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Iranian-Russian couple visits India. Never felt so Muslim in my life before

The irony is that modern Afghans (Iranic Farsi-Pashtuns) support India because they consider Pakistan an illegitimate state, but they don't realise that in the past Afghan and Hindus & Sikhs have always gone to war. The mere fact is that Pakistan is an extension of previous Afghan empires with control on the Indian subcontinent (with our own identity), we even have more Pashtuns than their entire population. They don't realise this except a few (Taliban, etc).

In nature, Pakistan is more Afghan than the modern state of Afghanistan and more Indian than the modern state of India.

More like other way around. Remember the Sikh Empire? And now look at the plight of afghans in Pakistan. Look at their Bacha Bazi culture and drug production. Are we really an "extension" of them? I'd be too ashamed to be associated with those things i mentioned.
sindhis have one of highest iran N component in the world

sindhis have one of higest iran N in the world , generally people in lower part of indus basin(sindhis ; balochs , seriaki) are rich in iran N and upper(jatt, Pashtun, kamboh, dardics) in steppe , obviously there are many outliers since we are dealing with region with complex history

Nice post. If you look at my posted papers, the content of Iran_N peaks in Sindh people which is the hotspot of samples that average Iran_N (87%) mixing with Ancestral South Indian ASI (13%) to create IVC.

Btw Steppe EMBA and MLBA both had Iranian related ancestry (Pre-Aryan Iran) through Khavanlysk which is one of the reasons that even to this day the some Europeans show Iranian components in their autosomal plots. It pisses off white racists that some of them may have come from some Reza, Amir and Arash.

How Iranians see themselves:



Genetic reality of Iranians:

Pakistanis see themselves as aryan and clean

But in reality they are mostly child groomers living in dire sanitary conditions. You're also insulting the Prophet and the entire religion you claim to follow by insulting Arabs like that. Alhamdulillah I'm Iranian and not any other race.
More like other way around. Remember the Sikh Empire? And now look at the plight of afghans in Pakistan. Look at their Bacha Bazi culture and drug production. Are we really an "extension" of them? I'd be too ashamed to be associated with those things i mentioned.
Take that as an expression. As I mentioned in that quote, "we're more Afghan than them", we're technically the real Afghans while they (the Afghan nationalists) just continue to cry about land and build ties with Hindutva India. Pakistan is continuing the Islamic legacy in the subcontinent.
Take that as an expression. As I mentioned in that quote, "we're more Afghan than them", we're technically the real Afghans while they (the Afghan nationalists) just continue to cry about land and build ties with Hindutva India. Pakistan is continuing the Islamic legacy in the subcontinent.

Regardless of Bacha Bazi, they're plight i'd be ashamed to be called afghan. I have no liking for them. Nor do I wish to hold any pan-Islamic legacy.

Pakistan was meant to be a secular state and was so until it was contaminated with Islamist hypocrisy even if it still is mostly secular. It is my dream that Pakistan undoes the curses of General Zia's legacy.
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Find that hard to believe because I dont know of any mass migration of Muslim Iranians to India post Afsharid invasion. Maybe it's a little family white lie? Also the way you speak is 100% British English, as though you were born in the UK and you even use UK slang. You're definitely born and raised in UK, not India.
Nah, I've never set foot in UK but I love the slang and street culture there, KEK. You'll hear me throw around the words "chav", "bruv", "innit", "fam" etc. a lot.

Oh yes, there was. Look up Mir Seyyid Ali Hamadani - he took about 700 Iranians with him when he went to Kashmir (although his final stop was Afghanistan where he passed away).
Nah, I've never set foot in UK but I love the slang and street culture there, KEK. You'll hear me throw around the words "chav", "bruv", "innit", "fam" etc. a lot.

Oh yes, there was. Look up Mir Seyyid Ali Hamadani - he took about 700 Iranians with him when he went to Kashmir (although his final stop was Afghanistan where he passed away).

Sayyid Ali Hamadani did travel to Indian to escape Timur, but he never settled there and returned on both occasions. This also happened in 14th Century, not 1700s as you claimed earlier.

Also you claimed to be from Mashad, whereas Hamadani left Hamada with his 700 sayyeds. So there are things that dont add up, but I leave it up to Allah.
Sayyid Ali Hamadani did travel to Indian to escape Timur, but he never settled there and returned on both occasions. This also happened in 14th Century, not 1700s as you claimed earlier.

Also you claimed to be from Mashad, whereas Hamadani left Hamada with his 700 sayyeds. So there are things that dont add up, but I leave it up to Allah.
Sorry, I forgot to factor in your "after Afsharid invasion" part.

Between the 18th-19th centuries, there wasn't mass migration as such but a steady trickle, rather. If you go to Shia graveyards, you will see graves bearing names like Hamadani, Kashani, Isfahani etc. dating back to those periods.

Most did head back to Iran in the latter half of the 1800s, though. Mine and a lot of others kind of stayed back and made the linguistic/cultural shift. Interestingly, we still do commemorate Nowruz but in a more religious sense (sadly, no Haft Sin).

Also, I obviously wasn't mentioning my family being from Hamadan, only demonstrating an Iranian mass migration into india (but I got my era wrong so a bad illustration).

Nice post. If you look at my posted papers, the content of Iran_N peaks in Sindh people which is the hotspot of samples that average Iran_N (87%) mixing with Ancestral South Indian ASI (13%) to create IVC.

Btw Steppe EMBA and MLBA both had Iranian related ancestry (Pre-Aryan Iran) through Khavanlysk which is one of the reasons that even to this day the some Europeans show Iranian components in their autosomal plots. It pisses off white racists that some of them may have come from some Reza, Amir and Arash.

View attachment 872985
Iranian component among Euros was before we started being named Reza or Amir, really (pre-Islamic era).
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