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Yes 2 x Oerlikon 20 mm GAM BO1

Has had them since it was first unveiled in January.

Listen Amir, how long were you going to carry the corpse of Kharg? Iran’s large destroyers and submarines are likely 10+ years away. By then Kharg would have been 50 years old.

Dear god man let the ship Rest In Peace.

Cries in IRIAF

But no, Kharg wouldn't have been retired any time soon. She entered service in 1984 while the Bayandor corvettes are still serving since 1964, nearly 60 years later. For God's sake, they put IRIS Hamzeh back into service, and that was built in 1936 as a royal yacht! Now it carries ASCMs.


And no offense but the OSNIT community when it comes to Iran is a joke. They know basically what Iran says or shows to a large extent.

They missed Makan and it’s bigger brother and they missed Shahid Solemani.

Iran could announce a replacement for Kharg in next 6 months and none of you would be the wiser.

Funny you should mention that because I think the first time we saw the Shahid Soleimani class was from the "OSINT community".

But if you think they're what I rely on, you're mistaken. I get information the way most of us on this forum do - open source, from official sources, articles, or sometimes low-res posters in exhibitions or images taken by the public posted on social media (like with Makran). That's "OSINT", and it doesn't rely on any "community".

Do you know why I say there has been no sign that Iran is working on a domestic design for a replenishment ship? Because there has been NOTHING, NADA about that in any of those information sources I just mentioned. Makran and Shahid Soleimani are poor examples; the former was a conversion of an already existing ship, while the latter was by the IRGC which is generally more secretive.

Compare that to original domestic designs that the IRIN has been working on.

Loghman project - first seen as a model in 2012! And we only just saw the first block of it in 2019. 7 years between knowing about it and seeing the tiniest piece of it!



Fateh submarine... from what I can gather they were talking about in 2013. But it didn't enter service until 2019.

And Negin project (the trimaran) we saw a model of in 2019 but no signs of construction yet.

Some Mowj class ships like Dena have been in construction for almost a decade. Sahand still doesn't have its intended radar suite.

Do you see why I'm concerned about Iran's ability to produce a 30,000+ ton replenishment ship in any reasonable time frame? With not even a prior hint by officials of an intention to design such a ship, let alone any signs of actual design work towards that.
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Has had them since it was first unveiled in January.

Cries in IRIAF

But no, Kharg wouldn't have been retired any time soon. She entered service in 1984 while the Bayandor corvettes are still serving since 1964, nearly 60 years later. For God's sake, they put IRIS Hamzeh back into service, and that was built in 1936 as a royal yacht! Now it carries ASCMs.

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Funny you should mention that because I think the first time we saw the Shahid Soleimani class was from the "OSINT community".

But if you think they're what I rely on, you're mistaken. I get information the way most of us on this forum do - open source, from official sources, articles, or sometimes low-res posters in exhibitions or images taken by the public posted on social media (like with Makran). That's "OSINT", and it doesn't rely on any "community".

Do you know why I say there has been no sign that Iran is working on a domestic design for a replenishment ship? Because there has been NOTHING, NADA about that in any of those information sources I just mentioned. Makran and Shahid Soleimani are poor examples; the former was a conversion of an already existing ship, while the latter was by the IRGC which is generally more secretive.

Compare that to original domestic designs that the IRIN has been working on.

Loghman project - first seen as a model in 2012! And we only just saw the first block of it in 2019. 7 years between knowing about it and seeing the tiniest piece of it!

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View attachment 750652

Fateh submarine... from what I can gather they were talking about in 2013. But it didn't enter service until 2019.

And Negin project (the trimaran) we saw a model of in 2019 but no signs of construction yet.

Some Mowj class ships like Dena have been in construction for almost a decade. Sahand still doesn't have its intended radar suite.

Do you see why I'm concerned about Iran's ability to produce a 30,000+ ton replenishment ship in any reasonable time frame? With not even a prior hint by officials of an intention to design such a ship, let alone any signs of actual design work towards that.
its not about ability to build its all about money .if they have money they build loghmaN IN 1 year NO MONEY NO
its not about ability to build its all about money .if they have money they build loghmaN IN 1 year NO MONEY NO

I agree.

Iran has developed own subs, own aircrafts, own satellite launchers... It's way easier to develop a replenishmet ship like Kharg.
If Iran does not have now other ships like Kharg is not because of Know-how but because of budget.

I think this will be fixed soon, more probably by IRGC (superior in agility, project management, etc) than by IRI Navy.
But if you think they're what I rely on, you're mistaken. I get information the way most of us on this forum do - open source, from official sources, articles, or sometimes low-res posters in exhibitions or images taken by the public posted on social media (like with Makran). That's "OSINT", and it doesn't rely on any "community".

wut. You're OSINT sourced as I said. Stop wiggling around.
U.S. warns Venezuela, Cuba to turn away Iranian ships believed to be carrying arms
Caracas is trying to leverage the situation to gain relief from U.S. sanctions, officials said.

The Biden administration is urging Venezuela and Cuba to turn away two Iranian warships believed to be carrying arms intended for transfer to Caracas, while vowing that the U.S. will take “appropriate measures” to deter what it sees as a “threat” to America’s partners in the Western Hemisphere.
The warnings — some public and some private, according to three people briefed on the situation — come as the vessels have traveled a significant distance across the Atlantic Ocean. A senior Biden administration official said the ships are thought to be carrying weapons to fulfill a deal that Iran and Venezuela made a year ago, noting that it was during the administration of former President Donald Trump.

The official did not specify the types of weapons involved, but last summer there were reports that Venezuela was considering purchasing missiles from Iran, including long-range ones, and aides to Trump repeatedly warned Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro against such a move.

