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Iranian-Russian couple visits India. Never felt so Muslim in my life before

Pakistan was founded by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Before that Pakistan was part of British India. Before that it was under Mughal Empire. Before that various parts were under Pathan empires, Ghaznavid, Ghorids, Greek, Scythians and ultimately Indus Valley Civilization. To say Pakistan was created by the British is border line retarded.

Sorry little bro.

Personally I think Urdu is a very effeminate language and I don’t like speaking it. However when I listen to poetry and listen to ghazals the complexity is very admirable.
Pakistan did not exist prior to the British Empire. Before that it was land shared by Persia and India and it was called Sindh. End of discussion. Cry all you want.
Pakistan did not exist prior to the British Empire. Before that it was land shared by Persia and India and it was called Sindh. End of discussion. Cry all you want.

Iranian accent sounds mega homosexual..

Listen to how you faggots draw out every word and sound like child molesters..

HaaaaAwl e shooooma chitoooooooori azeeeeezaaaaam!


Urdu may sound ugly but at least spoken Urdu accent doesn’t like you fondle children.
I had your IQ lower than that lol

The Anglo Saxons called it England first, before that it was called Roman Britain because there were not Anglo Saxons there. False equivocation. Either way Pakistan didnt exist prior to the British Empire. Cope.

Indus Valley Civilization is 3000 years old. That’s a fact. Modern day Iranians are closer genetically to Arab lizard eaters than Persian. Another fact. Ayotollahs declaring there are no fags in Iran sounds like the ultimate coping mechanism. Final fact.

Let me know if you want more..
Nothing more grotesque than hearing an urdu speaker butcher Persian loan words riddled in their young made up language. Followed by how they butcher English loan words. Two can play at this game.
Like we give a fck how u feel..you are here on our forum where urdu is one of the main mediums to communicate, would suggest close your account and never come back if it pains you. but would it be stranger when u butcher the arab sanskrit french and other loan words? ..Our language was born roughly 1000 years ago.much older than many languages....
Yes you did! You made a comment about our accent, and now it's time for you to take your medicine. All scholars identify the "hammered shield face" hadeeth with Turks, and if he's warning his people that they may have to fight them then that sounds like a curse to me...and history can vouch for the negative impact of the mongoloid invasions on Islam.
Lol.. ur so dumb I didn't say anything about YOUR accent but the accent of the pakistani singer. learn to read ..take some English language classes.. i dont care and dont wanna know about your beef with turks and why dragging them here. And it was replied to in my last post.
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Now I understand why Pakistan had to become an independent country. It's impossible for people like us to live with Indians. Their culture is very different from ours.
Welcome to the club bro :cheers: hahah Two nation theory have proven right over time and time again.
I had your IQ lower than that lol

The Anglo Saxons called it England first, before that it was called Roman Britain because there were not Anglo Saxons there. False equivocation. Either way Pakistan didnt exist prior to the British Empire. Cope.

Maybe the fellas you date have homosexual accents, but otherwise it sounds manly, intelligent and refined.

You're the kooni who thinks accents sound homosexual...you seem like an expert, bache kooni! Your country is literally the home of bache bazi.

Ah nice a charachture of an Iranian accent. Your Urdu still sound like a sikh taxi driver when you speak Farsi, cant polish a turd I suppose LOL

All Iranian men in the west are flaming homosexuals. Perhaps you haven’t taken your pilgrimage to Los Angeles yet.
And now Hindu extremism is raising it's head and Indian Muslims are realizing why Jinnah was so adamant about partition

"Hindu" extremism? Partition of what?


Personally I think Urdu is a very effeminate language and I don’t like speaking it. However when I listen to poetry and listen to ghazals the complexity is very admirable.

It was only called "urdu" because they named it such. It's original name when it emerged in Lahore was Lashkari, short for Lashkari Zaban. That's it's native name.

It's one of the best sounding languages, aside from that stupid Dehli given name taken out.
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I'm not saying it's bad. I'm just saying that it's very different.
It seems that culturally Pakistan, and probably most Muslim states, are incompatible with traditional Indian lifestyle.
Politics aside, it's a cultural clash. One culture considers certain things pure and holy, the other considers them dirty.

Again, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with it. Just different from what we're used to.
I was really surprised when they said that they used cow dung for cooking.
I mean even if it's really not as dirty as I imagine, it's still the defecation of a living thing.

And yes, I am aware that not all of India is like this. I mean I don't expect affluent neighborhoods of Delhi to be anything like this for sure. And India is a large country after all. And you're right. They all look quite happy living like that. So, good for them.
They dont put cow dung in food at least i hope so they use the dried gung for fuel in Pakistan we do the same in villages.
Indus Valley Civilization is 3000 years old.

