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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

Stealth? As in indetectable?! Don't look much stealth to me. Just another fluff piece for IRI consumption. Not even the Russians or the Chinese make these kinds of outlandish claims.

Hello Brother . no not indetectable.
Well, the author has meant to show how Iran's submarines have been built in secret
as well as Iran's progress in this regard since the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war until now. Writing the word stealth submarine was wrong.
Hello Brother . no not indetectable.
Well, the author has meant to show how Iran's submarines have been built in secret
as well as Iran's progress in this regard since the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war until now. Writing the word stealth submarine was wrong.
Makes sense.
Stealth? As in indetectable?! Don't look much stealth to me. Just another fluff piece for IRI consumption. Not even the Russians or the Chinese make these kinds of outlandish claims.
you again so angry i see or i think iranian people did somthing bad to you or your family to made you so bad to us every comment you sending only for showing iranian people or products look bad i think you are ugly bad wahabi soudi fat assss who have long Beard like your avatar no problem only go buy assss pai killer or go to fire rescue they do samthing for that burning
you again so angry i see or i think iranian people did somthing bad to you or your family to made you so bad to us every comment you sending only for showing iranian people or products look bad i think you are ugly bad wahabi soudi fat assss who have long Beard like your avatar no problem only go buy assss pai killer or go to fire rescue they do samthing for that burning
Stealth? As in indetectable?! Don't look much stealth to me. Just another fluff piece for IRI consumption. Not even the Russians or the Chinese make these kinds of outlandish claims.
Yes those are stealth because those submarines are quiet and can be used in shallow watters where submarine can be placed on sea bad even with engine turned of...those subs are so small and quiet so it is very hard to detect it....on longer distance impossible..
This what you said "Don't look much stealth to me" just show how much you don't know....what stealth does look like to you?Like stealth planes or ships....well I suppose you plan to detect submarines with radars...I can't bealive what you can find on these military forums
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1) On what do you base that claim on? My research of the Caspian Flotilla in the modern era makes it pretty clear the vessels are NOT meant to serve as a reserve for any other fleet. While they CAN move via the river networks to the Black & Baltic Sea fleets, it's not a simple task and would leave them very exposed in a real time of war scenario. The Caspian Flotilla's primary duty is to defend Russian interests in the Caspian Sea region and to some degree, project power into the ME (via Kalibr LACMs). So you claim has no basis and as such, is pure rubbish.

2) Why do you keep talking about Iranian designed Gatling gun systems? I'm talking about Iran reverse-engineering the AK-630. There is no need to reinvent the wheel of making a Gatling gun system function accurately on a moving naval vessels, since the Soviet engineers did that decades ago! If anything, by reverse-engineering te AK-630, Iran could perfect their own domestic designs. Also, just as a FYI, the kind of stabilization needed for a CIWS is virtually identical to the kind needed in a medium caliber naval cannon...such as Iran's Fajr-27. So once again, this "point" about Iran not being able to manufacture a stabilized Gatling gun based CIWS is completely without basis in reality.

3) Here's what's wrong with your cost theory with "smart rounds": You're trying to have your cake and eat it too. Which I brought up how expensive such rounds are, you claimed that Iran could surely manufacture them much cheaper than existing designs. Guess what? That same logic also applies to the more traditional "dumb rounds" too! So if such a smart round costs the US 10 times what a dumb round would cost and Iran can make the smart round for half the price, odds are they can make the dumb round just as cheaply, maybe even more so! So once again, your point here is also without basis.

