war over a minor tanker spill. Doubt it was Israel unless the Saudis are too incompetent to attack a defenseless tanker by themselves.
War isn't the point, Americans couldn't stop Iran from selling it's oil, so decided to interrupt our shipment this way, it's part of Trump's maximum pressure.

So U.S is responsible regardless of the actor.
War isn't the point, Americans couldn't stop Iran from selling it's oil, so decided to interrupt our shipment this way, it's part of Trump's maximum pressure.

So U.S is responsible regardless of the actor.
But i really mixed up......the saudies got stuck in yemen conflict and doesn't seem to open up new front......but here is a third person who wanna take advantage of war between Iran and saudies......israhell or even americunt.....should see how we retaliate
What iran did to others ahhaHH
Well . we will talk about it after the investigation ended.

Here some correction ,it seems some guys here thinking if you hit a fully loaded tanker it explode . but the reality is not that simple . it depends on the design of the tanker and also on the what load it carry . I assure you if it's unrefined oil you will need far more than one or two projectile to sank it .
Also there is another point always fear a nearly empty tanker far more than a fully loaded one.
But i really mixed up......the saudies got stuck in yemen conflict and doesn't seem to open up new front......but here is a third person who wanna take advantage of war between Iran and saudies......israhell or even americunt.....should see how we retaliate

But again the calculus doesn't make sense. As I posted earlier, Israelis have openly cried about their immediate vulnerability to Iranian cruise/drone strikes. Why would they risk a major confrontation? Israeli Syrian strikes have always been about maintaining deterrence, against military assets. An oil tanker strike will genuinely undermine their security.

Assuming this event actually happened,
again there are literally no evidence yet of an Iranian punctured ship or oil leak, this could have been an act of an irrational actor. The Americans would risk major confrontation.

Update Oct 12:

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In any Iran Saudi Arabia war only defence company and Israel will winner . So no doubt who are to blame.
I think it is clearly either US ot Israel. Saudis are not so dumb to fire at the side of the ship that is facing their shores.

Yes Israel cried about vulnerability against Iran's drones but it would definitely not need to worry about it if a war breaks out between Iran and KSA as it would keep Iran busy for a while.

US on the other hand has reasons to do this:
  1. It has recently took lots of hits from Iran but has not been able to retaliate.
  2. It is a cheap and effective way of stopping Iran's oil flow.
  3. Seems like this ship was heading to Syria, US doesn't want this.
  4. There is no way Iran can point at US for this attack. Even if the find a made in US sign on the remnants of whatever hit the ship, so what? Everyone is using US made weapons in the region.
  5. If a war breaks out between KSA and Iran, even better! As US will make tons of money selling oil and weapons.
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