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Iranian Space program

Cluster of Shahab-3 engines is just a mess. Too many failure points. Zoljanah is also obsolete now. It’s 2010 tech.
Correct on Shahab-3 cluster but I wouldn't say Zoljanah is obsolete. It's obviously not as technologically advanced as Qaem-100 but its first stage (solid-fuel) engine is actually more powerful than Raafe and the design overall is much simpler and smaller than Simorgh, so it is a big improvement over Simorgh. It can be a low-end tech but cheap and functional SLV for sending 200kg class satellites to 500km LEO, which is what Iran sorely lacks and is trying hard to develop now.

Unfortunately I suspect they planned the Safir-Simorgh-Sarir lineage long ago (as I mentioned, they were referring to Safir-1, Safir-2 and Safir-3 since all the way back to 2012) - it's hard to abandon Simorgh when Sarir relies on Simorgh's success as well. I think Zoljanah is their plan B in case they have another 1-2 failures with Simorgh, but it doesn't fit into the liquid-fuel plans well at all.

These SLVs will not be scrapped once Soroush is ready, they will still need a cheap and functional smaller SLV to insert 100-400kg class satellites into LEO. Zoljanah fits that bill very well. I suspect Qaem-105 will be very similar to Zoljanah (two identical solid fuel Raafe stages) but with cutting edge tech to compensate for slightly less thrust (resulting in similar overall performance in a smaller and more expensive SLV).

In the second Zoljanah test the first stage engine burned for 65+ seconds and it uses the same engine for the second stage. So I am hopeful.
These SLVs will not be scrapped once Soroush is ready, they will still need a cheap and functional smaller SLV to insert 100-400kg class satellites into LEO. Zoljanah fits that bill very well.

Zoljanah can only launch 200kg or so to LEO, not 400kg. Not sure where you got that number.

And if you look at literally every private space launcher company on the planet flying to LEO it’s best to do rideshare loads to cut costs rather than single client loads. Which means you need POWERFUL launchers that can carry 1000-10000 kg payloads for many clients.

China is doing that, India is doing that, US companies (SpaceX, Rocketlab) are doing that.

The future is reusable heavy launchers. Not underpowered launchers like Simorgh or Zoljanah that can launch a single micro satellite with a 20-30% success rate.
Zoljanah can only launch 200kg or so to LEO, not 400kg. Not sure where you got that number.
I was thinking about upcoming upgrades to Zoljanah that they mentioned when they first announced it. Specifically, the MoD spokesman said the solid-fuel engine used in Zoljanah's first and second stages has a thrust of 74 tons but can be upgraded to 100 tons.
And if you look at literally every private space launcher company on the planet flying to LEO it’s best to do rideshare loads to cut costs rather than single client loads. Which means you need POWERFUL launchers that can carry 1000-10000 kg payloads for many clients.
I doubt many countries will want to pay Iran to launch satellites for them

Every country must focus on establishing launch capability for their own satellites first then they can think about exporting such services
The future is reusable heavy launchers. Not underpowered launchers like Simorgh or Zoljanah that can launch a single micro satellite with a 20-30% success rate.
Iran never put anything heavier than 50kg into 500km LEO, so that future you cite from superpowers is not relevant to Iran, but a launcher that can reliably and cost effectively launch 100-400kg (mainly 100-200kg as this is Iran's current capability) class satellites into LEO is very relevant to Iran in the next few years, particularly as it masters production of satellites with 1m resolution imaging capability

Something like Israeli capability is a more relevant comparator for Iran than SpaceX
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I was thinking about upcoming upgrades to Zoljanah that they mentioned when they first announced it. Specifically, the MoD spokesman said the solid-fuel engine used in Zoljanah's first and second stages has a thrust of 74 tons but can be upgraded to 100 tons.

I doubt many countries will want to pay Iran to launch satellites for them

Every country must focus on establishing launch capability for their own satellites first then they can think about exporting such services

Iran never put anything heavier than 50kg into 500km LEO, so that future you cite from superpowers is not relevant to Iran, but a launcher that can reliably and cost effectively launch 100-400kg (mainly 100-200kg as this is Iran's current capability) class satellites into LEO is very relevant to Iran in the next few years, particularly as it masters production of satellites with 1m resolution imaging capability

Something like Israeli capability is a more relevant comparator for Iran than SpaceX

Iran needs large capacities for itself. Selling capacity isn’t going to be a thing for a while. Need vs profits will determine the eventual mix.
I was thinking about upcoming upgrades to Zoljanah that they mentioned when they first announced it. Specifically, the MoD spokesman said the solid-fuel engine used in Zoljanah's first and second stages has a thrust of 74 tons but can be upgraded to 100 tons.

Still not worth it.

I doubt many countries will want to pay Iran to launch satellites for them

Doesn’t matter. Many companies and government agencies in Iran would pay to be on the same launch. Other countries is only a plus for future.

Space is a 1000 year endeavor. You have to prepare for exoplanetary exploration.

