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Prove what I said is wrong .If you can't then please go and look deep inside yourself and try to understand why you posted such comment and think deep about it.

1) Absolutely and total BS and a weak excuse. Based on that logic, why is the Russian Caspian Flotilla armed to the teeth then? What threat do they face in the Caspian Sea?
2) No idea what you're going on about this vessel being "Iranian-built". What do you call the previous 3 Sina-class vessel that have been commissioned over the last decade or so? Also, I never suggested import anything, but that they made smart use of the more modern weapon designs they've had access to for over 25 years (in the specific case of the AK-630).
3) While "smart shells" can make old guns more dangerous, they have proved to be quite an expensive concept so far, whereas the high rate of fire of the AK-630 allows it a greater certainty of the kill. Should also be noted the Russian still make AK-630 derived CIWS to this day, indicating their faith in the design.
4) It's not the navies of Iran's neighbors that is the reason they should spend more on proper defenses; it's their vastly superior air forces + their more capable surface combatants + a growing fleet of anti-submarine assets.

I could go into more detail but the big takeaway is this: singularly, none of the PG navies are likely to succeed in defeating Iran's combined naval forces. However, if they acted as a united front (in this case, a combined Saudi-UAE force), their combined assets could be a very real threat.

1.Because the Russian can not only take ships out of the Caspian sea via rivers that connect the Caspian Sea to the Black sea but prior to the 70s when they built most of that stuff like the Caspian Sea monster Iran was a U.S. ally & enemies with Russia

2.Again I personally would prefer a smart 40mm rapid fire cannon equipped with smart round over the AK-630 on a relatively small unstable ship like the Sina class FAC

As for any Gatling gun type system Iran is working on them but clearly Iranian versions have not advanced enough so they can be placed on a small 200 tone ship with limited stability that constantly rocks back and forth!
where as smart airburst rounds don't need a direct hit!

And the cost of each round only matters if your a country that's constantly at war! or a country incapable of building the rounds yourself but if you can build them yourself yes they are expensive but NOT that expensive

4. Air Superiority of countries whos bases are all within ~400km of Iran mean absolutely nothing! Within that rang Iran can easily afford to go after individual bunkers with precision guided missiles
So yea if countries like UAE, Bahrain & Kuwait become suicidal they can take out 70% of Iran's blue water navy with their Air Force in a matter of hours but then what??? The leadership of those countries will need to live inside bunkers or leave their own country for the rest of their lives!

The Fatteh-110 has been mass produced by Iran for over 15years & Iran has more "known" Missile factories than these countries have Air Force bases combined!
You think Iran is NOT going to take out the Royal families in the UAE & Bahrain if they become foolish enough to even join the Saudi's in a war against Iran? Let alone attack Iran by themselves!

And Saudi Arabia is another mater because they can move their Air Force to bases beyond 1000km where Iran won't be able to go after individual bunkers!

And Iran knows that so Iran will be going after Saudi Oil, Saudi Refineries, Saudi Ports, Power plants, depots & Factories.....

Regardless, due to both Iran & Saudi Arabia's size, geographical location, financial & military capabilities neither country will be able to have a decisive victory over the other they'll strike at some targets and Iran will strike back destroying each others infrastructure with neither side having the capability of totally destroying the other sides ability to strike back

and each country has it's own distinct advantages
Iran has a far more diverse economy where as the Saudi's are almost fully dependent on Oil but they do have more money and international currency available to them!
Iran produces it's own weapons, with greater military man power, far more skilled workers allowing it's PPP to become more relevant where as the Saudi's have to buy everything but at the same time they have access to American Made weapons, have more money and have no problem selling out their own countries reserves.

Saudi's have to pay on average ~$250 Million USD per each F-15 (Airframe, Maintenance, spare parts, weapons, pilot training & gear, Fuel cost, tools,...) where as Iran can build over 250 $1m missiles for the cost of each F-15

Saudi's can take out a greater number of targets within ~300km of Iran's southern coast line where as Iran would have far greater reach into Saudi territory specially against larger targets & facilities

Saudi Capital is within range of Iran's Zolfaghar & Qiam missiles! Where as the Saudi's are allied with the U.S. who can hit targets deeper inside Iranian territory

Wars aren't won and lost as easy as you think on top of the Iran-Iraq war It took the U.S. over a decade of constant yearly missile attacks & bombing + a decade of sanctions + a decade of covert actions before they worked up the courage to invade a country ruled by a small minority (In 2003 Iraq only had ~1.2 Million Sunni Arab men age 16-60 )

When U.S. conducted Millennial Challenge 2002 you think the big super computer U.S. was using refused to accept that the U.S. can take out +70% of Iran's Blue water Navy in a matter of hours? Clearly NOT! The main question was back then and continues to be today "AND THEN WHAT?"
Iran's Military capabilities in 2002 are NOTHING compared to what they are today.
And on top of the answer the U.S. got in it's own simulation, Iran unlike U.S. allies in the Middle East IS NOT a monarchy and with or without Iran's Supreme Leader, President & top 10 most powerful families in Iran, Iran's policies and alliances are NOT going to shift.

