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Iranian Space program

As I mentioned before..Iran Space program is in HALT mode until Afghanistan Space program catches up with us..Islamic unity BS...Probably all Iran's space budget dedicated to Palestine (Space budget will re builds all destroyed houses for them.... who needs space program when Palestinians are homeless.!!)..
so yes . 12 years ago we sent monkeys to space now we can not send a coach roach to space that is progress in reverse order..WTF is going on.:undecided:

Even if Iran stopped supporting the Palestinian cause, those funds wouldn't be redirected to the space program since there are at least a dozen sectors enjoying higher priority.

Moreover a major regional power like Iran will always spend money on allies abroad. The shah regime supplied oil to zionist occupiers without bothering to make sure they'd be paid for in due form, it invested millions in Project Flower only to be ripped off, it spent more millions on solidarity with Arabs when it dispatched troops to quell the Dhofar rebellion in Oman, and so on and so forth.

So the equation "progress in the space program, in the Navy, in the Air Force is too slow for my taste and reason is because the Islamic Republic supports Palestine" is a flawed one. The rate of advancement in these areas has nothing to do with Iran's backing of Resistance movements. Personal political preferences shouldn't blur one's perception of geopolitical necessities.

NK continues to advance in more and more areas with less $$$ than Iran.

One must wonder what kind of military and program development North Korea could do if it wasn’t handcuffed by the lack of natural resources.

If NK was blessed in natural resources like Iran, I could even wager that they would have a much more advanced military than Iranians.

Yes by prioritizing the military in such a way that if the Iranian government tried anything alone those lines, it'd be guaranteed to bring about massive domestic instability barring the implementation of similarly restrictive measures of social control. If the Islamic Republic disciplined its citizenry in the manner of the DPRK, then those who're complaining about the Iranian space program's progress, would probably be up in arms about the Iranian people's real or perceived living conditions.

Also production costs in the DPRK are a real question mark, it would be quite impossible to maintain such a large military and make all those acquisitions not to mention weapons research and development on a supposed budget of merely 4 billion USD if costs were remotely comparable to what they are in Iran or any other place for that matter.

Last but not least, it's interesting to observe how critics or opponents of the Islamic Republic will put forth the DPRK in diametrically opposite, contradictory ways as long as it allows them to take their daily jab at the Iranian government: one day the DPRK is the worst example there is because it supposedly "has no civilian industries" and its weapons are but "second rate copies of Chinese and Russian technology", so Iran must rather "restore ties with the west"; the next day "the Islamic Republic has spent so much on Palestine, it is so incompetent and corrupt that it cannot even compete with the DPRK on defence industries". Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
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Iranian civilian space program two year after Raisi government promised to revamp and re-start the program :undecided:

Lets hope we have something to report in the next two years!
Iranian civilian space program two year after Raisi government promised to revamp and re-start the program :undecided:
View attachment 931239
Lets hope we have something to report in the next two years!
don't underestimate the achievement. the previous government even produced the equipment to protect the astronauts.
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It's funny how some here cry about chicken being too expensive yet also cry why Iran isn't sending millions of expensive rockets into space. Manage your expectations a bit more, please. Let's get the chicken, water, whatever, etc issues sorted first before worrying about a space program.
don't underestimate the achievement. the previous government even produced the equipment to protect the astronauts.
I don't understand how they thought they could get away with this

It wasn't even close to convincing, it's like they didn't even try
Iranian civilian space program two year after Raisi government promised to revamp and re-start the program :undecided:
View attachment 931239
Lets hope we have something to report in the next two years!
Considering that rouhani & co had effectively gutted the program to the point where the pad technicians couldnt even successfully fuel a launcher that was basically a modified shahab 3,I think that its going to take a lot longer than just 2 years to essentially rebuild the program.
Theres also the added factor that iran has gained access to better technology during the last 8 years and whether it makes more sense to continue with launchers like the simorgh or to look at a brand new design.
Considering that rouhani & co had effectively gutted the program to the point where the pad technicians couldnt even successfully fuel a launcher that was basically a modified shahab 3,I think that its going to take a lot longer than just 2 years to essentially rebuild the program.
Theres also the added factor that iran has gained access to better technology during the last 8 years and whether it makes more sense to continue with launchers like the simorgh or to look at a brand new design.
After 5 years of failure with Simorgh (so far), ISA introduced Zoljanah which was itself not exactly cutting edge technology

Qaem-100 is the only modern SLV Iran has tested and that was by the IRGC after only 2 years of experience with SLVs

Interestingly, in this video from the second sub-orbital test launch of the Zoljanah SLV from June 2022, you can see the first stage successfully burns for at least 65 seconds (1:06-2:10) but then something happens at 2:10. Any ideas what?

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Iranian civilian space program two year after Raisi government promised to revamp and re-start the program :undecided:
View attachment 931239
Lets hope we have something to report in the next two years!
Didn't Raisi say we would quickly stabilise LEO launches and launch satellites to SSO by 2026

So far how many satellites inserted into LEO since 2021?

And what progress to SSO from 2021-23? 3 years to go, tick tock
I did a survey of reports... the kind of reports Iranian civilian space officials give to public:

July 2022: there will be a launch of Sat in the fall"
Mashreq news.

