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Iranian Public Opinion


Jun 24, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Here is the latest poll on Iranian public opinion. It was made one week after the recent protests in Iran:


http://www.cissm.umd.edu/sites/defa...8 Iran Results and Trend Tables - FINAL_0.pdf

So i will just quote my post concerning the previous poll:

http://www.cissm.umd.edu/sites/default/files/CISSM full Iran PO report - 072717-Final2.pdf

So as I already said, elections in Iran are not about race or ideology or whatever. People in Iran vote for the same reasons as people all around the world vote.

But what is the most important of all: Now it is clear that Rouhanis victory was long planned, I think Nourizad said the same before the election: Khamenei wanted Rouhani to win, and definitely not Raisi. Also Ghalibafs exit shortly before the elections was no coincidence, the polls before the election showed he had a chance to beat Rouhani, and they also showed that Raisi had absolutely no chance, and Khamenei knew that very well. If he really wanted Rouhani to lose, he would have sent an other "right-wing"-candidate in the race against Rouhani.

Now it is clear, that Rouhanis re-election was supposed to be the deathblow to the liberals. Khamenei knew very well that no matter who wins, Irans situation would get worse concerning sanctions, west relations, etc... no president would have been able to stop it, but had a right-winger became president with hardline policies, and Irans conditions would have gotten worse in the following four years, then the liberals would have been able to say: "Now look, had Rouhani be given a second term, then Iran would have got rid of sanctions, improved the economy, foreign relations, etc..." and then in the 2021 elections the liberals would have gotten a glorious comeback.

But now Rouhani is again president, he has made so many concessions to the west, but even during Obamas term Irans situation didn't improve, promises were not kept, and now with Donald Trump in power.....so the whole failure and the whole blame is on Rouhanis and his camps shoulders. Never before has Iran made so many compromises, concessions, sacrificed its pride....and didn't get the rewards for it.

The public mood in Iran is already slowly changing, as the poll shows.

So get ready for the slow death of all liberal politicians in Iran. After Rouhanis term ends they are done, forever! They will never again have a comeback. It won't be like in the past, where a right-winger becomes president, then a left-winger, and back and forth, no! This is their end! In future all elections will be between center-right and far-right (Ghalibaf vs. Ahmadinejad), the lefties will be totally irrelevant, they will never again have a say in Irans politics!!!

2021 ----> Death of the lefties!!!
Here is the latest poll on Iranian public opinion. It was made one week after the recent protests in Iran:


http://www.cissm.umd.edu/sites/default/files/CISSM Jan 2018 Iran Results and Trend Tables - FINAL_0.pdf

So i will just quote my post concerning the previous poll:

2021 ----> Death of the lefties!!!

With the anger and dissatisfaction rising over the past year, its not going to be death of the lefties. Its going to be the death to the IR bro.

Government & leadership of Iran has got to get its shit together or it will end up like the Pahlavis. History has already proven this, with 86% strongly agreeing about the extreme levels of corruption in Iran
some bad news for anti-IRI goons:

some bad news for anti-IRI goons:


the problem is that IRI doesn't care about people opinion and they are justify corruption and even blame people for it ......

IRI already is repeating Sassanid and Safavid mistake and their corruption level in just 39 years is matching corruption level of late Sassanid and Saffavid empires ... Sassanid ruled for more than 400 year and Safavid ruled for more than 200 years

IRI is doing something to Islam in Iran than all of Anti Islam parties in past 1400 years couldn't hope to do ...
the problem is that IRI doesn't care about people opinion and they are justify corruption and even blame people for it ......

IRI already is repeating Sassanid and Safavid mistake and their corruption level in just 39 years is matching corruption level of late Sassanid and Saffavid empires ... Sassanid ruled for more than 400 year and Safavid ruled for more than 200 years

IRI is doing something to Islam in Iran than all of Anti Islam parties in past 1400 years couldn't hope to do ...
please don't overdo it, corruption exists, we consider it high, but still way lower than western countries.
Switzerland & United States are the world’s most corrupt nations – report

unlike west whose people have accepted their systematic corruption, we are sensitive about it, and hopefully it becomes the base for improvements.

corruption has the least affect on our current economic situation, don't confuse our mismanagement and enemies plots with corruption.
The latest poll, two months old:


There is still some hope (illusions), some Iranians still think Irans situation can get better. And this poll is from early December, back then some still had the illusion that Iran could at least get along with the Europeans (concerning payment system), today they know better.
What I really like is that most people think Irans main problem is not sanctions, but internal mismanagement, and that's totally right, even with sanctions, Irans situation could be a lot better, if the right policy would be done:

Overall public opinion is slowly going in the right direction. Rouhani will continue with his catastrophic policies, which is good! The lefties have no way out. There are only two and a half years left, the clock is ticking!
More people think economic conditions are getting better in December 2018 than in January 2018?


Q16 is very badly framed, they present two different options in the description then the options, so obviously most people will choose it is for the Syrian people... (there is an option that Assad is good, but not that he is not good)
More people think economic conditions are getting better in December 2018 than in January 2018?


Q16 is very badly framed, they present two different options in the description then the options, so obviously most people will choose it is for the Syrian people... (there is an option that Assad is good, but not that he is not good)
more come back to expectation.
we have famous proverb in Farsi that say go for death then you will be satisfy with fever.
In last summer and spring, every body spoke about upcoming Famine of goods, I was in the Bazar and see how people buy every goods that they can buy from cloths till long term foods but what happen in winter and autumn, stores didn't go out of goods and foods but people went out of money as result famine of goods didn't happen like what happened in Venezuela.
Also government and organizations as well as people come out of American economic shook, and reorganize themselves. people adopt themselves slowly with new economical situation (for example before they ate three times per week meat but now they eat one time per week). government as well change some of its policy which help to control foreign exchange market for example in last few months the banks debts to central bank reduced that mean they are collecting powerful money out of market.

But again every thing come back to expectation when you have expectation that you will fall class but you pass with 10 you become happy and you think your situation become better.

As I said if Iran can resist one year more the situation slowly continue turn normal every day and economy will find new ways to continue it's grow again.
Do not forget that some thing that do not kill you, it will make you stronger.
But again every thing come back to expectation when you have expectation that you will fall class but you pass with 10 you become happy and you think your situation become better.

As I said if Iran can resist one year more the situation slowly continue turn normal every day and economy will find new ways to continue it's grow again.
Do not forget that some thing that do not kill you, it will make you stronger.
you are right about expectations and adjusting

but i don't think growth is possible, already they are talking about next waivers being for only 600-800k bpd oil exports, and under last sanctions there was recession all the time until 2015 sanctions relief...
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