Indus Valley itself was 87 % Iranic by Autosomal DNA. It was Pre Empire age Iranic DNA that went to South Asia from Iranic plateaue. So the valley was a farmers swamp with no martial heritage. They got destroyed by Iranicised IE's (entered from BMAC, Afghanistan, Greater Khorasan), Iranic Sychtians, and later by Irano-Turkic invasions post muslim age.

REFERENCE 1 "The Near-Eastern Roots of the Neolithic in South Asia"

Autosomal DNA of Indus valley was nothing but up to 87 % Iranian Neolithic farmers. Rest 13 % came from Austrailoid India (AASI) yes but mostly it was just Iranian farmers (Sample: Shahre Sokhteh) who started the pastoralist civilization in the Indus basin.



Direct quotations from the high impact published western papers:


“Indus Valley civilisation (of parts of Bronze Age Northwest India and East Pakistan) and "outliers" from surrounding cultures, conclude that the IVC-population was a mixture people related to Iranian herders and ASI”

“Distance from the Iran (of Indus valley), suggesting a systematic (but not necessarily uniform) spread at an average speed of about 0.65 km/yr”.

“The only fitting two-way models were mixtures of a group related to herders from the western Zagros mountains of Iran and also to either Andamanese hunter-gatherers or East Siberian hunter-gatherers (the fact that the latter two populations both fit reflects that they have the same phylogenetic relationship to the non-West Eurasian-related component likely due to shared ancestry deeply in time).

50–98% of the IVC-genome came from people related to early Iranian farmers, and from 2–50% of the IVC-genome came from native South Asian hunter-gatherers sharing a common ancestry with the Andamanese

“Those Iranian farmers-related people may have arrived in India before the advent of farming in northern India,[44] and mixed with people related to Indian hunter-gatherers c. 5400 to 3700 BCE, before the advent of the mature IVC

REFERENCE 2: "The Genetic Ancestry of Modern Indus Valley Populations from Northwest India"

Iran_N content in modern-day Indo-Pak groups could be as high as 50-60%. These groups cluster with each other as well.



Look at the Dark green part which is Iran_N in modern day Indo-Pak population groups.

That’s a fact. Modern day Iranians are closer genetically to Arab lizard eaters than Persian.

Not exactly. There is no "Modern day Iranian". Iranian Autosomal DNA has not changed much since late Iron Age times. Look at the extreme proximity of "Modern Day Iranians" and "Iron Age Iranians" thats more than 95% genetic continuity. Its same for Turkish, Armenians, Georgians, Iranians.


And here is the fun part. The same DNA that Iron age Iranians had is what modern day Turkish, Armenians and even Georgians have which tells us that the claims of Altaic warriors roaming around west Asia is linguistic identity mostly, not genetic. Iranians, Turkish, and Armenians are just the same old populations that have somehow sustained their autosomal makeup while Indics on the other hands have kept receiving layer after layer of invaders. Look at the extreme proximity of Iranian and Turkish nations. Mind you Iranian DNA is preserved from Iron age times.



And btw Arabian J1M267 Haplogroup does not even exist 1% in Iranian or Turkish populations. On the contrary, you will find plenty of R1 Iranic in Arabian peninsula. Which is explained by this map of Persian Empire. The modern day UAE, Peripheral Yemenites, Omanis all have R1 in good amount which landed in Penninsula during Iranic expansion while reverse never happened.

Indus Valley itself was 87 % Iranic by Autosomal DNA. It was Pre Empire age Iranic DNA that went to South Asia from Iranic plateaue. So the valley was a farmers swamp with no martial heritage. They got destroyed by Iranicised IE's (entered from BMAC, Afghanistan, Greater Khorasan), Iranic Sychtians, and later by Irano-Turkic invasions post muslim age.

REFERENCE 1 "The Near-Eastern Roots of the Neolithic in South Asia"

Autosomal DNA of Indus valley was nothing but up to 87 % Iranian Neolithic farmers. Rest 13 % came from Austrailoid India (AASI) yes but mostly it was just Iranian farmers (Sample: Shahre Sokhteh) who started the pastoralist civilization in the Indus basin.

View attachment 872518
View attachment 872521

Direct quotations from the high impact published western papers:


“Indus Valley civilisation (of parts of Bronze Age Northwest India and East Pakistan) and "outliers" from surrounding cultures, conclude that the IVC-population was a mixture people related to Iranian herders and ASI”

“Distance from the Iran (of Indus valley), suggesting a systematic (but not necessarily uniform) spread at an average speed of about 0.65 km/yr”.

