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Iranian-Russian couple visits India. Never felt so Muslim in my life before

All Iranian men in the west are flaming homosexuals. Perhaps you haven’t taken your pilgrimage to Los Angeles yet.
Again further insight into the type of men you date. Maybe its you who only goes after gay sounding men. Have you taken your pilgrimage to UK for some unemployment benefits and child grooming yet? Lol

Calm down, brother. I take pride in Urdu as a language because it helps me follow Persian at a degree...in fact, I say it's a direct offspring of Persian. Very unfair criticism, I must say.

Don't drop to the level of some punjabi/muhajir cretin, whatever the f-u-c-k he is.
Oh yea, well im Persian through and through unlike you and I dont give a **** about urdu.
That’s rich coming from a lizard eater/Turk rape product with a drop of bersian.

Our kind is Pak, unlike you savage homosexuals.

I must admit I love that primative mating ritual call that you and the Arabs do:

I’ll have to try that out next time I’m in line at the bank, unless of course it attracts men..

Shab e khair kuni joon

Don’t shave those eyebrows too hard, you might get razor burn
Yeah that's because nobody of note wanted to mix their blood with you, except for various Iranian kings from Darius to Nader putting it on you. Arabs may or may not eat lizards, but your kind literally dance in dung and drink piss. Also the fact that elamite blood is still prevalent shows how pure our blood can get.

Pak? You're not even a "kind". Y'all just Indians deluding yourselves.

We may have mating calls but you are notorious child groomers and "Pak E" is a broad derogatory term used for anyone of colour. Thanks for bringing it down for all the brown people...although one can't be too surprised. Terrible sanitation, overcrowded, poor and corrupt and thats just your capital city lol

I dont think you need encouragement to attract men. Seems thats all you ever talk about. I reckon flambating is your pick up line at the gay club. You like it rough.

Shab be khair, do jensi lol

Na I'll just get your jende khahar to do that for me.
Back to the Naderian Era. That's literally who my family came into the subcontinent with.
You mean Afsharid era. So what! You're a mix race! I'm not. I have an Iranian passport, you dont. I can speak the language fluently, you cant. I can read the language, you can't. Just be happy with who you are and stop pandering to us.
You mean Afsharid era. So what! You're a mix race! I'm not. I have an Iranian passport, you dont. I can speak the language fluently, you cant. I can read the language, you can't. Just be happy with who you are and stop pandering to us.
KEK, my family has upto this day compared family trees before marrying in with any other. A family that married only among other Iranian arrivals to india and upto 4 generations ago spoke Persian at home is suddenly mixed race...wow, tell me the logic behind this, please.

So what if I can't read the language or understand it? Linguistics doesn't determine genetics.
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KEK, my family has upto this day compared family trees before marrying in with any other.

So what if I can't read the language or understand it? Linguistics doesn't determine genetics.
"Kek"?! Can you speak like an adult or do you enjoy not being taken seriously by people. The fact you havent taken the time to learn farsi or read it proves youre talking nonesense. Urdu wont connect you with farsi anymore than French would with Latin. Parsis are not pure Iranians! You are Indians who have some Persian blood. You are mixed race! Your genetics determin a lot. So stop trying to be something you're not.
"Kek"?! Can you speak like an adult or do you enjoy not being taken seriously by people. The fact you havent taken the time to learn farsi or read it proves youre talking nonesense. Urdu wont connect you with farsi anymore than French would with Latin. Parsis are not pure Iranians! You are Indians who have some Persian blood. You are mixed race! Your genetics determin a lot. So stop trying to be something you're not.
I am no Parsi, first of all. Whatever gave you that impression. We are all very much Muslims.

Secondly, my family spoke Persian at home up to four generations ago - it got dropped because the British delisted it as an official language in 1857 and we had to adjust to urdu FAST given we were in administrative positions.

And yes, as I already mentioned, they did not ever take a bride from indians nor give one to them. Your entire premise is on some pre-conceived notion that doesn't exist.
Iranian Autosomal DNA has not changed much since late Iron Age times
What utter BS..Lol the socalled Neolithic "iranian" were extemely dark skinned the closest would resemble today's pure brauhwi people. There was absolutely nothing aryan about them and their original movement came way back from Africa.. through mespotamaia and then sindh(indus).The term 'Neolithic iranian' is an 18th century british anthropology denotion only with respect to geography of that time and nothing more.considering .. back then regions were identified based on the English equivalents of regional names and not aboriginal names...
The dna of locals of present day iran pakistan living in that time greatly changed AFTER the Aryan migration from north through and it was a steady migration not invasion unless you too dumb to make things up..because then that means you were urself invaded from north... and that all persian kings were actually invaders from north.
..north means northern Russia the original place of 'aryan '. a name ur king ardeshir mumbo jumboed into 'Iran' or 'Iran shehar' only in the sassanid times..so the origin was way beyond in north not BMAC(which was only a checkpoint)..
So make up ur mind were the early persian kingdoms were outsiders and not locals .... Here in indus valley it was the aryans migrated here not something u would want to call it that resembles ur curent country name.by chance .. and that migration too happened towards the late harrapan period when the civilization was on decline.. wtf u think u can claim indus like that. Gtfo
Indus Valley itself was 87 % Iranic by Autosomal DNA. It was Pre Empire age Iranic DNA that went to South Asia from Iranic plateaue. So the valley was a farmers swamp with no martial heritage. They got destroyed by Iranicised IE's (entered from BMAC, Afghanistan, Greater Khorasan), Iranic Sychtians, and later by Irano-Turkic invasions post muslim age.
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You’re all over the place Gulab joon.

