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Iranian noor satellite in action: first images of US Al-Udaid airbase released

I'm sure if noor is what you say it is they would have used that for propaganda purposes long time ago. They like that kind of stuff. Creating a perception of resistance while killing fellow Muslims in Syria for their sectarian agenda..
News websites have a tendency to add any stock photo to their news. It has happened many times in the past. One cannot fault members for posting them and then realising later that they were not the actual ones. I can give many examples. However in some causes the photo is authentic. In this particular case, the issue is still cloudy. There is no doubt the IRGC has such intelligence data, but when they will release them fully (if they do) is another matter.
I'm sure if noor is what you say it is they would have used that for propaganda purposes long time ago. They like that kind of stuff. Creating a perception of resistance while killing fellow Muslims in Syria for their sectarian agenda..

It is rather difficult to take you seriously when you end with such a statement.

can you see difference between 2020 and 2018 Maxar pics???????????
its amazing. not even arab members (which we have most issues politically) are this butthurt and desperate. i wonder where the real pain is coming from ?

what is the matter ?
Arab members are less numerous, and we aren't the type generally to be hating on achievements. We recognize Iran is ahead of us significantly.

I guess the Turks they think of you guys as inferior or something compared to them? I don't know.

This image isn't really evidence of anything, most structures on US overseas airbases are make shift. These come up or are taken down as required, so not surprised to see missing hangars in the above images.
Good that u admit that Noor is just a cubesat. Although its 3U, not 6U. So what data intelligence data can deliver?

6U is what it was, these smaller satellites will play a larger role in the future, hence why you see IRGC going after them. Tactical data can be delivered by them.

As for that tweet, not sure why you're posting that constantly. These systems are "tumbling" initially, are they not? Hence why they are stabilised. Frankly that tweet is unbecoming of something of that rank.
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