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Iranian hashish smuggling gang busted; 1 killed

you're right, in Britain it's also legal, all countries in europe consider it illegal. I think maybe they found a hard version of it in Netherlands, because even some cannabis have a high dose of THC.

Heroin, crack, Ice/crystal meth, the horrible crocodile of Russia, and some other of these kind of chemical and concentrated drugs are really dangerous. Governments should allow soft drugs to be used (qat brach with low cathine and cathinone, cannabis/hash with low THC), to make them compete with hard drugs. If there is no legal drugs, and some stupid person who wants to "try something new" and he meets a street dealer, big chance that he will buy hard drugs.

Khat has a history that date back to 10.000 years. If it was a hard drug that made people die like flies it would not be practiced at all.

I have tried it once and I did not feel anything. You chew some green plants. Rather harmless. That is the only thing I have tried aside from smoking.

If you asked me or any other sane person whether he wanted to try qat or heroin I bet that 99,9% would say qat without even thinking twice.
In 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified it as a drug of abuse that can produce mild to moderate psychological dependence (less than tobacco or alcohol),[3] although the WHO does not consider khat to be seriously addictive.[2]

The reason why it is not banned in Yemen, Horn of Africa and many other countries is that it is a cultural thing that has existed for a long time in certain areas of Yemen. As a social custom or gathering. It is mostly done in Northern Yemen.
Khat (Catha edulis; "edible kat"[1]) is a flowering plant native to the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Among communities from these areas, khat chewing has a long history as a social custom dating back thousands of years.[2]

But I would put restriction on it since some people are obviously not able to control it and chew it for hours every single day.

The hard drugs you mentioned such as heroin and that crocodile thing in Russia that I once saw a documentary about in VICE is something completely different.


I can't stand needles so I was barely able to watch that documentary.
Khat has a history that date back to 10.000 years. If it was a hard drug that made people die like flies it would not be practiced at all.

I have tried it once and I did not feel anything. You chew some green plants. Rather harmless. That is the only thing I have tried aside from smoking.

If you asked me or any other sane person whether he wanted to try qat or heroin I bet that 99,9% would say qat without even thinking twice.

The reason why it is not banned in Yemen, Horn of Africa and many other countries is that it is a cultural thing that has existed for a long time in certain areas of Yemen. As a social custom or gathering. It is mostly done in Northern Yemen.

But I would put restriction on it since some people are obviously not able to control it and chew it for hours every single day.

The hard drugs you mentioned such as heroin and that crocodile thing in Russia that I once saw a documentary about in VICE is something completely different.


I can't stand needles so I was barely able to watch that documentary.

Yes, it's culturally accepted in Yemen, and used there for thousands of years. I consider soft drugs as competitors for hard drugs, and god given plants that should not be abused!! when not respecting the nature and natural medicines, you will be harmed, whatever it is.

It is estimated that up to 90% of adult males chew khat three to four hours daily in Yemen. The number for females may be as high as 50% or even higher as young women take up the habit; a recent study for the World Bank estimated that 73% of women in Yemen chew the khat leaf more or less frequently. Meanwhile, a staggering 15–20% of children under the age of 12 are also daily consumers.

“Khat chewers experience euphoria followed by depression, while people who are genetically predisposed are extremely vulnerable to psychosis,”

Khat can also affect sleep, leading to rebound effects such as late awakening, decreased productivity and day-time sleepiness.

The effect of khat on the cardiovascular system is rather less dramatic, but increased heart rate and blood pressure are common side-effects, making khat very harmful for hypertensive patients. Meanwhile, according to a recent study, khat chewing during pregnancy results in lower birth-weights. Khat is also known to be excreted in breast milk, but no studies have been done so far on how this affects nursing babies.

He cites other khat-related problems, notably the lengths to which people go to support their habit. “People are willing to do anything,” he says. “They will lose their dignity and take bribes to afford the cost of khat. Meanwhile some families deprive their children of basic food needs such as meat and fruits to be able to buy khat.” Up to 50% of household income is thought to be allocated to the daily khat requirement of the head of the household.

WHO | Khat chewing in Yemen: turning over a new leaf
Yes I saw this crocodile thing on VICE also, it's terrible. I'm sure these gangs are experimenting with all kind of weird chemical substances to create new drugs that destroy the body completely. Opium looks like coffee when comparing to these new ones such as crocodile.

About this qat thing, it has bad effect on society and economy also. While culturally accepted, i didnt expect such high rates of use of this plant in Yemen.
For example, opium (natural plant, but hard drugs) is culturally accepted for thousands of years in Afghanistan and mostly eastern Iran. But the abuse rate in Iran is 2,8% and in Afghanistan 1,5%
Oh, the Dutch should really do something about all those young drug sellers around the center and around Red Light District (mainly Berbers from Morocco) who are approaching people and generally being an annoyance to tourists.

When I lived in France (Paris) I went to Amsterdam with my high school class to visit dams, dikes etc. as part of a project we were assigned in our geography class.

I hear that the Berbers have a terrible reputation in the Netherlands mainly for that reason at least that is what people from various backgrounds on this forum (Arab, Turk, Pakistani etc.) have told.

Anyway Iran should really have a zero tolerance policy for hard drugs such as heroin since it is a huge problem in Iran. At the same level as Afghanistan and more widespread than anywhere else in the world.

Heroin is seriously a horrible drug. Every expert would tell that.

Hang them with cranes or better behead them since it is cheaper and more "gory" for the masses to learn the lesson.

The Afghans should do the exact same thing.