Aug 2022: New SLV will be tested in few weeks
وی افزود: در ابتدای راه هستیم و هنوز تا ۵۰۰ کیلومتری می‌توانیم ماهواره‌بر ۵۰ کیلو را در مدار قرار دهیم و انشاءالله در چند هفته آینده ماهواره‌بر جدیدی را تست می‌کنیم که می‌تواند تا ۱۰۰ کیلو را در مدار قرار دهد و تا پایان دولت به ۵۰۰ و ۶۰۰ کیلو خواهیم رسید.

Aug 2022: Iran SLV in LEO with 500 kg sat by 2026

Jan 2023: Iran in 10 year will be the hub of space technology

Iran's plan of space activities for the next 10 years approved by the president and set in motion.
  • The space Plan is a product of 60 gatherings of space experts
  • By the end of this plan Iran will be the hub of space technology in the region
  • details of the plan will be publicized .
August 2022:

Hassan Salarieh said Iran would likely be able to fire 100-kilogram satellites in to an orbit located at an altitude of 500 [kilo]meters above the surface of the Earth by the end of the current Persian calendar year on March 20, 2023.

“Efforts will continue and we will, God willing, launch a 200-kilogram satellite next year,” he said. “In four years, we will have launches of 500-kilogram satellites.”

Three claims:

1) Launch 100kg satellite into 500km LEO by 20 March 2023 --> FAILED
2) Launch 200kg satellite into 500km LEO by 20 March 2024 --> TBD
3) Launch 500kg satellites (orbit unclear, presume LEO) by c. 2026 --> TBD

Claim 1 - I assume this relates to launching a 100kg class satellite into LEO using Simorgh. They missed the deadline. The last Simorgh launch was December 2021, so it has been a while, hopefully the next one is finally successful. They should shelve the Simorgh and reallocate resources into Zoljanah instead.

Claim 2 - This must relate to launching a 200kg class satellite into LEO using Zoljanah. Zoljanah has had two sub-orbital test launches so far (January 2021 and June 2022), and is a much simpler version of the Simorgh with very powerful first and second stages (more powerful than the Raafe engine used in the Qaem-100, though not as advanced). The third test launch should be imminent with perhaps a first orbital launch early 2024 if they want to meet this deadline.

Claim 3 - This refers to the Sarir SLV but the idea that Sarir can be successfully revealed, tested and used to launch a 500kg satellite into orbit by 2026 seems like a fantasy given ISA's track record. Sarir will use the same primitive first stage as Simorgh, which has 4-5 failures and 0 successes, so that doesn't bode well.

Comparable space programs: Israel, South Korea, North Korea and Turkey. Current ranking of proven ability: South Korea, Israel, North Korea, Iran, Turkey. Let's see how this ranking looks in 5, 10, 20 years time. South Korea cannot be caught but Iran should be ahead of the others.
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Claim 3 - This refers to the Sarir SLV but the idea that Sarir can be successfully revealed, tested and used to launch a 500kg satellite into orbit by 2026 seems like a fantasy given ISA's track record. Sarir will use the same primitive first stage as Simorgh, which has 4-5 failures and 0 successes, so that doesn't bode well.

Sarir is nothing more than a Simorgh with a re-designed second stage so that it won’t fail to make insertion speed and altitude.

So it’s possible to test and launch sarir very quickly as all it goes is take Simorgh and fix its design flaw. Should honestly just be called Simorgh-2 or Simorgh-B, but Iran just loves creating different names for same family of things.
Sarir is nothing more than a Simorgh with a re-designed second stage so that it won’t fail to make insertion speed and altitude.

So it’s possible to test and launch sarir very quickly as all it goes is take Simorgh and fix its design flaw. Should honestly just be called Simorgh-2 or Simorgh-B, but Iran just loves creating different names for same family of things.
Back in 2012 Iranian officials referred to Simorgh as Safir-2 and what is now called Sarir as Safir-3, that would have been simpler to follow and is logical given the shared lineage of systems used

Zoljanah is the odd one out, it doesn't really fit into that lineup of liquid fuel SLVs that share common stages (Safir-1/2/3)

I don't think we know if the first or second (or third) stage of Simorgh is the problem. If it's the first stage then their plans are really screwed. Even if it isn't, the first stage is just 4 clustered Shahab-3 engines, so I don't understand why they plan to keep that primitive yet complex design for the Sarir.
I don't think we know if the first or second (or third) stage of Simorgh is the problem. If it's the first stage then their plans are really screwed. Even if it isn't, the first stage is just 4 clustered Shahab-3 engines, so I don't understand why they plan to keep that primitive yet complex design for the Sarir.

Cluster of Shahab-3 engines is just a mess. Too many failure points. Zoljanah is also obsolete now. It’s 2010 tech.

These are all stop gaps till Bahman cryogenic engine is finished. All these SLVs will be scrapped once Soroush is ready. I thought there was another one called Quanoos or something.

Sarir will be 4 stages most likely. Should be able to launch enough small sats for Iran to LEO.
North Korea had 2 successful LEO insertions with Unha-3 aka Simorgh.
In 2012 and 2016, soon they will use new SLV or adapted from ICBM.
Considering frequency of ICBM launches and successes these had....
...DPRK could have capacity to insert 12 LEO satellites a year.
If they repurpose Hwasong-15 ICBM into SLV role.
As specific impulse is comparable to Unha-3.
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