Where as if Iran takes out the Pro U.S. Monarchs in Saudi Arabia, UAE & Bahrain the U.S. & Israel will have a whole new set of problems to deal with in those countries that would rank far higher in U.S. priorities than dealing with Iran! Because then there are American made weapons that could potentially end up in the hands of leaderships that aren't so pro American!
And then instead of war with Iran to turn Iran into a pro U.S. proxy state the U.S. would be scrambling across the middle east trying not to lose it's current proxy states!
On many level you are wrong . you say we can destroy Azerbaijan or Turkmenistan with faith . the answer is no we can't . its a high value missile for selected targets . likes it or not bulk of our missiles is zelzal not fateh and that is an unguided artillery rocket .about the army and man power simply if your calculation was correct then tell me how Armenia beat Azerbaijan soundly .
How in every war Israel beat Arab armies .

And 2011 was example . look at history Russia never considered us an ally otherwise no one could pass a resolution against us in unsc in time of khatami or Ahmadinejad.

Oh and the main problem is they never upgraded Bofors they are using the same old design .

You clearly don't know much about either country
Fatteh-110 is a missile mass produced by Iran for over 15 years now and unlike liquid fueled MRBM this is NOT a missile where Iran only build 50 per year of. This is a missile Iran produces at rates as high as 1 per day at a single factory

50 Fatteh-110 Missies will wipe out Azerbaijan's Air Force by taking out 50 of it's most valuable air assets
10 Costal Anti ship Missiles will take out Azerbaijan's Navy if they get within 200km of Iranian territory so they either run or die! (Most likely they will run! And Iran is not going to bother with them unless they get within 200km of Iranian soil)
100 Fatteh-110 will wipe out Azerbaijan's entire infrastructure, command,...
That's all the "major" Oil, Gas, Power plant, telecommunications, command and control, Depots, Ports, Government leadership, Government central banking and financial infrastructure....

And that's only 150 Fatteh-110 and that's just what Iran will use on the 1st day! And 150 precision guided hits on their infrastructure is something that will take them decades to recover from!

In the war between Azerbaijan & Armenia it was Azerbaijan that started the war and they mistakenly miss calculated that Iran's new leadership will back them just because they were the only other Shiite country in the world at the time when in reality Iran backed Armenia!

And your comparing Israel that spends more than half of Azerbaijan's GDP on it's military with a country that spends $1.5 Billion per year on it's entire military most of which goes towards Paychecks, Fuel, Training, maintenance & upkeep
Turkmenistan is no different....
How exactly do you think they can fund their military if Iran drops 100 Fatteh-110 on their infrastructure & takes out 50 of their most valuable Air Assets in the 1st day?

So these countries pose no Military threat to Iran

As for Russia, as with most countries their calculations are based on their own financial gain BUT up to a point!
If the Russians felt like the only way to prevent a U.S. war with Iran that would turn Iran into an American Proxy was to pressure Iran into a Nuclear Deal with the west they would take actions accordingly. And pressuring Iran was a far easier choice than persuading Europeans that were sacrificing their own financial interest over this issue and the reason for that is due to bad diplomacy from Iran! Especially since the Nuclear Program was not something Iran was willing to go to war with!

As for any resolution against Iran's Ballistic Program, well that totally depends on how Iran reacts and the Russians will react to how Iran reacts....
If the Russians feel that any part of Iran's leadership is open to discussion on Iran's Ballistic Missiles then they will push the issue in some kind of deal that would benefit them! But if they realize that Iran would rather go to war now with it's Ballistic Missiles intact then come to any kind of deal then they will also act according to their own self interest! Which means preventing Iran from becoming a U.S. proxy!
You can't expect Russia not to act in it's own self interest!
And to appease the Russian & Chinese Iran needs to show wiliness to buy their fighters or other military equipment if and ONLY if they back Iran on it's Ballistic Missile program

Especially after what the U.S. did to Libya after they gave up their missiles Iran under no conditions can even agree to negotiate over this issue!

1) True but that's NOT been their practice in the post-Soviet era. The vessels currently servicing in the Caspian Flotilla have spent their entire service there and the majority were built since the Soviet Union collapsed, long after the threat of a US-backed Iran had faded.

