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Iranian Tanker Explodes in Red Sea - Possible Saudi Attack?

Photos show no discernible damage was done to the tanker and the crew are all unharmed. Slight oil spill into the Red Sea off the coast of Saudi Arabia but that is not of a significant scale and expected to be quickly brought under control.

The National Iranian Tanker Company officially ruled out that the attack was launched from Saudi Arabian territory.

So it was the Saudis, then :enjoy:

The "regional navies" are busy joining US coalitions... Iran is the one that has constantly made efforts to promote regional initiatives, but Iran's neighbours prefer to work with hostile outsiders like US zionists.

1.Oil tankers set fire to al-Fujairah amid positive developments in Iran-UAE relations!

2.As Japanese Prime Minister Abe visits Tehran, Japanese oil tankers are attacked!

3.Iranian oil tanker targeted in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, while positive messages were exchanged between Riyadh and Tehran by friendly countries!

1.Oil tankers set fire to al-Fujairah amid positive developments in Iran-UAE relations!

2.As Japanese Prime Minister Abe visits Tehran, Japanese oil tankers are attacked!

3.Iranian oil tanker targeted in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, while positive messages were exchanged between Riyadh and Tehran by friendly countries!
Good points. But if the first few attacks really were not perpetrated by the IRGC they would know about it so they would communicate this (at least in backchannels to KSA/UAE even if not to the public)... So perhaps it really is as simple as it seems. Don't forget there are powerful domestic elements in both countries that don't want good relations as well...
Blast Sets Iran Tanker On Fire Off Saudi, 2 Missiles Hit It: State Media
The vessel owned by the National Iranian Tanker Company was hit about 100 kilometres (60 miles) off the Saudi coast.
World | Reuters | Updated: October 11, 2019 12:11 IST

Two missiles struck the Iran-owned Sinopa oil tanker setting it ablaze off the Saudi port of Jeddah, Iranian state TV reported.

"Two missiles hit the Iran-owned ship near the Jeddah port city of Saudi Arabia," TV said, quoting the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). The vessel owned by the National Iranian Tanker Company was hit about 100 kilometres (60 miles) off the Saudi coast.

All crew members of are safe and the situation of the tanker is stable, Iran's Nour news agency reported. "None of the crew members were injured at the explosion... the situation is under control," the news agency, close to Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards Corps, reported.

Tensions have been high between regional foes Iran and Saudi Arabia since an attack on the Kingdom's two oil facilities on September 14 that caused fires and damage and shutting down 5.7 million barrels per day (bpd) of production - more than 5% of global oil supply.

Yemen's Houthi group claimed responsibility for the attacks but a US official said they originated from southwestern Iran. Riyadh blamed Tehran. Iran, which supports the Houthis in Yemen's war, has denied any involvement.


Saudi part is as expected only pdf propaganda!
You have to be completely retarded to think that this was a Saudi retaliation. The Saudis had half their oil production halted for some time in a small but very precise areal attack that they never saw coming and in retaliation they lightly damaged an Iranian Tanker that is now heading back to Iranian port? What happens if Iran decides to Take out the remaining half of Saudi oil production if Iran wants to retaliate against KSA? I know the Saudis are dumb but You must think they are suicidal! The Last thing the Saudis are is suicidal.
So who did you think bomb KSA oil facilities recently?Do you think it's was also Israel/Britain?
I think it's too soon to say that Saudis have done it. They are trying to improve their relations with Iran and they're sending Imran Khan to Iran to mend the broken ties on their behalf. Maybe it's someone who doesn't want that to happen?

But in case that the Saudis did actually do it, which I doubt it, it's really pathetic. Before today we thought they're incompetent in defense only, but now they proved that they're incompetent in aggression too. So, if this was supposed to be a message before talks, they sent a message of weakness and incompetence more than anything.
im a little skeptical of it being Saudis.... its way too blatant to fire off missiles of your own coast.. this one actually feels like a Zionist false flag....

in either event, I expect Iranian intel to quickly pinpoint the culprit and retaliate in kind.. if it was the Saudis, then they are dumber then I thought and are in for a world of hurt...
Israel is 110% involved ! Iran should arm Hezbollah and launch some attacks on Israeli installations and vessels.
Yemen and friends.
Ahahaha....we all know that the Houthis(not Yemen) don't have the capabilities to launch such a sophisticated attack. Almost everybody is aware of that. So I suppose we can count the Houthis out of that one. So I'm sure you can guess who was the most likely culprit. In fact many members from that country even proudly claim it was them and posted prove of that(drone debris etc )on this very forum. :D
Photos show no discernible damage was done to the tanker and the crew are all unharmed. Slight oil spill into the Red Sea off the coast of Saudi Arabia but that is not of a significant scale and expected to be quickly brought under control.

The National Iranian Tanker Company officially ruled out that the attack was launched from Saudi Arabian territory.

So it was the Saudis, then :enjoy:

The "regional navies" are busy joining US coalitions... Iran is the one that has constantly made efforts to promote regional initiatives, but Iran's neighbours prefer to work with hostile outsiders like US zionists.

I don't know about about others but Iranian and hostile pak navy often conduct excercises..... It's a need against piracy and other elements.. ..we don't really do it for fun or for the sake of greater mutual interest in the region btw while you are at it please let pak-isi recruit ambitious sistani baluch gents for Kashmir.. paks will take that as a positive and might consider ignoring Iran's past with pro Israel Zionist India..
Culprit there has been established without doubt.
If you need to know, do some basic search.

Ahahaha....we all know that the Houthis(not Yemen) don't have the capabilities to launch such a sophisticated attack. Almost everybody is aware of that. So I suppose we can count the Houthis out of that one. So I'm sure you can guess who was the most likely culprit. In fact many members from that country even proudly claim it was them and posted prove of that(drone debris etc )on this very forum. :D

Are Saudis capable of continuing such a war a day without arm supply and intelligence/political support of american EU countries? including covering & white washing of slaying a journalist?
So I suppose we can count the Saudis out of all war crimes, famine , blockade, poverty and destruction of Yemeni infrastructure .. In fact POTUS proudly sat next to MBS represented weapons sold to invader of Yemen.
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