“The only fitting two-way models were mixtures of a group related to herders from the western Zagros mountains of Iran and also to either Andamanese hunter-gatherers or East Siberian hunter-gatherers (the fact that the latter two populations both fit reflects that they have the same phylogenetic relationship to the non-West Eurasian-related component likely due to shared ancestry deeply in time).

50–98% of the IVC-genome came from people related to early Iranian farmers, and from 2–50% of the IVC-genome came from native South Asian hunter-gatherers sharing a common ancestry with the Andamanese

“Those Iranian farmers-related people may have arrived in India before the advent of farming in northern India,[44] and mixed with people related to Indian hunter-gatherers c. 5400 to 3700 BCE, before the advent of the mature IVC

REFERENCE 2: "The Genetic Ancestry of Modern Indus Valley Populations from Northwest India"

Iran_N content in modern-day Indo-Pak groups could be as high as 50-60%. These groups cluster with each other as well.

View attachment 872526

View attachment 872527

Look at the Dark green part which is Iran_N in modern day Indo-Pak population groups.

Not exactly. There is no "Modern day Iranian". Iranian Autosomal DNA has not changed much since late Iron Age times. Look at the extreme proximity of "Modern Day Iranians" and "Iron Age Iranians" thats more than 95% genetic continuity. Its same for Turkish, Armenians, Georgians, Iranians.

View attachment 872621

And here is the fun part. The same DNA that Iron age Iranians had is what modern day Turkish, Armenians and even Georgians have which tells us that the claims of Altaic warriors roaming around west Asia is linguistic identity mostly, not genetic. Iranians, Turkish, and Armenians are just the same old populations that have somehow sustained their autosomal makeup while Indics on the other hands have kept receiving layer after layer of invaders. Look at the extreme proximity of Iranian and Turkish nations. Mind you Iranian DNA is preserved from Iron age times.

View attachment 872528
View attachment 872624

And btw Arabian J1M267 Haplogroup does not even exist 1% in Iranian or Turkish populations. On the contrary, you will find plenty of R1 Iranic in Arabian peninsula. Which is explained by this map of Persian Empire. The modern day UAE, Peripheral Yemenites, Omanis all have R1 in good amount which landed in Penninsula during Iranic expansion while reverse never happened.

View attachment 872622

I’m just engaging some trolls. You think I actually care about any of this? I’m here for the flame wars. Race/genetics don’t interest me.



Angreez ke aulad baad me ban lena pehle apne desh ke bare mai bhe jaan lo..

Pakistani villagers use cow dung as fuel for fire. The iranian in the video says you bhartis eat cow dung and drink cow piss. That’s the difference.
I’m just engaging some trolls. You think I actually care about any of this? I’m here for the flame wars. Race/genetics don’t interest me.

Well, you can attack individuals for sure, but do not offend entire nations/races.
Well, you can attack individuals for sure, but do not offend entire nations/races.

Sometimes I have to because those are the trigger factors. I don't actually have anything against Iranians. Thats why a lot of the Iranian members here already know I'm saying the things I do to push buttons.

Before god, I am a very small man and I could never consider myself better than anyone else.
But....the land....is still....called Sindh.....:partay:
No it's called Pakistan lol unless you want me begin to call you deluded Indians, because that's what you are.

Sometimes I have to because those are the trigger factors. I don't actually have anything against Iranians. Thats why a lot of the Iranian members here already know I'm saying the things I do to push buttons.

Before god, I am a very small man and I could never consider myself better than anyone else.
Bache kooni, before God if you say I spend all my time flaming racial conflicts and engaged in tribalism then you will probably get burned for while. Dont brag about being a Jahanami lol

Like we give a fck how u feel..you are here on our forum where urdu is one of the main mediums to communicate, would suggest close your account and never come back if it pains you. but would it be stranger when u butcher the arab sanskrit french and other loan words? ..Our language was born roughly 1000 years ago.much older than many languages....

Lol.. ur so dumb I didn't say anything about YOUR accent but the accent of the pakistani singer. learn to read ..take some English language classes.. i dont care and dont wanna know about your beef with turks and why dragging them here. And it was replied to in my last post.
You clearly do care because youre here pulling your hair out. You couldnt intimidate a chicken. You're a joke. I can say whatever I want to whoever I want, it's up to the mods to ban me. But while im here any racism from your ilk will be met with an equal response. Urdu is young language and bastardised one. Indo-Iranian is its own branch of the PIE languages...we are not the same. Now go and send me a taxi!

No you mentioned farsi accents in general, and now I did the same to you we can all see you're all crying like little babies lol. This is why I did it to prove how weak you are and how you cant take your own medicine.
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