A single asteroid has tens of billions to hundreds of billions worth of resources for mining. The moon is loaded with resources. If Iran doesn’t have a capable space exploration tech in the future it will once again be cut out of western exploration of the “new world”. In this case the New world is the moon, asteroids, and eventually Mars. The future of your country for next 500 years is at stake here. Don’t take it lightly or be so tunnel visioned on the next 5 years that you ruin your country’s future for next 500.

Iran never put anything heavier than 50kg into 500km LEO, so that future you cite from superpowers is not relevant to Iran, but a launcher that can reliably and cost effectively launch 100-400kg (mainly 100-200kg as this is Iran's current capability) class satellites into LEO is very relevant to Iran in the next few years, particularly as it masters production of satellites with 1m resolution imaging capability

No one plans space for current capability. It’s all about next 50-100 years. Tiny SLVs are obsolete. Iran needs to have MAJOR space capability by 2100 and that requires investments today for the future.

Something like Israeli capability is a more relevant comparator for Iran than SpaceX

You realize Rocketlab launch ride share satellites for less than $7M?

You don’t see to have a good concept of how low costs are getting in Western private companies and seem to underestimate the cost of an Iranian SLV launch like Zoljanah. I remember Hajizadeh or someone saying a Simorgh launch cost between $1-2M and that’s to launch a single micro satellite.
Iran mining asteroids in the year 3022 sounds fun

But first lets get to LEO
Sooo.....Iran space program dead? What happened to the "Raisi" lead turn around of the Iranian space program. So much boasting about sending 500kg to LEO by 2025 in 2021-2022 and now nothing but silence. All talk and no action.

Iran should cancel its failed space program and use the funds elsewhere. If after 14 years you can only send 50kg space toasters into orbit then your space program is probably not worth the investment.
Sooo.....Iran space program dead? What happened to the "Raisi" lead turn around of the Iranian space program. So much boasting about sending 500kg to LEO by 2025 in 2021-2022 and now nothing but silence. All talk and no action.

Iran should cancel its failed space program and use the funds elsewhere. If after 14 years you can only send 50kg space toasters into orbit then your space program is probably not worth the investment.
Is it 2025 already in North Korea?

It has been more like 20-25 years, not 14. But during a large portion of that time the budget was virtually zero. Now Iran is on the cusp of mastering 200kg payload to LEO SLVs with Simorgh and Zoljanah. And the IRGC is building an extremely advanced line of solid-fuel Qaem SLVs at a respectable pace.

The next few years will indeed be crucial. Let's circle back in 2025.

Failures and delays are part of the process, just ask your dear leader Kim:

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Sooo.....Iran space program dead? What happened to the "Raisi" lead turn around of the Iranian space program. So much boasting about sending 500kg to LEO by 2025 in 2021-2022 and now nothing but silence. All talk and no action.

Iran should cancel its failed space program and use the funds elsewhere. If after 14 years you can only send 50kg space toasters into orbit then your space program is probably not worth the investment.
well thanks god you are not the one to decide on that.
we have not forget that European and Russian space agency record when we wanted to launch our satellite and how china refused to think about launching our satellite that was only useful for telecommunication .

NK test fired Hwasong-18 solid fuel ICBM sucessfully for 2nd time recently. This missile first stage has more than double the thrust of Iran's Raafe solid fuel motor (140 tons vs 68 tons). NK is advancing repaidly in liquid fuel rocket tech thorugh Hwasong-15/17 and solid fuel rocket tech via Hwasong-18. What is Iran doing? Zoljanah exploded last time it flew and simorgh is junk rocket that should be retired after so many failures. Iran should refocus its rocket tech development effort or just shut it down and save the money,time,effort and embarrassment on world stage when its satellite launches fail or the carrier blows up on the pad.

We now know that in March 2023 Iran had a (unannounced) launch of the Qaem-100 SLV carrying the Nahid-1 satellite. The launch failed.
View attachment 938730

NK test fired Hwasong-18 solid fuel ICBM sucessfully for 2nd time recently. This missile first stage has more than double the thrust of Iran's Raafe solid fuel motor (140 tons vs 68 tons). NK is advancing repaidly in liquid fuel rocket tech thorugh Hwasong-15/17 and solid fuel rocket tech via Hwasong-18. What is Iran doing? Zoljanah exploded last time it flew and simorgh is junk rocket that should be retired after so many failures. Iran should refocus its rocket tech development effort or just shut it down and save the money,time,effort and embarrassment on world stage when its satellite launches fail or the carrier blows up on the pad.

View attachment 938734
Why are you posting an image dating from 4 years ago?
As India is preparing to launch her second moon landing attempt in few days time ( I wish them all the best) Iranian mullahs are preparing to launch another press release about the next imaginary launch of Iranian space program..

Interesting to note that one mullah (Rohanni) destroyed Iran's space program and the second mullah (Raisi) turned it into a press release operation with imaginary launches happening very very soon..!..you get the picture...no one asks for accountability in this Islamic Republic.. WTF!.
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