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Iranian Space program







Iran, for its part, has been slowly but steadily improving capabilities linked to intelligence, reconnaissance, and early-warning systems. It has reportedly already managed to use space technologies to spoof the GPS system of an American drone, blind a U.S. spy satellite using directed energy, and use advanced jamming techniques against western commercial satellites. More hypothetically, with improved tracking and positioning technology, further ballistic advances could offer Iran the potential to develop Earth-based direct-ascent or on-orbit ASAT missiles, which could also target the satellites and Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance platforms (known as C4ISR) that adversaries such as the United States increasingly use in integrated military operations.

bro, when was the last time that they start talking about it under rohani ..... :lol: nevver
True... but 4 launches this year would be good, and should be the minimum for every year, especially considering test launches of future SLVs (and give up with the damn safir)
Confirmed, all indicators point towards an imminent manned space launch, increased activities in Sohae expected!



▲ DPRK new manned space launcher, Uploaded on June 8, 2018

Previously, as reported on PDF:

New image of a manned launcher with strap-on rocket boosters

Official depiction of a manned launcher with strap-on rocket boosters taken from the Pyongyang Sci-Tech Complex, in the section dedicated to spaceflight, published October 2017.
Note the portholes at the upper stage of the launcher, indicating a manned rocket. The strap-on rocket boosters are limited to two though, in the way the Safir-2B is represented.


▲ North Korean manned launcher with strap-on rocket boosters taken from the Pyongyang Sci-Tech Complex, in the section dedicated to spaceflight, published October 2017.


▲ Safir-2 space launchers family


As stated, it's a sneak peek from a still undisclosed project, that should cover the 1930s-1940s Empire of Japan little known Space Program and extend into the Cold War Era with the DPRK Space Program, to the modern days, in a sub mod for HOI4.

In Kim Jong Un's dream of a superpower in the universe,

Spot on dude!


Third occurrence, on 18 March 2019. Image titled: Our Dream 우리의 꿈


http://ipic.su/img/img7/fs/multi_userPhoto_2019-03-18_dn80620_image1.1553030006.jpg ; http://www.uriminzokkiri.com/conten...multi_userPhoto_2019-03-18_dn80620_image1.jpg ; http://www.uriminzokkiri.com/index.php?ptype=reader_photo&no=7288 ;
888. Our Dream 우리의 꿈 . Published 18 March 2019.

India's 27 March 2019 First ASAT Test V1.1B

First posted 27 March 2019; Updated 28 March 2019

Table of Contents

1. Key Data
2. A Strong Unveiled Outer Space Message From Modi To Xi
3. A Veiled Message From Israel To Iran
4. Conclusion

Key Data

Wed, 27 Mar 2019 09:09:21 +0000

the launch site was Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Island which ties in with the image posted.



▲ 1. The launch site was Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Island

Wed, 27 Mar 2019 07:24:56 -0400

the most likely target of India's #ASAT test was Microsat-r (2019-006A). My analysis shows the test must have happened near 5:40 UT when the sat was moving northwards towards Abdul Kalam:




3:02 AM - 27 Mar 2019

MICROSAT-R, in a 260 x 282 km, 89.9 deg orbit. Would have been ascending over NOTAM area at ~0530 UTC, within the 0430-0830 UTC window. It should have been operational, facilitating tracking.


▲ 3. Target satellite MICROSAT-R on 27 March 2019 at 5:36 UTC


  • MICROSAT-R satellite listed with a launch mass of 740 kg. It was just launched on 24 January 2019, as optical remote sensing satellite.
  • The Fengyun 1C weather satellite that China destroyed in 2007 was 750 kg.

A Strong Unveiled Outer Space Message From Modi To Xi

By adding the flight path of the Chinese OS-M1 maiden flight with the satellite Lingque-1B from Jiuquan SLC launched just four hours latter, on March 27, 2019 at 09:39 UTC.

With the NAVAREA issued for the experimental flight trial scheduled from 27 March 2019, 4:30 to 8:30 UTC.

It is obvious that the message was intended to President Xi.:coffee:

And this means that in case of a military conflict, China will no longer be able to easily replace lost satellites with rapid reaction launchers such as previously thought, by using CZ-11 SLV or the new new OS-M1 SLV. Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO) satellite launches that must overflight the Bay of Bengal would be intercepted before any payload could be delivered into space.

For now, peace is the only viable option for the two Asian Giants, as demonstrated over the last 12 millenia of coexistence.


https://i.imgur.com/7B1duys.jpg ; https://imgur.com/a/02S2WG3
▲ 4. Chinese OS-M1 maiden flight with the satellite Lingque-1B from Jiuquan SLC


https://i.imgur.com/UPJgJkP.jpg ; https://imgur.com/a/02S2WG3
▲ 5. Indian NAVAREA issued for the experimental flight trial scheduled from 27 March 2019, 4:30 to 8:30 UTC


https://i.imgur.com/4ckVPiz.jpg ; https://imgur.com/a/02S2WG3
▲ 6. Indian message intended to President Xi.

A Veiled Message From Israel To Iran

Statistically, that is over 12'000 years of human recorded demographic history, China has always lead, second to none.