2) Wrong on every count. The Soviets mounted the AK-630 to numerous vessels in the same size class (and role) as the Sina-class vessels, so clearly they had no problem designing it to operate on a vessel with "limited stability" as you put it. So why, if Iran has had access to a complete AK-630 system (including the fire control system that makes it all work) have they not simply replicated what the Soviet engineers worked out decades ago? The only way your reasoning makes any sense is if we assume Iranian engineers are idiots and incapable of simply reversing a 30+ CIWS system. I would wager that Iran's engineer could easily improve upon the original Soviet fire control system.

So if the AK-630 is well within Iran's ability to reverse-engineer and likely even improve upon, it weighs LESS than the Fath-40 (based on the specs of similar Italian single-barrel concepts & official Iranian specs) and is more compact overall, and has the same kind of range against aerial targets, why still use the Fath-40?

Concerning your smart rounds, here's something to keep in mind: Nearly all CIWS uses fragmentary-types rounds and thus don't need to make direct hits either. This includes the AK-630, which used HE-FRAG type rounds.

The AK-630 is simply a superior system is nearly every way and the possibility of adding smart munitions to the Fath-40 won't erase that deficit.

Concerning the Millennium Challenge: The "Red Forces" playing as Iranian forces were using what they called "future tactics". This meant that they weren't just using what Iran's naval forces had in 2002 but what they believed they WOULD have in ten years time.
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1) True but that's NOT been their practice in the post-Soviet era. The vessels currently servicing in the Caspian Flotilla have spent their entire service there and the majority were built since the Soviet Union collapsed, long after the threat of a US-backed Iran had faded.

2) Wrong on every count. The Soviets mounted the AK-630 to numerous vessels in the same size class (and role) as the Sina-class vessels, so clearly they had no problem designing it to operate on a vessel with "limited stability" as you put it. So why, if Iran has had access to a complete AK-630 system (including the fire control system that makes it all work) have they not simply replicated what the Soviet engineers worked out decades ago? The only way your reasoning makes any sense is if we assume Iranian engineers are idiots and incapable of simply reversing a 30+ CIWS system. I would wager that Iran's engineer could easily improve upon the original Soviet fire control system.

So if the AK-630 is well within Iran's ability to reverse-engineer and likely even improve upon, it weighs LESS than the Fath-40 (based on the specs of similar Italian single-barrel concepts & official Iranian specs) and is more compact overall, and has the same kind of range against aerial targets, why still use the Fath-40?

Concerning your smart rounds, here's something to keep in mind: Nearly all CIWS uses fragmentary-types rounds and thus don't need to make direct hits either. This includes the AK-630, which used HE-FRAG type rounds.

The AK-630 is simply a superior system is nearly every way and the possibility of adding smart munitions to the Fath-40 won't erase that deficit.

Concerning the Millennium Challenge: The "Red Forces" playing as Iranian forces were using what they called "future tactics". This meant that they weren't just using what Iran's naval forces had in 2002 but what they believed they WOULD have in ten years time.

Again Russia's Caspian Sea fleet isn't strictly for the Caspian Sea Russia's main backup for the Black Sea and the Mediterranean is it's Caspian Sea fleet! So the Caspian Sea serves at a good location for them to hid a good size fleet as backup that would not be endangered by any Sub and Russians have the capability to defend their own Airspace to get those ships into open waters

As for the AK-630 for now Iranian Gatling guns don't possess the rate of fire, accuracy & stability required to be put on an unstable vessel

And when you don't have all those combined a 40mm Air burst round is better and since you don't need a direct hit with Airburst rounds it removes the requirement for an advanced gyro stabilizers for a direct hit and with an AK-630 your spending over 10 times the round while the holding only ~ 3 times as many rounds
Airburst can create a protective shield of shrapnel against any incoming missile or small craft so you don't need a direct hit

And it's not about which system is more advanced! It's about which systems is more practical CIWS on ships with the specs of the Sina Class FAC

Well what they believed Iran would have by 2012 in 2002 was vastly underestimated to what Iran actually had by 2012! In terms of UAV's, Sub, Missile, Radars,.....

And U.S. has continued to underestimate Iran over and over again! U.S. weapons annalists at least the ones that study Iran are all absolute Idiots for example Mark Fitzpatrick who is spose to be a missile expert on Iran in post about Iran's missile capabilities didn't even know that the Sejil-2 was a 2 stage missile! How much of a moron do you have to be to comment about Iran's missile program when you don't even know that much?
Michal Elleman another moron at IISS supposedly a top expert on Iran! up to a few years ago was claiming that Iran would need to fire 100 fateh-110 just to hit his office in Dubai from 200km away that's how delusional U.S. weapon annalists are about Iran's current capabilities let alone those morons ability to predict Iran's future capabilities....

