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Iranian Space program

its seems something is standing and you are right it like only the right side of the pad is damaged and that white color is more like fire extinguisher on the pad not damage so you could very well be right but we have to wait for Iran to say something.

You can't launch anything like that after an explosion it needs to be disassembled, fully assessed for structural integrity, electrical properties and outgassing before reassembling and testing again. This will take months. Also I bet you the entire launch pad installation is compromised.
Safir sucks, it is an unrealiable SLV.

Even the earlier successes you saw how slow the Safir would take off on launch. This thing was being pushed to its limit.

Pushing things to the limit let you learn. An analogy is the IR-1: A supercritical 4 rotor design that produces 1 SWU.
It's a little bad SLV, agreed but they probably try to tweak it to the limits.
Traitors plan to destroy our satellites one by one.

U.S actual sabotage plan was to help traitor Reformists take the government in Iran.

May God damn every single one of them.
Might be wrong but it looks like safir is still standing on the pad. Note the silver object. Also when a on pad explosion last happened with the safir in 2012 it levelled the entire pad. The burn marks and smoke is also more in line with a fuelling leak rather than a on pad explosion. If this is correct then depending on the level of damage to launch vehicle they may be able to launch this rocket again in the next few weeks.
You were right the satellite is ok, SLV just catch on fire

Safir sucks, it is an unrealiable SLV.

Even the earlier successes you saw how slow the Safir would take off on launch. This thing was being pushed to its limit.
Unfortunately it was really the best that could be done with the existing rodong engine technology to which iran had access at the time.A better option would be a complete redesign of the simorgh using the 4d10 engines of the khorramshahr,tho an even better option would be a brand new design using the paektusan/rd250 engine along the lines of the tskylon 3 booster,as this would have the ability to put multi tonne payloads into leo.This would give iran a credible satellite launch capability for both military and civilian/commercial use as well as manned spaceflight options.
However this would require a considerable level of support from the government to see realised and sadly rouhani up until now at any rate has shown little interest in the space program.
So …??? It was not mounted on that rocket?
Yes and the insistent Was the fuelling process
...... then little fire brack out and was contained

The people responsible have been arrested.

2 was empty and failure (second stage failure).
When ever there is failure 99% times it ends up in huge explosion
Which clearly not case,
And everybody can also clearly see the rocket motor is not even been tried to turn on ,
The most clear thing is that pad stand is still on Safir SLV and for launch off the stand lays down before starting process of firing.

Safir sucks, it is an unrealiable SLV.
No it is not because the success take off Safir SLV is high and only after the satellite launching was taking way from IRGC_AS and was given to Defence ministery and training new personnel took place back in 2010, 2011 which we had 2 SLV explosions rocket at takeoff.
the Safir vehicle is been petty relatable sice 2014 with successful take of even it would be the caase this time .
Orbiting satellites that's another matter which relaxed on second section and. But Safir takeoff is petty good.
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Whoever is giving you substance, I want that guy. He is providing good smoking stuff. Real quality.
Sorry, did I wake you up?
shhhhhh good boy, go back to sleep and have more nice dreams, everything is ok, dollar is 1000 toman, JCPOA was shining sun, Zarif isn't negotiating on Iranian missiles and space rocket tests haven't been cancelled and aren't being done on our actual satellites!
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