Not saying Iran shouldn't pursue such technology, just that keeping the clearly inferior Fath-40 and not investing in a more capable Gatling gun based system which Iran ALREADY HAS ACCESS TO AND HAS FOR 25 YEARS is not a logical argument.
ورود ۴ کشتی غول‌پیکر به ناوگان کشتیرانی طی سال آینده

مدیرعامل کشتیرانی جمهوری اسلامی ایران از الحاق ۴ فروند کشتی غول‌پیکر به ناوگان این شرکت طی سال آینده خبر داد و گفت:‌ با ورود این شناورها رتبه ناوگان ملی کشتیرانی در دنیا به ۱۶ ارتقا می‌یابد.
محمد سعیدی در گفت‌وگو با خبرنگار اقتصادی خبرگزاری تسنیم، اظهار کرد: شناورهای کانتینری جدید که به ناوگان ملی کشتیرانی ملحق شود باعث افزایش 50درصدی ظرفیت کانتینری کشور می‌شود.

وی با بیان این‌که فروردین 97 یک فروند کشتی کانتینری و در مجموع 4 فروند سال آینده تحویل کشتیرانی می‌شود، افزود:‌ با این شناورها، ظرفیت ناوگان کشتیرانی به 150هزار TEU (واحد شمارش کانتینر) افزایش می‌یابد.

وی ادامه داد: با این کار رنکینگ کشتیرانی در دنیا نیز بهتر می‌شود،‌ به‌طوری که از رتبه 20 کنونی به رتبه 16 صعود خواهیم کرد.

مدیرعامل کشتیرانی جمهوری اسلامی ایران در پاسخ به این پرسش که گفته بودید "در یک برنامه 5ساله کشتیرانی تبدیل به 10 شرکت برتر دنیا خواهدشد،" خاطرنشان کرد:‌ با تحویل‌گیری شناورهای جدید در سال آینده به‌دنبال تحقیق همین برنامه هستیم.

وی با ابراز این‌که "امیدواریم با برنامه‌ریزی صورت‌گرفته و آماده شدن شرایط بانکی و فاینانس جزو 10 شرکت برتر دنیا خواهیم شد"، اظهار کرد:‌ برنامه‌ توسعه آینده ناوگان کشتیرانی با اتکا به توان داخلی و خارجی در دستور کار قرار دارد.

With increasing 50% ships container capacity , we need more active navy soon :angel:
this extra 50% will put heavy pressure on our navy .

1) On what do you base that claim on? My research of the Caspian Flotilla in the modern era makes it pretty clear the vessels are NOT meant to serve as a reserve for any other fleet. While they CAN move via the river networks to the Black & Baltic Sea fleets, it's not a simple task and would leave them very exposed in a real time of war scenario. The Caspian Flotilla's primary duty is to defend Russian interests in the Caspian Sea region and to some degree, project power into the ME (via Kalibr LACMs). So you claim has no basis and as such, is pure rubbish.

2) Why do you keep talking about Iranian designed Gatling gun systems? I'm talking about Iran reverse-engineering the AK-630. There is no need to reinvent the wheel of making a Gatling gun system function accurately on a moving naval vessels, since the Soviet engineers did that decades ago! If anything, by reverse-engineering te AK-630, Iran could perfect their own domestic designs. Also, just as a FYI, the kind of stabilization needed for a CIWS is virtually identical to the kind needed in a medium caliber naval cannon...such as Iran's Fajr-27. So once again, this "point" about Iran not being able to manufacture a stabilized Gatling gun based CIWS is completely without basis in reality.

3) Here's what's wrong with your cost theory with "smart rounds": You're trying to have your cake and eat it too. Which I brought up how expensive such rounds are, you claimed that Iran could surely manufacture them much cheaper than existing designs. Guess what? That same logic also applies to the more traditional "dumb rounds" too! So if such a smart round costs the US 10 times what a dumb round would cost and Iran can make the smart round for half the price, odds are they can make the dumb round just as cheaply, maybe even more so! So once again, your point here is also without basis.

Not saying Iran shouldn't pursue such technology, just that keeping the clearly inferior Fath-40 and not investing in a more capable Gatling gun based system which Iran ALREADY HAS ACCESS TO AND HAS FOR 25 YEARS is not a logical argument.