You think U.S. weapons experts in 2002 had the capability to predict that Iran would build 21 Gadir Class subs + 1 Nahang class + 1 Fatteh class sub all between 2005-2012?
You think they predicted that Iran would build it's own MALI UAV & armed jet powered UAV's with precision strike capability by 2012?
I think not!
I found in one video clip one iranian ship in construction that looks little different than jamaran and Damavand..is this Sahand ??


Here is good screen shot for comparation
I found in one video clip one iranian ship in construction that looks little different than jamaran and Damavand..is this Sahand ??


Here is good screen shot for comparation
thanks for the photos,
however this is the Shiraz, they had already heard about it in the past on page 59
Guys, we need to talk...

Iranian Navy capable of building 200-meter-long aircraft carriers: Commander

Tasnim – A senior commander at the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces praised the Navy’s self-sufficiency in manufacturing military hardware and said the naval forces are capable of building aircraft carriers with a length of 200 meters.

Speaking at a ceremony to unveil five new books published by the Iranian Navy in Tehran on Sunday, General Abbas Sadahi pointed to the Navy’s capability to construct destroyers and said when Jamaran was built, the enemies claimed that the destroyer cannot carry out missions and Iran is not capable of producing such vessels.

At the time, only a few countries had the technology used in the Jamaran, he said, adding that however, Iran managed to build it.

In case its funding is provided, the Iranian Navy is capable of constructing even aircraft carriers with a length of 200 meters, the commander noted.

Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.
Guys, we need to talk...

Iranian Navy capable of building 200-meter-long aircraft carriers: Commander

Tasnim – A senior commander at the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces praised the Navy’s self-sufficiency in manufacturing military hardware and said the naval forces are capable of building aircraft carriers with a length of 200 meters.

Speaking at a ceremony to unveil five new books published by the Iranian Navy in Tehran on Sunday, General Abbas Sadahi pointed to the Navy’s capability to construct destroyers and said when Jamaran was built, the enemies claimed that the destroyer cannot carry out missions and Iran is not capable of producing such vessels.

At the time, only a few countries had the technology used in the Jamaran, he said, adding that however, Iran managed to build it.

In case its funding is provided, the Iranian Navy is capable of constructing even aircraft carriers with a length of 200 meters, the commander noted.

Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.
How about we make some destroyers first then we can think about cruisers, and then maybe we can think about helicopter carriers, and then after that maybe we can think about thinking about 200 m long aircraft carriers.
How about we make some destroyers first then we can think about cruisers, and then maybe we can think about helicopter carriers, and then after that maybe we can think about thinking about 200 m long aircraft carriers.

At 200 meters long your looking at a Helo carrier not an Actual aircraft carrier with fighter jets! 200 meter is not big enough for that!

Iran's Kharg Class is just over 200 meters long & instead of building just a standard replenishment ship Iran can instead build a Helo carrier capable of housing multiple Helo's + the ability to launch multiple armed UAV's
AND in Iran's case instead of the HELO carrier acting as a troops and equipment transport it should be made to act as a replenishment ship!

And since Iran needs more "LARGE" replenishment ships the best thing to do is to build a Helo carriers instead!

So I would say an 200 meter long carrier will be a great idea & a far better idea than a Nuclear Powered Sub!
At 200 meters long your looking at a Helo carrier not an Actual aircraft carrier with fighter jets! 200 meter is not big enough for that!

Well, there are a ton of SVTOL (Harrier/F-35) carriers around 200 m. And even the Nuclear Powered, CATOBAR Charles de Gaulle carrier is 260 m long.

But as I said, we need to fill out the rest of our surface and submarine fleet.
Well, there are a ton of SVTOL (Harrier/F-35) carriers around 200 m. And even the Nuclear Powered, CATOBAR Charles de Gaulle carrier is 260 m long.

But as I said, we need to fill out the rest of our surface and submarine fleet.
possibly in a medium-long future, you can hope to acquire the result of the new Russian project for a SVTOL aircraft , https://sputniknews.com/military/201712151060040750-new-russian-vtol-aircraft-analysis/, if all goes well, for operating it will certainly pass at least 10 years.
Therefore you have plenty of time to carefully weigh the features of this 200-meter all-deck naval unit, including the dimensions of the assemblies to move the aircraft into the hangar.
Also because in 200 meters there is no place for many aircraft
One quotes a wrong translation and then everybody follows that mistake, as if none of you can read Persian!

Sadahi didn't say 200m long aircraft carriers, he said 200m long warships OR aircraft carrier.
There is no money so there is nothing to discuss.
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