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Iranian Space program

Read what I said.

My point is there is no Boeing, Northrop Grumman, etc in Iran that supplies both military and civilian sector. And what they build for military is years ahead to what they provide for civilian (just look at the decommissioned spy satellites that are supplied to NASA by agencies as a gift. Much more advanced than what NASA builds).

The clearance level that is needed to work top secret military projects is absurdly high within those companies and that is to prevent spies.

If you look you will see an Iranian engineer was caught trying to smuggle F-35 engine designs to Iranian government from those companies. So yes spies do exist within these companies.

In case of Iran, these companies do not exist. And these SLVs are basically using iranian Missile stages minus the warhead. So if you are a spy within the civilian space agency you can learn a lot about Iran’s missiles. There is no company that will build a custom “civilian” SLV that doesn’t contain military secrets.

Its best for Iran civilian agency to contract out to IRGC to launch satellites for it.
Yes,you`ve got a valid point especially at the moment with the space program effectively dead in the water.
However before the space program was gutted there was a genuine effort to create a separate civilian or at a minimum non military run program,with the most obvious sign being the construction of a new launch facility that was purpose designed for the launching of large slvs.In addition you had the design and construction of the simorgh which was a dedicated slv with virtually no military value as a weapon,now it did use rodong/shahab engines for its first stage engine block but that was really all that was available,so it was really just a matter of making do with what one had at the time,not to mention that it made little sense economically to develop a purpose designed rocket motor at this point in the program.
Hopefully rouhanis successor will reactivate the space program and make up for all of the lost time and wasted effort,because otherwise in the future iran will either have to go cap in hand to the reliably unreliable russians and chinese in order to get its future satellites launched or it will simply have to learn to do without satellites,which I think in this day and age would be a big loss to iran both militarily and commercially.
Satellite image of Imam Khomeini SLC, LC-1 from 9th August 2019.


https://archive.is/kvir3/322deea96eaab39b7265446016ef7fab8c6702cc.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20190816234531/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ECH5nIhXkAIruHW.jpg
1. Satellite image of Imam Khomeini SLC, LC-1 from 9th August 2019.

Can't wait for the launch.

This would be a huge achievement as it will put to test complex critical subsystems such as:

1. attitude determination & control system (ADCS)
  • a. attitude determination and position systems (sun sensors, star sensors, IMUs, GPS...)
  • b. control systems such as magneto torquers, reaction wheels
  • c. ADCS algorithms such as Kalman filtering
2. power systems:
  • a. GaAs solar panels
  • b. Space grade batteries
  • c. power management system (firmware, board, sensors)
3. computing system:
  • a. RTOS & firmware implementation and integration of all subsystems
  • b. redundancy in system design -> complex system architecture
  • c. radiation hardening
4. Telecommunication/RF
  • a. 3 separate antenna designs performance test (S-band, KU band, 400-800 Mhz)
  • b. RF boards performance
  • c. RF firmware performance
5. Structural:
  • a. main chassis and overall bus test against vibrations, radiation and thermal management
  • b. thermal management, cooling and shielding
  • c. out gassing from electronic components
  • d. solar panel deployment, 400-800 MHz antenna deployment mechanism
6. Camera:
  • a. digital signal processing in noise (radiation every environment)
  • b. onboard image processing with tight constraints on low computing power, radiation/noisy signal, image size limits, image compression
  • c. optics to operate in space
7. Overall system integration:
  • a. system reliability
  • b. system endurance
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