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Iranian Space program

Given no missile launch has been publicized. It is likely another failure occurred.

If we don’t get one in 2 weeks it’s basically confirming failure.
Safir-1-e-Nahid SLV is no more!

BREAKING: Dramatic satellite imagery from @planetlabs shows that Iran's latest launch attempt has again ended in failure:


http://web.archive.org/web/20190829150739/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EDJWXxQWwAED7kI.jpg:large ; https://archive.is/e0hHy/1f36585fc0ea86cc0a61c9e21a22e0a055108bcc ; https://archive.is/e0hHy/eb7569aca18a7b300f893f6f317f2253ab36b395/scr.png
1. Safir-1-e-Nahid SLV is no more.

Time to clean up the swamp in ...

Safir-1-e-Nahid SLV is no more!

BREAKING: Dramatic satellite imagery from @planetlabs shows that Iran's latest launch attempt has again ended in failure:


http://web.archive.org/web/20190829150739/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EDJWXxQWwAED7kI.jpg:large ; https://archive.is/e0hHy/1f36585fc0ea86cc0a61c9e21a22e0a055108bcc ; https://archive.is/e0hHy/eb7569aca18a7b300f893f6f317f2253ab36b395/scr.png
1. Safir-1-e-Nahid SLV is no more.

Time to clean up the swamp in ...


Really saddening how a SLV like safir which worked so many times before successfully is now failing everytime. What has happened to irans space program over the past ~5 years?
Really saddening how a SLV like safir which worked so many times before successfully is now failing everytime. What has happened to irans space program over the past ~5 years?

Shoot ... I hope they got enough data to diagnose.
4 possible reasons:

1. The modified Ghadir motor has become faulty on the production line due to quality control issues
2. The ground crew is not a experienced IRGC-ASF one, but a newly trained one of the post-Ahmadinejad space agency
3. Engine was modified for a improved fuel mixture after one decade of Safir SLV.
4. Sabotage
4 possible reasons:

1. The modified Ghadir motor has become faulty on the production line due to quality control issues
2. The ground crew is not a experienced IRGC-ASF one, but a newly trained one of the post-Ahmadinejad space agency
3. Engine was modified for a improved fuel mixture after one decade of Safir SLV.
4. Sabotage

Or some idiot forgot to properly ground the payload or the booster.

There are literally 1000s of point of failure in such a machine. I would go through those before even considering sabotage. Occam's razor is always the rule of thumb.

Might be wrong but it looks like safir is still standing on the pad. Note the silver object. Also when a on pad explosion last happened with the safir in 2012 it levelled the entire pad. The burn marks and smoke is also more in line with a fuelling leak rather than a on pad explosion. If this is correct then depending on the level of damage to launch vehicle they may be able to launch this rocket again in the next few weeks.
Might be wrong but it looks like safir is still standing on the pad. Note the silver object. Also when a on pad explosion last happened with the safir in 2012 it levelled the entire pad. The burn marks and smoke is also more in line with a fuelling leak rather than a on pad explosion. If this is correct then depending on the level of damage to launch vehicle they may be able to launch this rocket again in the next few weeks.
its seems something is standing and you are right it like only the right side of the pad is damaged and that white color is more like fire extinguisher on the pad not damage so you could very well be right but we have to wait for Iran to say something.
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