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Iranian Public Opinion

Pro and anti IR quarrel aside..

At the end of the day the Iranian people are going to look at what the IR has done for them in the past 41 years. What have they done to increase the quality of livelihood and well being of the population ? What are the results?

I criticize both camps..
the Pro IR people : There is no excuse for the current state at all. You can not blame everything on the enemy and try to get away with it. You can not provide a environment that allows corruption,social injustice etc... get your act together and fast ! it will be in the interest of the Iranian nation and our social fabrique allows the path to prosperity through this way and not foreign meddling or bloodshed.

Anti IR people : Why should we believe that what you envisage for the Iranian nation to be the truth? Do we get guarantees that your form of governing does not make us a American or British stooge again? Our beloved leader Mossadegh stood its ground in 1953 and was horribly treated by the monarchists and their allies abroad. Will the current generation of Mossadeghs get the same treatment from you again? How much influence will your American or British allies have in our beloved country ?

Bottom line : Iranians from all walks of life islamists,communists,atheist,nationalists etc need to get in dialogue and make progress as soon as possible especially with the possible re-election of the orange clown in the white house.

What complete nonsense this so-called "survey" is. How can anyone take seriously a study that suggests 80000 Jews live in Iran (0.1% of the population), when the last official census put the figure at less than a tenth of that number (around 7500, to be exact)? One may have to add a couple thousand anoosis / crypto-Jews for a total of 10000 to 12000 or so, and that's about it. And 7.7% i. e. some 6.5 million Zoroastrians...? What a joke.

Anyway, nice debunking by Twitter user Daniel L. Tavana, whose notes are actually of academic quality as opposed to the "survey" they examine. Like most statistical studies on Iran, that "survey" is in fact a sorry propaganda effort disguised as research work and forms part of the vast psy-ops operation conducted by hostile foreign powers against Iran.

Remember that in social engineering, one of the main techniques employed consists in presenting one's desired goal and outcome as the already prevailing, actual, current state of affairs. On the psychological level, this type of statistical manipulation has the effect of breaking resistance and of intimidating those holding supposedly "outdated" views recalcitrant towards the social evolution that the engineers seek to impose on targetted populations. The success of such an endeavour is conditioned upon one's degree of control over the mass media.

As an example, this is precisely how the ruling oligarchy brought about the decadence of sexual norms in the west, starting with the US. In the 1950's oligarch Huge Hefner, a publisher of erotic magazines, associated with a dubious scientist whom he chose to bankroll, so that the latter could publish unscientific, biased statistical studies suggesting that the dominant social practice of Americans in the area of sexuality was completely at odds with traditional moral precepts.

These studies severely exaggerated the supposed prevalence of homosexuality, adultery, sollicitation of prostitutes and other such deviations among Americans of that era, yet ended up being taken seriously by US academia owing to their author's (and his financial backer's) connections and clout. The "findings" were then spread to the wider American public through the mass media, equally known to be under strict oligarchic control.

One of the ways in which the figures were deliberately skewed was by focusing surveys on unrepresentative population samples, namely prison inmates... Similarly, only 4% of respondents in this "Gamaan" survey on the attitudes of Iranians towards religion, identify as having voted for Ebrahim Raisi in 2017, whereas in the actual election, no less than 30% cast their vote for Raisi.

Thence, Americans were litterally made to believe their sexual lives were non-traditional when in fact they weren't really so much (at least not to the extent the studies in question claimed them to be - compared to the Muslim world of course, American society was already quite detached from traditional sexual norms, as shown by Sayyid Qutb's recounting of the impression American society in the late 1940's made on him).

This in turn triggered a generalized behavioural transition of the American people towards precisely that model which had falsely been presented as having constituted the norm from the outset. And this development was relentlessly pushed forward to this day, resulting in the catastrophic state of degeneracy witnessed now in America.

Likewise, Iranians are made to believe their compatriots for the most part aren't religious and don't identify as Muslims, when this is almost certainly untrue, the goal here being to provoke Iranians into distancing themselves from their religion.

Not content with morally corrupting Americans, the same US-based oligarchy exported and generalized its project accross the planet (in fact, American society's always served as a laboratory to the oligarchy), with other western countries being far more strongly affected than many societies of the developing world (but the latter are also under attack).
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As proposed by Tavana, look here for a far more credible, realistic and scientifically rigorous survey:

Scroll down and click on "Iran 2020" in the box to the right side of the page to access the relevant publications.

The truth is that Iran remains one of the most religious societies in the world (although the challenges she is facing are the same as all other nations, since the global oligarchy is targetting everyone, no exceptions granted).
With the anger and dissatisfaction rising over the past year, its not going to be death of the lefties. Its going to be the death to the IR bro.

Government & leadership of Iran has got to get its shit together or it will end up like the Pahlavis. History has already proven this, with 86% strongly agreeing about the extreme levels of corruption in Iran

It's all neo liberal policies of Rouhani government ... why we should produce houses why we should plant staple foods inside Iran who needs refineries why we should produce goods inside let market be free ... look what reformists did to Iran ... InshaAllah when these vatan foroosha goorshun ro gom kardan situation will become more organized
the problem is that IRI doesn't care about people opinion and they are justify corruption and even blame people for it ......

IRI already is repeating Sassanid and Safavid mistake and their corruption level in just 39 years is matching corruption level of late Sassanid and Saffavid empires ... Sassanid ruled for more than 400 year and Safavid ruled for more than 200 years

IRI is doing something to Islam in Iran than all of Anti Islam parties in past 1400 years couldn't hope to do ...

Brother it's not about IRI it's about what ppl vote for they voted for concert and nonsense of some celebrities now they complain about these ... don't vote to idiots !
Concerning the Gamaan poll: This poll was conducted via social media (Facebook, Telegramm, etc.), therefore it is so worthless that even all the big opposition channels didn't report about it, except for Iran-International, which is a Saudi channel:

As proposed by Tavana, look here for a far more credible, realistic and scientifically rigorous survey:

I already read their polls in the past, but I didn't post them here, because their methods are strange and therefore some of their results are strange. They don't do telephone polls, they go live directly to the houses of the people, knock on their doors and interview them face to face.....I mean seriously, how would you react if a total stranger directly stands before you, looks you in the eyes and asks you questions?! You would be very cautious with your answers, even here in Germany the people would be cautious.
Of course their polls are far better than the Gamaan stuff, but that is not very difficult.

But there are institutions who do excellent, proven, high-quality polls about Iran, and I already posted them in this thread.
Here is the latest poll on Iranian public opinion. It was made one week after the recent protests in Iran:


http://www.cissm.umd.edu/sites/default/files/CISSM Jan 2018 Iran Results and Trend Tables - FINAL_0.pdf

So i will just quote my post concerning the previous poll:

2021 ----> Death of the lefties!!!
شتر در خواب بیند پنبه دانه گهی لپ لپ خورد گه دانه دانه منتظر باش تا موهات مثل دندونات سفید بشه بعد هم مثل مانوک و ... بری انطرف
First thing you must learn is that Kheer is not a sweet dish in Farsi.
lol... this is practical joke ..happened in gathering with few respectable Iranian friends ... with call for last sweet/dessert serving after dinner.
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