It seems my taunting of kirani homosexuality has pushed you over the edge into a psychotic break.

We’re you touched as a child, scared to smile because you thought you were your mullah’s favorite student when in fact you were his favorite for other reasons?

Pakistanis don’t eat cow shit or drink cow piss. That’s your Aryan brothers, the Indians. :lol:

I live in the United States where Iranian homosexuality is so rampant they’ve made television shows on it...

Im all over your jende khahar lol Gulab?! That's not even a farsi word, so why use it as an insult bache kooni?

Not really, but the Iranian dick that you take has left a bitter taste in your mouth. Probably why you're torn between that and child grooming.

No we dont have child grooming and honour killing in our culture. Thats all you lol mullahs fight the US, you take your orders from the like a bitch. Thats the difference.

Oh you're not Aryan now?! Sorry to break it to you are part of the pajeet Aryan cult...we are Iranians which is slightly different and more Pak.

You live in LA because you probably clean the toilets of an Iranian ran establishment. We run that city, you are our cleaners. Now run along and go back to the gay clubs where you were raised.
What utter BS..Lol the socalled Neolithic "iranian" were extemely dark skinned the closest would resemble today's pure brauhwi people. There was absolutely nothing aryan about them and their original movement came way back from Africa.. through mespotamaia and then sindh(indus).The term 'Neolithic iranian' is an 18th century british anthropology denotion only with respect to geography of that time and nothing more.considering .. back then regions were identified based on the English equivalents of regional names and not aboriginal names...
The dna of locals of present day iran pakistan living in that time greatly changed AFTER the Aryan migration from north through and it was a steady migration not invasion unless you too dumb to make things up..because then that means you were urself invaded from north... and that all persian kings were actually invaders from north.
..north means northern Russia the original place of 'aryan '. a name ur king ardeshir mumbo jumboed into 'Iran' or 'Iran shehar' only in the sassanid times..so the origin was way beyond in north not BMAC(which was only a checkpoint)..
Going by your logic the early persian kingdoms were that of outsiders not locals .... as for indus valley aryans migrated here not Iranians.. and that too happened towards the late harrapan period when the civilization was on decline..
Neolithic farmers of Iran and Anatolia had coppery skin and rugged builds.

The dark ones were the natufians who come to inhabit the levant and the arabian peninsula, even having some negroid features.

Also, Iranian tribes came from the land between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers, in what is today uzbekistan roughly.
I am no Parsi, first of all. Whatever gave you that impression. We are all very much Muslims.

Secondly, my family spoke Persian at home up to four generations ago - it got dropped because the British delisted it as an official language in 1857 and we had to adjust to urdu FAST given we were in administrative positions.

And yes, as I already mentioned, they did not ever take a bride from indians nor give one to them. Your entire premise is on some pre-conceived notion that doesn't exist.
You said you were Zoroastrian, before you changed your name from PersianBoy, on another thread. But I will give you the benefit of the doubt because I cant remember (nor do I care too much) which thread.

But why aren't you learning farsi or why havent you learnt it already if you claim to be Iranian? I live in the UK and I still havent forgotten my language. I dont see why your family had to forget the language. It was never illegal to speak Farsi in India during British Empire. So your story doesn't add up.

Nonesense, there is no "Naderian" group in India. The only 2 Iranian groups that are in India are Iranis and Parsis, and I think you're one of the two.
Neolithic farmers of Iran and Anatolia had coppery skin and rugged builds.

The dark ones were the natufians who come to inhabit the levant and the arabian peninsula, even having some negroid features

Neolithic iranian were dark as fckk. Coppery can have dark shades to it. A pure brauhian would look closer to vedoid person from ceylon.
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You said you were Zoroastrian, before you changed your name from PersianBoy, on another thread. But I will give you the benefit of the doubt because I cant remember (nor do I care too much) which thread.

But why aren't you learning farsi or why havent you learnt it already if you claim to be Iranian? I live in the UK and I still havent forgotten my language. I dont see why your family had to forget the language. It was never illegal to speak Farsi in India during British Empire. So your story doesn't add up.

Nonesense, there is no "Naderian" group in India. The only 2 Iranian groups that are in India are Iranis and Parsis, and I think you're one of the two.
What?! I NEVER said I was Zoroastrian - rather I said I'd have killed myself if I was one.

It wasn't illegal to speak Persian. What happened was that after the revolt of 1857, they delisted it as an administrative and changed it overnight to Urdu. My ancestors had positions in the government and had to adapt to the language in record time in order to keep their jobs and riches. As a result, Persian fell into disuse at home and over time, Urdu replaced it.

There is a third category not many know of. There are Iranian Seyyeds who settled here and went through the same linguistic transformation I described. That is the group I belong to.

Other than us, there are mostly khaneh badosh (Shia) who still speak the old tongue and mostly live in Pune.

Neolithic iranian were dark as fckk. Coppery can have dark shades to it.
Sure, never denied it. But the dark is as dark as Bandari Iranians get which is somewhere between a reddish-light brown tinge.

The Iranic tribes demographically displaced these people, yes but didn't radically transform their gene pool into something different.
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