Of course there are underlying problems such as poverty, farmers that cultivate opium etc. but that should obviously also be tackled at the same time. Give them alternatives to export.
I can't think of another people (with the exceptions of gypsies) with such bad reputation in Europe as Arabs. Its unfortunate that al-Hasani, a desert wanderer himself, isn't able to read Dutch forums and blogs, to get himself familiar with the image of Arabs in Europe. Let alone the image of the religion the Arabs created and spread.
Says a a Central Asian Nomad and a half Kurd (stateless people and famous for their backwardness and criminality in Europe).

Lol, at the Arab accusing others of being nomads, while only recently his people left their bedouin tents. And Iranian Kurds aren't comparable to Kurds from other states. Iranian Kurds integrate well in Europe and in Iran.

I am sorry to burst your bubble but the only Arab group that is living in the Netherlands are Iraqi Arabs and they have a good reputation.

I know quite some Iraqi Arabs here in Holland. Most of them are thief's, low class, sexual frustrated, etc.

Islam has a very good reputation and a ancient presence in Europe and the fastest growing religion.

Yeah, sure. Ask the Dutch or any other people in Europe. Or should I quote all those surveys on this subject conducted on Europeans?




Now what!? Drug trafficking to the Kingdom lead to death sentence :woot:

They should have shot them all dead.

Really? You think that's fair? In most countries , the punishment for murder / rape is about 15-20 years in prison with a chance of Parole after 13-14 years. Is drug smuggling worse than murder and rape according to you? This shows the world is a ****ed up place. Not just Saudi , I'm not prejudiced , even the west. Several cases in the west where murderers got out of jail after 10-15 years and some poor drug smuggler was given the same punishment for carrying a Kg of Cocaine. By giving drug smugglers such harsh punishments , you are only harming the ones at the bottom of the pyramid , the Big fish still stay safe and continue to smuggle. Not that drugs are a bad thing though , some drugs like Hashish are just excellent. Legalize \m/
I there any place I can go and legally try tiny amount of each drug ... just to have an informed opinion on the debate.. somehow my views on drugs seem quite superficial to me. :smokin:

I dont like sight of needle though..
Lol, at the Arab accusing others of being nomads, while only recently his people left their bedouin tents. And Iranian Kurds aren't comparable to Kurds from other states. Iranian Kurds integrate well in Europe and in Iran.

I know quite some Iraqi Arabs here in Holland. Most of them are thief's, low class, sexual frustrated, etc.

Yeah, sure. Ask the Dutch or any other people in Europe. Or should I quote all those surveys on this subject conducted on Europeans?

You are trying to argue with an empty vessel. One only needs a few minutes on google to know how Arabs are perceived in Europe. They are easily the most hated group involved in rape , communal hatred among other things. The situation in Sweden especially is seriously alarming. This erstwhile beautiful country (before the arabs came) has the largest per capita rapes in the world , and 98% of them are attributed to Arabs. The situation in Germany and Britain is the most alarming though. Several mosques were caught teaching Arab kids how to hate other religions and how it's fair to rape the women of other religions. But thankfully ,most of these countries have slowly come to their senses and started deporting these Arabs back to the desert and cut down immigration from Arab countries. There is a reason why there are almost negligible number of arab scientists ,doctors, professors and Engineers. They just don't have the brains to do that stuff and are lazy. In fact, I read a news report that a mosque in Germany was teaching the worshipers to stop going to work ( so as to not contribute to the infidels' economy) and take as much unemployment benefits from the government as they could :lol:. They are just mentally sick people that can't survive in a modern society.

But don't ruin the thread. Let them celebrate the fact that they have captured someone who smuggled a drug that is in all essence , less harmful than a cup of coffee (Hashish)
You are trying to argue with an empty vessel. One only needs a few minutes on google to know how Arabs are perceived in Europe. They are easily the most hated group involved in rape , communal hatred among other things. The situation in Sweden especially is seriously alarming. This erstwhile beautiful country (before the arabs came) has the largest per capita rapes in the world , and 98% of them are attributed to Arabs. The situation in Germany and Britain is the most alarming though. Several mosques were caught teaching Arab kids how to hate other religions and how it's fair to rape the women of other religions. But thankfully ,most of these countries have slowly come to their senses and started deporting these Arabs back to the desert and cut down immigration from Arab countries. There is a reason why there are almost negligible number of arab scientists ,doctors, professors and Engineers. They just don't have the brains to do that stuff and are lazy. In fact, I read a news report that a mosque in Germany was teaching the worshipers to stop going to work ( so as to not contribute to the infidels' economy) and take as much unemployment benefits from the government as they could :lol:. They are just mentally sick people that can't survive in a modern society.

But don't ruin the thread. Let them celebrate the fact that they have captured someone who smuggled a drug that is in all essence , less harmful than a cup of coffee (Hashish)

not sure about europe, but arabs are not really treated negatively in uk. Its mostly blacks and south asians.
not sure about europe, but arabs are not really treated negatively in uk. Its mostly blacks and south asians.

Can they identify Arabs....I mean South Asians are confused as Arabs in the US....An Italian guy was killed because he was confused for an Arab...Sikh temple had a shootout....A Bangladeshi guy was shot in the face because he was confused as an Arab....Except no one actually attacked Arabs in the US!
I there any place I can go and legally try tiny amount of each drug ... just to have an informed opinion on the debate.. somehow my views on drugs seem quite superficial to me. :smokin:

I dont like sight of needle though..

If I ever visit Morocco I will bring this Mazoon for you....I am dying to try this.

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Can they identify Arabs....I mean South Asians are confused as Arabs in the US....An Italian guy was killed because he was confused for an Arab...Sikh temple had a shootout....A Bangladeshi guy was shot in the face because he was confused as an Arab....Except no one actually attacked Arabs in the US!

dont want to offend anybody here, but UK is different from USA... people know their racial sh*t, even racists are well informed here ... :lol:
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