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British Muslim couple jailed for 'offensive in the extreme' YouTube videos that glorified murder of

I don't know about anyone else but every single person in the UK who has been caught doing terrorist acts has been a low life criminal scum who wanted to a quick way to heaven?

When people like these:
View attachment 21242

grow a beard and become champions of Islam, you know the Ummah is in trouble.

You got the pic from storm front ? You on that site? :o:o_O
Two not so smart people, who cares. I don't even know why this made news.
these are not from afganistan ... lolz.. most probably somalia..
some people are living in uk but its almost like they are completely separated from society here.. amazing.
They are Jamaican converts.

The British government needs to be stricter with these idiots.:hitwall:
The average British Muslim are some of the nicest people you could come across.
Islamophobia will rise in Europe. The European Jihadists in Syria will come back and start radicalism in their Home countries.
OP, so when British and American soldiers in Iraq murdered children and drove over their bodies laughing and mocking them was that equally outraging to you?
LOL because when I clicked the pic to enlarge it sent me to storm front.

I got this particular image from Google, I linked it when I was looking for it as I don't keep pictures of weird mullahs on my computer. The fact that this particular one was posted on stormfront does not change anything what I said. I first saw these pictures here:

Swilling beer and smoking dope... the secret past of hate preacher Anjem Choudary | Mail Online

I just went to google to quickly grab it for this thread because as I said, I do not keep these pictures on my computer.
I got this particular image from Google, I linked it when I was looking for it as I don't keep pictures of weird mullahs on my computer. The fact that this particular one was posted on stormfront does not change anything what I said. I first saw these pictures here:

Swilling beer and smoking dope... the secret past of hate preacher Anjem Choudary | Mail Online

I just went to google to quickly grab it for this thread because as I said, I do not keep these pictures on my computer.

Nah I didn't have a problem with your post I was just confused when it sent me to storm front lol.
Why just jailed? why not hang them and reduce two radicals.
Deport such savage aliens back to africa.Shitting on the same plate he's eating.
Hang NATO war criminals for their war crimes in Iraq.
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