No wonder, as India was always lagging so far behind the Chinese Civilization over the past 12 millenia, and today's final acknowledgement of China as their leader, though belated, shows their awakening.

https://i.imgur.com/z5YzYgm.mp4 ; https://imgur.com/gallery/aOhIuEF ; https://themasites.pbl.nl/tridion/en/themasites/hyde/basicdrivingfactors/population/index-2.html
7. Population Through the Ages.
12'000 years of Population estimates are from the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE).

Despite all Indian claims that this ASAT weapon system was the fruit of an entire indigenous effort, it is strongly suspected that Israel has simply outsourced its ASAT testing in the Indian subcontinent, as for all previous other space systems, due to its own geographical limitations, as always.

Therefore, this new ASAT capability of Israel can only target one opponent, namely Iran.

And no surprise either, India always following the steps of China, 12 years latter than China's 2007 first ASAT test, and 6 years latter than the 2013 Chang'e-3 lunar lander and rover!

While we are still waiting for India's first indigenous astronaut, 16 years after Shenzhou-5...:whistle:

As of March 2019, Iran has few to no space assets in orbit. These would anyway be sitting ducks in face of this new Israeli threats.

Iran should therefore skip any attempt at further deploying strategic space assets into orbit, and instead put emphasis on near-space platform, such as UAVs that don't follow a predictable flight path.

Completely disagree with the conclusion...Iran is well capable of developing ASAT weapon as well. But Why should they..Iran should continue their space program with more vigor. If any thing the recent flood in iran demonstrated to the government the need for weather mapping satellites.
Can not understand why some people underestimate the Indian technical know how..if you ever been in Western universities you should know that Oriental, Indian and Iranians are the core group of the smart foreign students in these universities.. India,even if they need technology why would they need to ask Israel for technology ..they just go to the source in the US!.
It’s pretty easy to make an ASAT as Iran has the Missile technology and space radars hit low orbit objects.

However, it is irresponsible thing to do in non war time as it adds to the main problem of space: liter and trash.

We should be thinking of ways to clean up space, not add to the existing problem. Or else one day, one of Iran’s Sats will get destroyed by space debris.
Completely disagree with the conclusion...Iran is well capable of developing ASAT weapon as well. But Why should they..Iran should continue their space program with more vigor. If any thing the recent flood in iran demonstrated to the government the need for weather mapping satellites.
Can not understand why some people underestimate the Indian technical know how..if you ever been in Western universities you should know that Oriental, Indian and Iranians are the core group of the smart foreign students in these universities.. India,even if they need technology why would they need to ask Israel for technology ..they just go to the source in the US!.


India's 27 March 2019 First ASAT Test V1.2A Alternate Conclusion

First posted 27 March 2019; Updated 31 March 2019

Alternate Conclusion

As of March 2019, Iran has few to no space assets in orbit. These would anyway be sitting ducks in face of this new Israeli threats.

Iran should therefore skip any attempt at further deploying strategic space assets into orbit, and instead put emphasis on near-space platform, such as UAVs that don't follow a predictable flight path.

In addition, Iran should also send a strong signal to Israel, that has deployed so many paper tigers into space, by outsourcing its own ASAT testing to North Korea the way Israel outsource its own to India, and thus preserving the economic benefits of the J.C.P.O.A.

Thus, on the occasion of the upcoming Day Of The Sun during the week of 15 April 2019, the DPRK could instead of attempting a first suborbital manned spaceflight, demonstrate an interception of its own retired Kwangmyongsong-3#2 satellite that still orbits in a 500 km altitude Sun synchronous Orbit, with an Iranian designed Kinetic Kill Vehicle (KKV), I called Pongae-7 KKV (번개7호, 閃電7號: Lightning-7) for more clarity, launched atop a two stages solid propellant Pukguksong-3 Tel ICBM!



http://www.jajusibo.com/imgdata/jajuilbo_com/201510/2015100506189903.jpg ; http://jajusibo.com/sub_read.html?uid=26779&section=sc3&section2= ; 2016/04/03 ; 북의 S-300급 번개5호의 위력
2. On May 3, 2012, the First Chairman of the National Defense Commission Kim Jong Un visited the KPAAF and the Air Defence Command Forces and examined the latest surface-to-air missile launcher that was temporarily displayed at the headquarters front office. In the photo above, the launcher, which was only partially shown in the profile, was equipped with a Lightning-6 surface-to-surface missile, Lightning-6 is on par with the world's top-rated Russian S-400. Since the detection distance of the state-of-the-art phased array radar associated with the Russian S-400 launch system is 600 km, the detection distance of the state-of-the-art phased array radar associated with the lightning-6 launch system is estimated to be 600 km.


https://i.imgur.com/QJsZjBp.jpg ; imgur.com/a/vgEjx3s ; https://stdkmd.net/sat/?cr=7955&eq=....11318872013549494&tz=UTC&y=20190403084405000
3. Example of a favorable pass of Kwangmyongsong-3#2 satellite over Tonghae SLC, suitable for an optimized ASAT interception, on WED 3 April 2019, at 08:45 UTC
ID: 39026 2012-072A KMS 3-2
N:40.85° E:130.33° A:464.74km
AZ:97.21°(E) EL:79.25° D:472.46km PA:90.70°

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