The intelligence community, meanwhile, has evidence that one of the ships, the Makran, is carrying fast-attack boats, likely intended for sale to Venezuela, according to a defense official and another person familiar with the intelligence.
Satellite imagery of the Makran from early May provided by Maxar Technologies showed seven such vessels placed on its deck, but it had been unclear whether those boats were still aboard when the ship began its journey.
“The delivery of such weapons would be a provocative act and understood as a threat to our partners in the Western Hemisphere,” the senior administration official said in a statement to POLITICO. “We would reserve the right to take appropriate measures in coordination with our partners to deter the transit or delivery of such weapons.”
The White House is pressuring Caracas and Havana over diplomatic channels not to allow the vessels to dock in their countries, said two defense officials and a congressional official, all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive negotiations. Biden officials are also proactively reaching out to other governments in the region to ensure they will turn away the ships, the congressional official said.

Meanwhile, Caracas is trying to leverage the situation to gain relief from U.S. sanctions imposed by the Trump administration, according to two additional people familiar with the situation. U.S. intermediaries have communicated to Venezuelan officials that letting the ships dock there would make it less likely that the U.S. would provide the country with sanctions relief. However, Tehran is pushing forward with the journey in the hope of pressuring Caracas to allow the vessels to dock, according to a defense official.
It was not immediately clear if the Biden administration also considered the weapons a threat to the U.S. itself. But if Venezuela agrees to allow the ships to dock and any weapons deal to go through, it would be a show of defiance toward the U.S. by two adversarial countries that have increased their cooperation as both face U.S. sanctions.
The mere completion of a journey across the Atlantic would be a significant step for Iran’s navy, demonstrating the ships’ capabilities and potentially increasing Tehran’s access to the Western Hemisphere.
The senior Biden official repeatedly pointed to events in the Trump era as a source for today’s troubles. Trump withdrew U.S. recognition of Maduro as Venezuela’s president, arguing he basically stole an election, then heaped sanctions on Caracas. Trump also withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear deal and reimposed economic sanctions on Tehran.

“The sale of the Iranian weapons happened one year ago under the previous [U.S.] administration and like many situations related to Iran under the previous administration — including the breakout of Iran’s nuclear program following the Trump administration’s reckless withdrawal from the [Iran nuclear deal] — we are working to resolve it through diplomacy,” the official said. “But to be clear, Iran sold weapons to Venezuela over a year ago, which we believe was to test the Trump administration’s maximum pressure posture.”
Elliott Abrams, the Trump administration’s special envoy for Iran and Venezuela, dismissed the senior Biden administration official’s comment as “petty, political, and far more interested in blaming predecessors than in protecting U.S .national security.”
“We all hope diplomacy works,” he added. “If it does not, this administration should get ready to act — not ready to blame more and more people for their inaction.”
Representatives for the State Department and Pentagon did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
U.S. officials have been monitoring the ships’ progress over the past two weeks from the Persian Gulf, down the east coast of Africa, around the Cape of Good Hope, and now heading northwest across the Atlantic. The Makran, a former oil tanker converted to a forward staging base, is accompanied by the Sahand, Iran’s newest frigate.
As of Wednesday morning, the ships had completed more than half the journey from Iran to Venezuela, and were steaming slowly northwest more than 1,000 miles from Cape Town, South Africa, according to the second defense official, who was briefed on their position. This is the first time the Iranian navy has rounded the cape or gotten this far across the Atlantic.

Lawmakers receiving regular briefings on the matter have been publicly pressuring the Biden administration to work to deter the ships.
“This does not look like an oil or fuel cargo delivery,” Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chair Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) wrote on Twitter. “This has all the markings of delivery on [sic] an arms sale (such as fast attack boats) to Venezuela coupled with the opportunity to project a message of strength to the Biden administration.”
Some lawmakers, though, are skeptical that the back-channeling will work.
“I think you should always try a diplomatic effort. But let’s be realistic,” Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said in a brief interview. “The Maduro regime and the Castro regime — they don’t work with us. They don’t respect their citizens. They don’t respect our government.”
Farzin Nadimi of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, who focuses on Iran’s naval strategy and defense industries, said his greatest concern regarding the possible delivery of fast attack boats to Venezuela would involve training.
“If Iran helps Venezuela develop tactics similar to those practiced by the [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] in the Persian Gulf region, that could have in my view serious repercussions in the future,” he said.

Iranian fast attack boats recently swarmed U.S. Coast Guard cutters in the Persian Gulf, POLITICO reported. And in 2016, IRGC fast boats seized a U.S. Navy boat in the Gulf, creating an embarrassment for the American military.
Kirsten Fontenrose, an Atlantic Council fellow and former National Security Council official during the Trump administration who focused on the Middle East, said the expiration of the UN arms embargo on Iran means this move could be followed by more exports of military equipment.
“The threat is the precedent it sets, because the UN arms embargo is no longer on Iran and they’re free to import and export,” she said. “This could be the first of many transfers we see. It allows Iran to proliferate their model of what I call zero to hero, where they arm failing governments or proxy groups and make them larger than they’re capable of being on their own, and they create these affiliates around the world that are able to threaten American interests.”
Fontenrose added that America’s transatlantic allies are unlikely to become particularly involved in U.S. efforts to manage the growing challenge.
“We’ll have to deal with this on our own,” she said.
is it normal for the waves to be that big? i am feeling sick just looking at sahand. how can they stand such movements?

P.s. now i see why there is a word: blue water navy

Actually thats on a good day. Its more rougher and crazier than that.
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