1.Hitting moving targets in another countries Airspace especially in a country like Russia that produces various advanced Air Defense systems is NOT so easy! Hitting Russian ships traveling from the Caspian Sea into the black sea that's travelling over protected Russian Airspace protected by Russian Aircrafts, Various Russian SAM's & protected by various defensive equipment and countermeasures on the ship themselves is practically impossible!

Plus, Russia just as easy as they fired Cruise Missiles at Syria from the Caspian Sea can fire on NATO nations from inside the Caspian sea or via routs that connect the Caspian Sea to the Azrov Sea.... FYI ships twice the size of Iran's Jamaran class pass through those routs on a daily bases!

2.Today NATO poses a far greater threat to Russia militarily than all the Caspian Sea countries combined and the main point is that unlike all the other Caspian Sea countries, Russia Caspian Sea fleet is NOT restricted to the Caspian Sea ONLY and they have the capability to move towards open water via their own territory if they deem it necessary. And that capability is there whether you like it or NOT!

3.Iran's Fajr-27 is NOT a part of this discussion & just because the Fajr-27 has stabilizers doesn't mean every gun or cannon mounted on the Sina class comes with stabilizers!

AK-630 shoots in a straight line and requires a direct hit it fires 10X as many rounds while holding only 3x as many rounds as Iran's 40mm cannon

gtg ttyl

Top 20 International Container Shipping Companies

1. A.P. Moller–Maersk Group
TEU: 3,012,172
HQ: Copenhagen Denamrk
Founded: 1904
Revenue: $40.3 Billion (USD)
Employees: 89,000
A.P. Moller–Maersk Group’s largest operating unit is Maersk Line, the world’s largest overseas cargo and freight carrier. They have 324 offices in 115 countries worldwide and operate 590 container ships.

They estimate they ship $675 billion worth of good each year, almost as much as the GDP of Switzerland. Their Triple-E vessels can hold 18,000 twenty-foot containers and their current fleet has 5 of these vessels in active service.


10. United Arab Shipping Company (UASC)
TEU: 564,117
HQ: Dubai, U.A.E.
Founded: 1976
Revenue: Unknown
Employees: Unknown

Originally founded in Kuwait, the company was originally set-up as joint venture between Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. Today the company is based in the UAE and has 185 offices around the world, covering 240 ports.

While currently only the 10th biggest shipper in the world they are looking to aggressively grow their fleet with 6 18,800 TEU ships (among the biggest in the world) currently on order.

16. Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line)
TEU: 383,658
HQ: Tokyo, Japan
Founded: 1919
Revenue: Unknown
Employees: 676

K Line works with 28 (Domestic Japanese) and 307 (Overseas) affiliated companies. It has 70 container ships in its fleet along with 375 ships for dry bulk services and another 49 vessels in its tanker and energy transportation fleet.

The largest ship in its fleet is the Manchester Bridge which is able to carry 14,000 TEUs. In 2014 the company initiated its “Drive green project” for pursuing conservation of energy and the environment.


Next year our shipping capacity will reach to 150,000 TEU . how the hell they want to take place of rank 16 within 3 years :undecided:
Its funny we also have plans to reach rank 10 too ....:argh::argh:

Four giant new container vessels will join Iran’s shipping fleet next year, bringing the country closer to its target of scraping out a place among the world’s 10 mega shippers.


Satellite imagery by TerraServer (unfortunately not dated) shows Sahand and Shiraz have been moved and can no longer be seen at Bandar Abbas.


Maybe this is an indication that Sahand at least might be nearing operational service (Shiraz didn't seem to be ready when last seen).
Satellite imagery by TerraServer (unfortunately not dated) shows Sahand and Shiraz have been moved and can no longer be seen at Bandar Abbas.

View attachment 446398

Maybe this is an indication that Sahand at least might be nearing operational service (Shiraz didn't seem to be ready when last seen).

Well we can reasonably assume both are being tested as we speak. Although Shiraz is still in progress on construction, they could still be testing new technologies prior to continuing on with further construction.

Testing as we build method.
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